brazen comment given by akhilesh yadav (c.m. of up)- as a parent - TopicsExpress


brazen comment given by akhilesh yadav (c.m. of up)- as a parent we have every right to beat a child and we beaten her for her mistake.akhilesh yadav is not aware that there are laws against beating a child........ since u have said that ,then please go and beat up ur so called children "ministers" facing criminal charges......... i dont know which century they belong to,they are not serving the country rather they are ruining it.... i request everybody not to give vote to every party which is reluctant to come in to the ambit of RTI.... people of this country are the last hope......challenge the system or be a spineless individual of this spineless system. alok jnu
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 09:19:31 +0000

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