blast you cursed oppressive HVAC of a most old and quaint house, - TopicsExpress


blast you cursed oppressive HVAC of a most old and quaint house, ole house that stands out with orange red paint with a purple door, a purple door with a vintage door knocker of two young lovers kissing blissfully despite the loud and obnoxious HVAC, curse you loose windows with seams that billow out heat that the cursed oppressively loud and obnoxious HVAC so dutifully pumps sounding like a jet airplane through handiman pipes probably too short and too thin to heat like a quietly sleeping breathing dragon under these quaint, old, dark hardwood floors that could tell many stories from over almost a 100 years ago what beautiful richness this floor. certainly i can ignore the random quarter inch holes throughout the house filled with yellow handiman can of foam where i imagine curling pipes of oil radiator heaters pinged and popped before the modern age of oppressively loud HVAC it strikes my fancy to be able to see the ground underneath in certain parts of the house through razor thin cracks when the sun shines just right through the red brick diamond pattern vents of the foundation. ah ha! cold ass floors! thats why when we viewed this quaint ole house, it was staged with quaint rugs throughout. the HVAC is on again from just minutes ago, although now it is throttled down at cruising altitude... wait. there it goes, the jet engine pshooshes and throttles to Top Gun speed. soon the firefight will be over, and Maverick the HVAC will shut off with a loud electrical clack, as if Dr Frankenstein threw the switch on or off on his massive machine drawing a citys worth of power - Ka-Chen CLICK Pshoooooosh! Silence. for how long? probably 7 minutes. like Guantanamo Bay musical torture, you can never predict when like Brittany Spears songs the siren song will start again, that cursed oppressive HVAC
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 07:12:16 +0000

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