book : lucario and the eon pokemon versus the evil pokemon - TopicsExpress


book : lucario and the eon pokemon versus the evil pokemon zoroark chapter 1 : a new place a new enemy Here is a part of a long story.i hope you enjoy this: One day lucario the famous explorer went to an cave that no one had made to reach the top. After many hours of travelling and fighting,lucario was exhausted . For the first time he thought to give up. But then he saw a light. He knew that it was the end of the cave ,so he rested for a while. When he got out he saw a place that was enclosed by mountains . Only a very small spot at the center of the mountains was opened and that was the key of making that place wonderful.also it was the only place that the light of the sun could get into that mysterious place. He picked up some berries and then he laid down at the grass with his face been hit by the light of the sun. Suddenly a purple light was coming near lucario. As it was getting closer it was getting bigger........... chapter 2 When lucario understood that it wasnt a normal light but an attack ,he couldnt avoid it. That moment he used extreme speed. He managed to avoid the attack. When he looked up on the sky,he saw a shadow moving very fast. He couldnt recognise what kind of pokemon his opponent was . No matter what lucario was thinking,the shadow pokemon didnt stop the attacks.then was the moment that lucario understood that his only choice was the battle. Because the unknown shadow pokemon was really too fast,lucario closed his eyes and started reading the aura. He was able to see that strange pokemon,but he still couldnt recognise him. When the strange pokemon approached lucario,lucario jumped high and then he climbed at that pokemon. He opened his eyes and he saw a blue with white color body. Something like wings that didnt move at the back of his body. And a red triangle at the face of the blue pokemon ..... chapter 3 Lucario had never seen a pokemon like that. While he was watching his shape the unknown pokemon was attacking lucario. Lucario tried to avoid its attacks but the strange pokemon was really fast and it was like he knew every move of lucario.why are you attacking me! lucario was asking again and again. Initially the stranger pokemon wasnt speaking but after some minutes ,he started saying i have to defeat you or else my sis.. will ........... Lucario couldnt understand him ,but he knew that he hadnt any chances to defeat him so he invented a new strategy. Lucario jumped above his opponent and under the suns light.his opponent couldnt do anything so lucario used aura sphere and then cross chop. The stranger pokemon lost his balance and fell down on the ground. Lucario was curious about why he was attacking him and since he knew his moves why did the unknown pokemon was using all the time dragonbreath. The blue pokemon mobilized couldnt do anything else so answered lucarios questions. a pokemon named zoroark sent me to defeat you or else he would kill my sister latias. By the way my name is latios. I used all the time the same move cuz i now that is not very effective on you so i can bring you to zoroark. Zoroark told me go find lucario and defeat him slowly. Dont underestimate him even when he will not have enough power to defeat you. I want to see him half-dead here under my feet. If you dont do what i told you,it will be the last time that you will see your sister. then he taught me every move that you know and i came here so i would defeat you. . These words make lucario worry too much. but then latios told him lets go together and fight that zoroark . lucario agreed and when lucario went ahead latios used psychic. ........ Lucario fell on the ground.............. chapter 4 Chapter title: latios trust lucario and the appearance of an evil gang Latios grabbed lucario and went in a cave.lucario wasnt moving . Latios thought that he was almost dead but then lucario used his ability of reading the aura. He learned everything about latios and what happened. But lucario wasnt the only one . Latios read lucarios mind too. He understood that lucario wasnt dead and that he was acting like a dead pokemon. Then latios threw lucario at a big rock . The rock was destroyed in small spices. what did you do to me? asked latios.lucario was still up. Well i used my ability and now you know what i am thinking and i know what you ate thinking.. Latios was surprised he didnt know that lucario had this ability.that means that all of those pictures that i saw are your feelings . Also you read mine so there is no.reason for me to fight youlatios said. Exac...... lucario said. Latios was wondering why he didnt finish his sentence. That moment he saw 3 pokemon. A charizard, a salamence and a tyranitar. He looked around for lucario , but lucario wasnt there.where is lucario? he asked,but the only answer that he took was an evil laugh from the three pokemon.latios was looking around but lucario wasnt there. Charizard salamence and tyrants started attacking. Latios was already too weak from the battle that he had with lucario.he knew that he couldnt beat them, so he had to find lucario. Then he yelled. lucario were are,you? .............. There was no responds from lucario. The gang of the 3 pokemon was laughing even more now. What i am going to do? Is the battle be my only option? latios was wondering...... Chapter 5: the secret of the gang. Latios wasnt sure if he wanted to battle ,but since the gang was attacking him ,he dont have any choices. So he start attacking. The gang (charizard ,tyranitar and salamence) werent feeling the damage of latios hits. Latios was astonished. The gang was laughing. Latios flew seats and tried to escape. He wasnt hearing the gang anymore. So he thought to start looking for lucario. He had just made a step further, when he was attacked by extremely hot flames . He looked above him and he saw charizard and salamence flying and tyranitar on salamences back . Latios immediately turned away and flew very fast . When he stopped the same thing happened . He was attacked with hot flames. They were again charizards attack. He couldnt believe his eyes . How did they managed to follow him? Latios was trying to find a sensible solution but he didnt manage anything. lucario where are you he was shouting . That moment an image in his mind appeared. It was lucario that was shaking latios. What was that? said latios confused. After that the gang charizard,tyran itar and salamence become one pokemon. !!!!!!!! What the...... latios whispered. The strange pokemon start laughing even more than the gang. do you like us now latios? This form is our fusion. And my name is charranimence. Latios was puzzled . what is happening to me???? I want to wake up. Please let this be just a nightmare. Lucario help me please latios said desperate.all of a sudden he remembered lucario saying that he communicated with him by reading the aura. Latios hoping he will find lucario , closed his eyes and tried to connect with lucario. He could feel that lucario was near , very near. since lucario is that near this is only....... This is only an illusion!!!! Chapter 6: the freedom of latios. After latios had realized that he was in the zoroark illusion , felt happy. But that moment he thought. great I am at an illusion after would have been even more worse. and he started flying happily . But ok now I know that I am inside an illusion , but how am I supposed to get out of here . When latios was thinking how to escape the evil gang disappeared . Latios now was even more worried. now wha.... before he ended the question a huge explosion had happened not very far from his location . He wanted to know what was it but he didnt know if it was a trap. He flew from the other way . With in a rush latios was trying to escape that horrible cave. While he was flying ,all of a sudden, a strong light appeared . No it wasnt a pokemon ,it was an exit from the cave. He felt something. He didnt know if it was good or bad.,so he kept on travelling forward to the exit. When he finally arrived and got out.,he saw for the first time of his life the weather being so vicious. An extremely cold air was coming from the north . An extremely hot air was coming from the south. The trees were moving just like when an earthquake happens. Not far away a volcano was ready to erupt. The strong hail was hitting him and the thunders were making a very loud sound. what the heck is happening here he turn right away to enter the cave but the cave had disappeared . Suddenly a terrible noise made latios to worry even now. It was the volcano that erupted and a huge rock of lava hit by a thunder was approaching latios ............ Chapter 7: reality or illusion? The meteor was approaching latios . Latios tried to escape but that moment a thunder hit him. Latios fell down. The meteor was extremely close. Latios couldnt move. He was looking that meteor while he was thinking he was going to die. Suddenly a mysterious light appeared it was so bright that latios couldnt see anything for a few seconds. Then a huge explosion happened. Latios couldnt here and feel anything. Neither the cold nor the heat. Neither the thunders nor the hail. He couldnt stand up.he could see only a white place . No one was around. He couldnt hear anything. He couldnt shout. am I .....dead?? he was wondering . But something wasnt right. It was just a feeling or..... He felt asleep. When he opened his eyes he saw a shadow near a tree. He woke up and he saw a beautiful forest with a wonderfully view of the sea and a green mountain. The shadow was approaching(where am i, who is this shadow). That moment latios saw a blue-black coloured pokemon. Yes the shadow was lucario. But what happened? latios was even more puzzled now. And lucario started explaining when the meteor was approaching you I used my aura sphere. I couldnt break the meteor into small pieces but I managed to low the damage on you. The hit made you lose your feelings and you were see zoroark used on you his ability and made you see an illusion..........i dont believe it....... Wait what about latias???? Is my sister ok?? Tell me now!! latios ordered lucario. She is still in the zoroarks jail lucario answered his question. these are my last words: only the half of these that I told you are real. I have to go now......lucario disappeared in a mysterious way. what??????? . Then latios saw latias a bit further than him. He flew fast to reach her but a jail appeared in front of her and she went in. Then a blizzard hit that room and it disappeared. LATIAS NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Latios couldnt understand anything. Is this a reality or an illusion????? chapter 8: in the lab while latios was trapped in an illusion,lucario was battling zoroark. zoroark tried to make lucario see an illusion ,but since lucario could control the aura ,zoroarks ability was useless. the two pokemon were battling while the lab was badly damaged by lucarios aura sphere and flame of the burned lab was making lucario and zoroarks battle like the most epic battle ever. zoroarks flamethrower was making it more bigger. that moment zoroark realized that he couldnt beat lucario,so he attacked latios. lucario due to his ability understood what zoroark was going to do and he stopped him. zoroark also read his mind but he didnt do anything. moreover he thought in his mind a colourful flower and he said inside him ,if lucario find this flower,the unillite he can heal latios illusion. that flower was at a place surrounded by the darkness . red ,blue,yellow,green and white made that place to lose its darkness. also there were no sounds. a small map was floating in the sky.on it it was written a road. a place was named lab and one other the secret garden of unillite. when lucario saw that ,graped latios and went away from the lab and zoroark a good pokemon after all and he keeps it inside him or is it a trap? his aim then was to go to the secret garden. wgen zoroark couldnt see lucario and latios anymore started laughing Hahahaha. lucario , you may give latios his freedom from his illusion but you will both lose it. I promise it. Lucario when you arrive at the garden you will face the real power of darkness. muahahahahahaha........ chapter 9: the invisible road lucario ,holding latios on his back,start the long trip. the first place that he needed to go was the invisible road . but the map didnt say were it was . there were only some names. so lucario decided to go at someone who new almost everything,alakazam. he shouted three times alakazam and he appeared by the move teleport. lucario explained everything to alakazam. then alakazam replied lucario . north of the arceus constellation and west of dialgas , when it will be the ultimate dark ,everyday there appears a star that is the brightest of all. if you follow it it will lead you at the invisible road . be careful it appears only for two hours and when you arrive at the invisible road you will not understand it cuz you will become invisible at the other pokemon and people alike. alakazam answered lucarios question and then he disappeared . the invisible road hmmm lucario looked at the sky. giratinas constellation is still far so I have to wait till it appears above this place. that moment he felt like someone was near him. he immediately closed his eyes and started reading the aura. he was correct someone was near but he was like a shadow on the ground. lucario couldnt understand what it was . suddenly that feeling disappeared. he opened his eyes and turned forward to the place that that strange being was standing. there was a letter there. lucario opened it and read it. i am waiting for you . he saw again the sky . now giratinas constellation was almost above his head. the ultimate dark was coming. chapter 10 : the dark holes of the invisible road giratinas constellation was now above lucarios head . the ultimate dark had come . lucario grabbed latios and start running at the direction of the brightest star.( after a while) giratinas constellation has disappeared ,the star has disappeared too. I must have been too late ...... or I am at the invisible road lucario whispered . then he shouts AURA IS WITH ME . he was right he had finally arrived at the invisible road. but the place around him was the same as at the normal world. just walk lucario ,just walk he whispered. after many hours lucario took a rest near a tree. he was enjoying the beauty of the forest and thinking if there is a mystery behind that road that needs to be solved. as he was observing everything around he saw a small dark hole next to him . he graped latios and jumped on the tree. he could here some voices. get ....t . i ... ...s dar.... the voices were saying. the voices disappeared and the dark hole too. lucario was trying to figure what they were saying and if there is a possibility to solve the mystery.then he started travelling again . after some ours he felt once more that someone was watching him. he read the aura. he was write. the same creature that was observing lucario before (chapter9) was once more following him. it was again a shadow on the ground. he used aura sphere but the shadow once more disappeared. that creature left behind the same letter i am waiting for you suddenly the voices appeared again .... ou.. ..... he... ..t i.... .......rai lucario turned to see the hole. that one was enormous. latios was on the road . the hole swallowed him . lucario used extreme speed and entered the hole too..... chapter 11 the foggy forest when lucario and latios entered the dark hole, lucario could hear the same voice as before get out of here it is dark.... the voice disappeared . something was pulling lucario . it wasnt a being ,no lucario couldn’t sense the aura. all of a sudden the bright light of the sun hit lucarios eyes. he grapped latios and started reading the aura, in case someone approaches. he felt something again. it was again that pokemon that was one with the ground . he opened his eyes immediately and ran at the place that the strange pokemon was (meanwhile a deep fog appeared).but when he arrived it was too late. the unknown pokemon had already gone . once more he had left behind the same letter I will be waiting for you ...... WHO ARE YOU??? lucario shouted . he tried to recall the map he had in. his vision but something strange had happened. he could remember that there were many places. lab , invisible road,.... desert of the dark, mysterious lake,mountain of the chaos, foggy forest and unillite garden..... wait that means, that means that the dark hole transported me to the foggy forest..... but why? lucario was wondering. he grapped again latios and went into the forest . there were some hoothoot, stantler and patsirisu. they believed that lucario was an enemy so they eventually attacked him. hoothoot used hipnosis but lucario had picked some berries so he didnt fell asleep. stantler used their ability to make him see illusions but lucarios aura helped him once more. patsirisu used discharge. some of them hit lucario .to avoid them lucario used extremespeed. after about an hour of battling lucario found the exit but something unexpected was awaiting them. chapter 12 the unillite garden and the being of darkness. lucario sat down cuz he was too tired . latios was stil sleeping he could feel that sth is not right at the exit. he started observing the place . he saw a letter you finally arrived.when he fully recovered he went at the exit. the fog left. a flower that had blue with yellow stripes and red stem. LUCARIO: is this.. is this the unillite flower? ????: Indeed LUCARIO: who are you? why are you following me? ????: I am the darkness with life, everyones shadow ,everyones fear and everyones nightmare. I am DARKRAI LUCARIO: (Darkrai ,do I know him. this name sounds familiar. grandpa used to tell me a story about a darkrai, but I was too young to remember it.) DARKRAI: What happend luki, don’t you remember me? LUCARIO: luki? how do you know that name? only my dad called me like that. DARKRAI: *evil laugh* bershek LUCARIO : Answer me . how do you. know me ? DARKRAI: You bershek are just like him LUCARIO: Tell me or else / DARKRAI: Amature .just like your father LUCARIO: Get ready to lose darkrai DARKRAI: *Evil laugh* Did you really forget the reason that you came here? LUCARIO: (The unillite flower . how did I forget it. but how does he know that?) Of course and I didnt. wait latios, i am gonna save you. DARKRAI: You are a fool like your father. I am the guardian of this garden. the illegal guardian LUCARIO: Illegal eh :! . then you are just tring to stop me only for a personal reason and not cuz you are a guardian. when I beat you you will answer me everything. ok darkrai here I come. chapter 13 darkrais trap lucario attacked darkrai, but darkrai was too fast for him. The only sound that was able to be heard was darkrais evil laugh. after many missed attacks lucario stopped. he knew that he couldn’t win him. lucario felt confused . all of the unillite flowers disappeared at the same time. a deep fog appeared. lucario tried use his aura ability,,,,but, but he couldn’t use it. it was the first time of his life that he couldn’t do that. darkrais evil laugh was echoing from everywhere. all of a sudden a huge light approached lucario whispering you have questions that darkrai can solve them. have faith and never feel discouraged. then the light disappeared. close enough darkrai said while he appeared from the ground. lucario with your ability ,your skills and your courage we together can rule the world darkrai continued. NO WAY Lucario shouted. are you sure? a voice deep inside a fog said. you cant be...lucario wondered. yes I am, (the fog disappeared)indeed I am .... latios. Before you ask me anything I will say you something. Darkrai gave me the unillite flower and my illusion was tonne. I followed him ,cuz I know that it will be beautiful to rule the whole world. join us lucario so darkrai will not hurt you latios said nicely. nothing was making noise . (the confusion,my unusable ability,latios forgetting what happened to latias ...... this is... this is all a nightmare) Darkrai , I will follow you lucario replied.Nice choise .Come here now , friend and lets shake our hands . lucario went near darkrai. darkrai gave his hand.... lucario attacked with an aura sphere. he felt confused again. he was right, it was a nightmare. so you chose to follow the peace path and not mine. I am not angry ,but you will be ,when you realize that you will never learn about your father. FAREWELL Lucario. We will meet again Darkrai disappeared. Lucario ran at latios ,he gave him the flower . latios was finally awakened Goodbye latios Now that latios was finally awakened, they could go to the lab and fight zoroark but before they do it ,lucario and latios picked up many unillite flowers. Before they exit the garden a enormous black hole swallowed them . you don’t have to worry this time the mysterious voice once more said and it got lost in the darkness. The darkness disappeared . When they realized what darkrai had done ,it was too late. Darkrai had transferred them to the lab, but zoroark saw them . They didnt have a plan . But latios headed forward latias to get her out of zoroarks trap. Lucario understood what latios was going to do and he attacked zoroark. While lucario and zoroark were battling latios was trying to break the prison but it was worthless. He went immediately at the main computer. There were too many buttons . Lucario I need help he said to lucario. Lucario asked once more for help alakazam. He shouted alakazam three time and then alakazam appeared. I am busy now . Go to latios he will explain you everythinglucario said to alakazam. Latios explained everything to alakazam . Alakazam pressed many buttons and then the jail was gone. Latios finally hugged latias. Leave the hugs for later. I need help here lucario shouted. Zoroark can win the eon pokemon if they are separated but not when they are together. Latios and latias attacked zoroark and then he fell from the tree that the lab was on. Latios finally was with latias. Lucario was looking around for something (unknown) . When the eon pokemon thanked lucario they flew away. But all of a sudden a huge explosion happened while the eon where above it. Lucario used extremespeed to reach them as fast as he could. When he arrived he saw latias crying . Latios had absorbed all the damage to not hurt latias. To make the things worse zoroark appeared with jumping in front of the moon with an evil laugh. So this pathetic pokemon wasnt you after all, but still you seem to care a lot about these two zoroark said . Leave them alone lucario commanded zoroark. But zoroark hit lucario with a flamethrower. Lucario fell down on the ground . Zoroark moved forward latios. if I finished these pathetic pokemon off first your pain will be bigger right? zoroark said. Lucario tried to get up but zoroark was faster he cut latios at his wing and the he used shadow sneak (for the wound not to disappear). Zoroark was ready to get rid off latios when latias absorbed the attack . ok. You first then . Zoroark used a powerful attack on latias but lucario used extremespeed and he hit zoroark. Zoroarks attack missed. you idiot . Whatever you want . I will kill YOU first Zoroark attacked lucario. Then a huge explosion happened . When the mist left they saw a blue light. Lucario was alive, latias was too but no one could see latios. ....No latios, No please come back a tear appeared form lucarios eye . zoroark you will regret this you have done. I promise .Lucario attacked furiously . Latias too. Lucario attacked zoroark on a face to face attack and latias attacked him from behind. Zoroark was finally down..... Final chapter(15) New road for everyone Now that zoroark was finally down, lucarios adventure was ready to end . But what about the eon pokemon. Is latios really gone? Will latias be able to protect herself on her own? These questions couldn’t get out of lucarios mind. That moment officer Scizor arrived. He was there to arrest zoroark. It was the 4th time zoroark was arrested . Yes the 4th . He always escaped from his jail . When the police and zoroark were gone , lucario turn forward latias. She hadnt spoken since latios disappeared. Lucario tried to cheer her up ,but it was pointless. Latias was so sad that couldn’t feel anything else. After some minutes she looked into the sky Lucario I don’t know what adventures you had with latios , but since he sacrificed his life for you, you must have become the only one pokemon that latios had ever trusted . I can say that you were his best friend. Please dont forget what he did for you. For your future , become one even more greater explorer. I believe that this would have been latios wish. We will meet again sometime lucario. Till then farewell latias said to lucario and flew away. Lucario was once more left alone. But this time he made one more new friend. He decided to go to the cave that met latios. When he reached to the top he looked up into the sky. There was something moving but it wasnt visible. No there were two. Lucario read the aura . The strange beings were approaching him. These auras....... . The strange beings were coming too close to was like they wanted to attacks him. Lucario closed his eyes, opened his hands i knew it lucario whispered. The strange beings cut down their speed. They stopped in front of lucario. I am glad that you are alive....... Latios lucario said. Latios and latias appeared. They both hugged lucario and lucario hugged them back. Latios took lucario on his back and flew away. After many hours of having fun , the eon pokemon said good bye to lucario . They flew on the south ..... Good bye my friends. Lucarios adventure was finally ended. True friendships do not have boarders. No matter how far we live from each other, we will always be friends But when a door closes, one other opens. A new adventure is now waiting for Lucario. How did darkrai knew so many info about lucario and his father? who was the voice in the dark holes? Will he meet again the eon pokemon or zoroark? will he continue his explorations? All the answers will be revealed in some other books E. N. D.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:44:22 +0000

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