blog.youtubelearn/global-wealth-inequality/ - TopicsExpress


blog.youtubelearn/global-wealth-inequality/ 看youtube學英文! People are talking a lot about inequality these days, about the fact that the richest one percent have so much more than everybody else. But most of the focus seems to be on the United States, and it strikes me that the same story needs to be told about global inequality, too. So I did some research, and this is what I found from reliable sources like the UN. It turns out that while the US is totally out of whack, things are actually way worse for the planet as a whole. 人們最近談論許多有關不平等的問題,談論最富有的那百分之一擁有的比其他人多出許多這件事實。但大部分的重點似乎是在美國,而這讓我想到也該要告訴大家有關全球不平等的相同故事。所以我做了一些研究,而這是我從像是聯合國的可靠消息來源中發現的東西。結果顯示雖然美國一團紊亂,形勢就全球整體來看實際上還要糟得多了。 Let’s start with this graph: a perfectly even distribution of wealth among all living people, with everyone divided into five equal groups. Now, let’s show how much each group actually has. Shocking, right? Eighty percent of the world’s people barely have any wealth. It’s hard to even see them on the chart. Meanwhile, the richest two percent, they have more wealth than half of the rest of the world. 從這圖表開始:在世所有人之間完整平均的財富分配,每個人都被分配到五個均等的群組之中。現在,來看看每個群組實質上有多少。很驚人,對吧?世界上百分之八十的人幾乎沒有任何財富。甚至很難在圖表上看到他們。同時,最富有的那百分之二,他們擁有超過其餘世界一半的財富。 Let’s look at this chart another way. Let’s take the whole world’s population, all seven billion of us, and reduce it to just a representative, one hundred individuals. Here they are: poorest people on the left, richest people on the right. Now let’s show how the world’s total wealth, roughly two hundred and twenty-three trillion dollars is distributed. The vast majority have practically nothing, nothing with which to educate their children; nothing with which to pay for basic medicines, while the richest one percent, they’ve accumulated forty-three percent of our world’s wealth. The bottom eighty percent, meanwhile, that’s eight out every ten people, have just six percent between them. 來用另一種方式來看這圖表。拿全世界的人口數來說,我們七十億的所有人口,並將其減縮到只是個代表數,一百個人。這是他們:最窮的人在左邊,最富有的人在右邊。現在來看看這世界的所有財富,大約二百二十三兆美金是如何分配的。大多數的人實際上一無所有,沒有錢教育他們的孩子,沒有錢支付基本的醫藥費,然而最富有的那百分之一,他們已累積了我們全球百分之四十三的財富。同時,底端的那百分之八十,那是每十人之中的八個人,他們之中只擁有百分之六的財富。 But even this doesn’t really show how extreme things have become. The richest three hundred people on Earth have the same wealth as the poorest three billion. So the number of people it takes to fill a mid-size commercial aircraft have more wealth than the populations of India, China, the US and Brazil combined. 但連這個都沒有確切顯示出形勢已變得多麼極端。地球上最富有的三百人擁有和最窮的三十億人口一樣多的財富。所以填滿一架中型客機所需的人數,他們擁有的財富比印度、中國、美國及巴西的人口加起來所擁有的還多。 We can also see this difference geographically, with a huge and growing gap between the few rich places versus the majority of the world. For most of history, things were much more equal. Two hundred years ago, rich countries were only three times richer than poor countries. By the end of colonialism in the 1960s, they were thirty-five times richer. Today, they are about eighty times richer. 我們也可從地理的角度看見這差異,在稀少的幾個富有地區對上世界大部分地區,其間有個巨大且不斷擴大的差距。對於大部分歷史而言,形勢平等得多。兩百年前。富國只比窮國富有三倍。在1960年代的殖民主義後期,他們富有三十五倍。今天,他們大約富有八十倍。 Rich countries try to compensate for this by giving aid to poor countries: about a hundred and thirty billion dollars each year. That’s a lot of money, so then why does the wealth gap keep getting bigger? One reason I found is that large corporations are taking more than nine hundred billion dollars out of poor countries each year through a form of tax avoidance called trade mispricing. 富國試著藉由提供窮國協助來補償這個:每年約一千三百億美金。那是很大一筆錢,那為什麼財富差距還持續擴大?我發現的一個原因是大公司透過一種叫做貿易錯價的避稅形式每年從窮國取得超過九千億美金。 On top of this, each year poor countries are paying about six hundred billion dollars in debt service to rich countries, on loans that have already been paid off many times over. And then there’s the money that poor countries lose from trade rules imposed by rich countries to get access to more resources and cheaper labor. Economists from the University of Massachusetts calculate that this costs poor countries about five hundred billion dollars a year. All together, that’s more than two trillion dollars that flows from some of the poorest parts of the world to the richest, every year! 除此之外,窮國每年支付約六千億美金給富國以還本付息,償還那些他們已結清多次的貸款。然後還有窮國因為富國為了要取得更多資源及更便宜的勞工所施加的貿易規則下所流失的金錢。麻州大學的經濟學家計算出這個一年約花費窮國五千億美金。總的來說,有超過兩兆美金從世界上某些最窮的地區流出到最富有的地區,每年都這樣! Rich governments like to say they’re helping poor countries develop, but who’s developing who here? This makes me think that there’s something wrong with the basic rules of the global economy. It can’t be ok that the wealth of our planet is becoming so concentrated in the hands of such a tiny number of people. The only reasonable response, it seems to me, and our only hope, is to change the rules. 富國政府總愛說他們正在幫助窮國發展,但這裡誰在開發誰?這讓我認為全球經濟的基本規則出了些差錯。我們這星球上的財富變得如此集中在這麼一小部分的人手上,這樣是不對的。唯一合理的回應,在我看來,以及我們唯一的希望,是要改變規則。 資料來源:blog.youtubelearn/global-wealth-inequality/
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 11:50:10 +0000

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