blood lust / these are the wonderful Saudis who bore the pilates - TopicsExpress


blood lust / these are the wonderful Saudis who bore the pilates that went into our Trade Center ,,,,yes the Saudis who we protected with our men against Sadaam when their men of fighting age were all at different embassies getting passports out of the country ,,,I was there I swear as a civilian and saw them do this as I was working on a passport for my wife in England ,,,CNN covered none of this of course ,,,So we civilians from other countries took care of their sick as scuds were coming towards my compound,,,and dont forget the fallen piece of the Patriots that exploded made out of iron-steel ,,,,somebody in Ethiopia needs to check on their loved one ,,,and I tell you no Ethiopian Embassy will do shit ,,they are too afraid of the Saudis....a Filipina girl was murdered in Mecca who I communicated with with a tennis ball I threw over to her house with a not in it ,,,the woman of the house murdered her as she visited Mecca as her maid ,,,the driver and the woman killed her...I think just another lust killing ,,these people treat any other like slaves
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 19:00:35 +0000

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