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blog-logo The Case Against Amitabh Bachaan – Facilitator Of Genocide 21 Archive, Featured, Religion August 10, 2012 A+ A- Share on email Email Share on print Print Amitabh Bachan - The Learned Scholar Amitabh Bachan – The Learned Scholar From: kaurkhalsaraj.wordpress/2010/01/07/sikhs-warned-of-a-amitabh-bachan%E2%80%99s-dark-side/ Source : kaurkhalsaraj.wordpress and Note: Amitabh Bachaan has been propelled by the Hindutva media as the foremost male superstar in India. The Indian Bollywood star has shown his true colors, his Sikh fans should be aware of his involvement during the anti-Sikh riots in November 1984, when 20,000 (according to the BBC) were murdered: Incitement To Genocide Charges against Amitabh Bachchan – Bollywood Star are : • During “84′ Sikh Genocide”, Amitabh Bachchan was shown on television inciting people to kill Sikhs after the assassination of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. • He said, “Sikhs had not only assassinated Indira Gandhi, they had killed the mother of the nation.” • He raised the slogan ‘Khoon ke chheente Indira ko marne walon ke gharon tak pahunchne chahiye (The bloodstains must reach the houses of those who killed Indira)’ The Family Lineage Of Amitabh Bachan The known family lineage of the infamous Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachan is as below: Sir Khem Singh Bedi (1832-1904), had 2 sons Kartar Singh Bedi and Gurbaksh Singh Bedi. Gurbaksh Singh `s grandaughter was Teji Bedi and her son is Amitabh Bachan. Before all the Sikhs get too excited, there is a very dark side to this family. Sir Khem Singh Bedi claimed to a decendant of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and thus to be the 15th Sikh Guru. He was a tout of the British and had been bribed by them to undermine the Gurdwara Sudar Lehar and Singh Sabbha Movement. The Arya Samaj also used him to strengthen the Bipren Ki Reet in the Gurdwaras and thus to Hinduize Sikhi .He used to openly preach that Sikhs were Hindus. He claimed that the Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the fifth veda of the Hindus which provides the essence of Purans and Upanishads.In fact the RSS and Sanatani influences in the various Dehras owe their origins to KEMU RAM as Sikhs used to call him with distain. He was immensely disliked by the Khalsa Panth, but on the back of the finances from the Arya Samaj, he set up a Sodak Committee in 1897 of his hand picked people ,to consolidate 32 wildly different versions of the Bachitar Natak which had been introduced into Panjab from Bengal via the Nirmalas between 1875 and 1900. he was largely unsuccessful in this Endeavour but was successful in introducing very many Hindu texts and traditions into various dehras .He died a very distraught man from painful illness.His palace built from ill gotten gains now lies in ruins near Rawalpindi in Pakistan.A fitting leagacy to the evil that he represented. His son Kartar Singh Bedi was a staunch supporter of the Mahant Narian Das who murdered 130 Sikhs at Nankana Sahib in 1921. His other son Gurbaksh Singh Bedi was notoriously anti panthic maryada and used to go on Hindu stages to declare that Sikhs are Hindus. His wish came true when his grandaughter married a Hindu Bhaia from UP and converted to Hinduism. She brought up her son Amitabh Bachan to be a Sikh hating Hindu fanatic.She herself died from a long painful illness at the age of 93 yrs. Sir Khem Singh Bedi`s great grandson Amitabh Bachan stood alongside Rajiv Gandhi in June 1984 to applaud the destruction of Sri Akal Takat Sahib to flush out `terrorists`,and later in Oct 1984 to `teach the bastards a lesson`.To date he has never condemned the genocide of the Sikhs on the streets of Delhi and other Indian towns. We shouldn`t really be surprised though should we- he is simply carrying on with his forefathers tradition of trying to destroy the distinctively sovereign Khalsa who is pure-ie free from Bipren Ki Reet. The Supercop K.P.S. Gill Now Amitabh Bachan has decided to star in a film as KPS Gill, the Butcher of Panjab who is responsible for the carnage of the Sikhs from the mid 1980`s to early 1995. The film will eulogize K.P.S. GILL as a super cop, a hero who smashed the Sikh independence movement. Earlier he was also due to star in another anti Sikh film Mission |Kashmir but due to his commitments to another film Mohabbatein he was unable to do so. Podcast On The Amitabh Bachchan Involvement In The Genocide Of The Sikhs This is lawyer, Gurpatwant Pannu’s lecture via podacast on sikhsiyasat on Amitabh Bachchan’s involvement in the genocide. Please click on the link: sikhsiyasat/2011/11/29/radio-talk-with-gurpatwant-singh-pannu-on-sikh-genocide-1984/#menu The video: The Truth About Amitabh Bachchan: “I watched Amitabh Bachchan raising his arm and shouting the slogan- khun ka badla khun sae laengae” on DoorDarshan, Jagdish Kaur Amritsar: Bibi Jagdish Kaur, a prime witness in November 1984 carnage, is reported to have said to “Times of India” (TOI) that everyone who had been watching DoorDarshan, India’s Government own TV Channel, saw how filmstar Amitabh Bachchan provoked the violance against the Sikhs. “I wonder why no one in India lodged case against Amitabh Bachchan for provoking killing of Sikhs,” Jagdish Kaur is quoted to have said on Thursday, while talking to TOI. It is notable that following Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s assassination on October 31, 1984 by Bhai Satwant Singh and Bhai Beant Singh, India erupted in genocidal violance against Sikhs. Rajiv Gandhi and Amitabh Bachhan were close friends Reminiscing the terrible sad memories of violance against the Sikhs, Jagdish Kaur said, “I watched live relay on Doordarshan and saw Amitabh Bachchan raising his arm and shouting the slogan, ‘khun ka badla khun sae laengae’ (Blood for blood) two times. “ Jagdish Kaur is further reported to have said that everyone who had been watching Doordarshan was witness to how the bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan provoked the anti- Sikh riots. “I am not concerned that a case has been registered against him in Australia but all I want to know why nobody noticed Amitabh’s provoking statement in India,” Kaur asked. She said that ever since she saw Amitabh spewing venom in full public glare she never watched any of his movies or programmes on TV. “Any mention of him or his work reminds me of his role in the 1984 genocide,” she said. Recently a US-based Sikh human rights group, named Sikhs for Justice, lodged a criminal complaint against Bachchan in Australia for instigating and abetting 1984 anti Sikh riots. Australia’s ‘Criminal Code Act 1995′ states that Australian courts can have jurisdiction over cases involving crimes against humanity irrespective of whether the offense was committed in Australia or not. Jagdish Kaur, then 42, had seen her husband and son being murdered in cold blood by a frenzied mob inside her house in Palam Colony (West Delhi) on November 1st 1984. She also saw her three brothers Narinder Pal Singh, 35, Raghwinder Singh, 28 and Kuldeep Singh ,21, all contractors with MES, burning to death by the mob while they were trying to save themselves. The Statement Of Eye Witness Ajmer Singh Randhawa I am Ajmer Singh Randhawa and i have the honor to expose this superstar on net worldwide. I am an eye witness. i watched Amitabh raising hatred slogans as ‘KHOON KA BADLA KHOON’ in a LIVE shoot on Door Darshan which were aired intermittently to spread violence throughout India against Sikhs. He was the first person to give this hatred call to incite Hindus to spill blood of Sikhs. I am ready to appear and face Amitabh on any public stage or any TV programme or any Court if he sues me. I do not know why the matter of 3HO is mixed uo here, that’s also my website as whitesikhsect-3ho.blogspot/ I have written many blogs on exposing Amitabh and revealing his blackest chapter of his real life in Sikh genocide. One famous blog recently was removed from Blogger by his influence but still there are many worldwide. I filed a PIL in Delhi High Court which was not accepted by a judge Man Mohan Kumar who himself is the son of a perpetrator as i have been informed. See failedattemptonamitabh.blogspot/ Wherever he (Amitabh) visits in world, i chase him and make a call to sikhs in that nation to arrange large scale protests. So where i am wrong? Is it anti national activity to expose a mass murder, chief organizer, perpetrator before general public who is shielded by indian govt which itself was a party in Sikh genocide in 1984. Be Sociable, Share! in Share . digg author-avatar Posted by admin Like to share? General Hari Singh Nalwa Navtej Singh The BodyBuilder Dr. Amarjit Singh : Khalistan Affairs Center : The Ideology Of Sardar Balwant Singh Rajoana Newer Post USMediaCanada: U.S. Federal Summons Issued Against The Chief Minister Of The Punjab – Witness Tampering By Indian Intelligence Agencies Alleged Older Post RajoanaTV: The Story Of Mass Murderer Jagdish Tytler baljender singh December 15, 2011, 21:05 what a lot of rubbish you have written,have you people nothing better to achieve Reply ↓ Ajmer Singh December 18, 2011, 19:05 I,m not defending 3ho , but this website is absolute shite .” poetic warrior” who writes on this website you are a Mongrel. presumptious, self opinionated, confused, a bully , a real bad deal for Sikhs universally. only god knows what your still doing on this earth, when you’re gone only Gursant will miss you. My bad misfortune to have wasted some time on here, in hope. Creep. Reply ↓ admin March 20, 2012, 20:19 he is a forum moderator on a RSS controlled forum Reply ↓ manjeet kaur February 21, 2012, 15:36 just because you support some movie star it doesnt mean that you have to hate whoever is writing the truth about him even though its REAL. here you are calling the writer of this website “self opinionated” but look at what you are writing… keep your ridiculous and pointless opinions to yourself. only a mongrel himself would write something like this, because only the truth is written on this website. PS: if you are a true sikh you wouldnt be writing this and you wouldnt even support bachan. But it looks loke you are not….. Reply ↓ admin February 22, 2012, 00:30 When the comment was made by Ajmer Singh we traced the comment back to a “Sikh” forum where he is a webmaster or forum moderator going under the nom de plume of the name of Maharajah Ranjit Singh’s Empire. We then investigated. A forum member made a comment concerning a article on this web site concerning the Yogi Bhajan Sect. The forum moderator then made the comment “DO NOT GO TO THAT TOXIC WEB SITE”. He then attended on the Sikh Archives website and visited three pages only. On each page that he visited he cut and pasted the comment that he has made. It is worthwhile to note that the three pages were : (i) this page which attacks a Hindu icon. The RSS obviously wants Sikhs to worship a virulent Sikh hater like Amitabh Bachhan, (ii) he next read the article on Phallus and Shiv lingam pooja by the Yogi Bhajan cult – this annoyed him because we attacked the Hindu Religion and lingam pooja by so-called White Sikhs; and the third page was – The International Campaign to Stop The Yogi Bhajan Cult – he obviously was upset because he wants the Yogi Bhajan cult to prosper. Due to the above we can safely conclude that he is actually a Hindu and the forum is either a RSS front site or a Indian Intelligence fronted site. In the latter case, it is clearly harvesting the names of forum members and storing them for future potential use – like blackmailing their families in India or nabbing them if they go to India. Sikhs should understand that a lot of the so-called Sikh forums on the Internet are set up to misguide Sikhs or harvest intelligence. The leadership of the Yogi Bhajan Cult is clearly RSS funded. The forum in question has the acronym SS and is either a RSS funded forum or a RAW intelligence operation. Reply ↓ Ajmer Singh Randhawa August 11, 2012, 12:14 I am Ajmer Singh Randhawa and i have the honor to expose this superstar on net worldwide. I am an eye witness. i watched Amitabh raising hatred slogans as ‘KHOON KA BADLA KHOON’ in a LIVE shoot on Door Darshan which were aired intermittently to spread violence throughout India against Sikhs. He was the first person to give this hatred call to incite Hindus to spill blood of Sikhs. I am ready to appear and face Amitabh on any public stage or any TV programme or any Court if he sues me. I do not know why the matter of 3HO is mixed uo here, that’s also my website as whitesikhsect-3ho.blogspot/ I have written many blogs on exposing Amitabh and revealing his blackest chapter of his real life in Sikh genocide. One famous blog recently was removed from Blogger by his influence but still there are many worldwide. I filed a PIL in Delhi High Court which was not accepted by a judge Man Mohan Kumar who himself is the son of a perpetrator as i have been informed. See failedattemptonamitabh.blogspot/ Wherever he (Amitabh) visits in world, i chase him and make a call to sikhs in that nation to arrange large scale protests. So where i am wrong? Is it anti national activity to expose a mass murder, chief organizer, perpetrator before general public who is shielded by indian govt which itself was a party in Sikh genocide in 1984. Reply ↓ gonnafollowmypirgobindsingh August 25, 2012, 15:11 waoh ur good so ur like a sikh hacker; thts CRAZZAY; exposing tyrants through the wires; tht’s crazy i didnt know cyber khalsa’s existed; well our guru said to excell at everything and accept and respect other faith so y shouldn’t there be cyber khalsa its not like we are gonna go create some anti-muslim sites or anti-hindu; i haven’t come across any of them that were made by sikhs so tht’s good’ tht shows tht we are still deeply connected to true sikhi that shows love to all mankind regardless of faith; ur crazy keep kicking there ass otta the wire s khalsa ji; i aspire to become like u much love to u from canada and to all the beings on this planet Reply ↓ gonnafollowmypirgobindsingh August 25, 2012, 15:21 hey btw can u tell me how u were able to track down ganddu amitabh’s lineage and can u provide me with some evidence; also i would like to know more about his lineage plz email me and thank you Reply ↓ mANN March 8, 2012, 07:17 I havent seen his speech but heard from the witness of 1984 genocide of sikhs in new delhi that Amitabh Bachan did provoke hindu mobs to attack sikhs. He said I wont take honourship in Australia as its a racist country, How dare he called Australians racist. Its an excellent country much better then India. Hindues are fanatic people and were slaves for years. This effected them mentally. Amitabh Bachan should be punished according to the law as he initiated mobs. Reply ↓ Gerard March 23, 2012, 03:06 The hypocrisy is astounding. Sikhs and Indians seem to be treated quite well in Australia and there numbers are growing. Australia isnt perfect but its light years ahead of India and most of Asia when it comes to acceptance and multiculturalism. At least here minorities can not be met with violence and if they are the perptrators meet swift justice. In South Asia Muslims, Sikhs, Tamils, Maoists and Adivasis can be brutalised with impunity. Reply ↓ Human Rights First March 23, 2012, 03:00 I only just found out about his involvement in the Sikh genocide but I am not all the surprised since he is pretty much the poster boy for Sri Lankan war crimes and is engaged in a campaign of disinformation and propoganda to cover up and downplay the atrocities that occured in Sri Lanka This also speaks volumes about the Bollywood industry. Not only does it try to distract people from the corruption, economic inequality and injustice that is rampant in India, but many of its key players endorse genocide. Bollywood goes hand in hand with everything thats wrong with Indian society. Reply ↓ Dharmi fauji March 23, 2012, 05:13 To all Gursikhs brothers/sisters, All these blind slaves can never understand what reality and truth is, they will worship these so called movie stars and make them their role models in life, make temples for them and be ready to kill or get killed for them.I don’t understand why any sensible person needs to make these movie stars their role models in their lives as today’s generation is madly in love with these so called bollywood nautankis. What a shame on this idiot evil they call star of the millenium, it’s the same case as they worship that chasme wala Mothe****** Ghandhi whom the western world made man of peace great mahatma/saint of the world , who is their father of the this terrorist nation called India.This Amitabh Bachan is nothing more then a normal rikshawwala in my eyes. Even a rikshaw wala is better then him, at least his conscience is honest. And Bachan’s soul will never forgive him for his actions. He will pay for his bad deeds here in this lifetime itself. Reply ↓ Ram Chellaram June 19, 2012, 10:29 “Dharmi Fauji ” It is a sacred organization. but the language used doesn’t match the title. India is a free country, any body is free to express their opinion. The issue with A. Bachan is baseless without evidence. Why bringing it up now? How much are you expecting to get ? Reply ↓ Ajmer Singh Randhawa August 11, 2012, 12:15 Just shut up Reply ↓ jatinder pal singh August 5, 2012, 14:35 Did ever saw amitabh in films with his generosity and good human being character,if he is really involved in this scandel then I am not sorry to say that he is the worthless alive human being in this earth .all what he achieved in this world will go in vain,god is there to judge and am 100 percent sure he will be well punished. Reply ↓ Kaur August 11, 2012, 11:38 He gets paid to pretend he’s human. I guess what him and his forefathers couldn’t achieve in real life, he’s enacting in “reel” life. Reply ↓ JJ October 16, 2012, 08:38 Leave Amitabh alone you mother-fukkkers. Go kill the Muslims who beheaded ur gurus. Reply ↓ Ramandeep Singh October 19, 2012, 07:55 Get a life folks! Dont make us Sikhs look like the Taliban. I love Mr Amitabh Bachchan. He is a legend, and a really good human being. Do something productive with your life. The world laughs at us when we behave like children. Reply ↓ Sara October 26, 2012, 13:33 Never knew of him being such an IDIOT…..I hate AMITABH BACHAN. Will never watch his movies ever again and his son (who does not know how to act in the first place). Reply ↓ Gagandeep Singh Tuli December 22, 2012, 12:10 AMITABH BACHAN u r a bastard and i hate you!!!!!! Reply ↓ reshma March 4, 2013, 02:32 Yes, you are right. Amitabh bachchan has done wrong things. He does something and tells something else in public. For every kind act he is showing in public, he is getting paid, publicity. He has to die by himself. Then only India can prosper. I am not a sikh, but the killing is killing be it sikh or not. Not just sikhs have been killed, many many people have been killed. Not just this, many other things are their about Amitabh bachchan family which world does not know and which soon will come out. I was one of greatest fan of Amitabh bachchan. I supported him so much. Now I repent for what I did. Now I know he is not the one who shows himself in the media. No one in his family. Whoever is writing in favor of AB can mail me once they see the change of India after AB. Reply ↓ Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment Sayings Frazier is so ugly that he should donate his face to the US Bureau of Wild Life. - Muhammad Ali, World Boxing Champion CommentsPopularFeed The Sikh Flag In Iran : Ali: Iranians should die with honor because they are gavurs of the hindu faith. Puty poo. Khele meli, puty poo.... 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Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 08:41:36 +0000

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