blew last year. i never knew. added it into the album just now. - TopicsExpress


blew last year. i never knew. added it into the album just now. plenty more i havent heard of im sure but mylist is crazy long now. long for a reason and not due to fracking or geologic natural phenomenon. too many Scriptures there are referring to volcanoes on the day of Armageddon for it to be anything else but Yehowah God preparing them, warming them up for the great and fear-inspiring day of Yehowah. a global ash cloud may seem like a environmentally detrimental thing, blocking out the sun, moon, stars as Matthew 24:29 relates. but, Yehowah created all things. consider His power to create a star that is billions of time larger than the sun. yes, they exist. now consider how the earth is but a mere microscopic speck to Him. if He can drop the waters above the waters to bring the flood against mankind, then restructure the earth to hold it in seas and oceans and freeze a great deal of it at the poles, if he can part the red sea creating a 5 mile wide swath for millions to cross in one night, if Christ can defy gravity and walk on water an transform water to wine, then God can suspend the ash without it ever falling, not making unnecessary immense messes for the earthly righteous survivors to clean up. He can direct it to fall into areas that need soil like the deserts, or purifying/burying pollution we could never clean like the horrific tar sands in canada and seeding them over. He can do whatever He wants, break His own laws of physics to accomplish His purposes. the ash cloud can cover the globe, making His presence known to all deniers on the day of Armageddon before He destroys them and a few days later, even a day later the sky will be clear and there will be no ash on the ground but where He directed it to fall just like He split the sea and froze it making ice dams. He can do whatever he wants. He is the Creator of all things. as He can make atoms out of nothingness to fashion things, He can surely manipulate them in ways that defy human logic.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 21:06:13 +0000

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