brethren, I dont count myself to have achieved yet, but one thing - TopicsExpress


brethren, I dont count myself to have achieved yet, but one thing I do, I forget those things that are behind (the past) and reaching for those thing that are ahead (future).......Phillipians 3:13. This is a strategy of victory according to Apostle Paul. Firstly, he say ONE THING I do. He doesnt try to do many things at a time. Most people fail not be use they are bound to fail but rather because they try to do many things at the same time, and they become so overwhelmed and give up sometimes even before they start. So Paul says, do one thing at a time. Secondly he says, FORGETTING THE PAST, victory is not where you come from but where you are going. So dont focus on where you come from, dont focus on what you have experienced, somethings that you experience are landmarks to your victory, David says, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..... (Psalm 23:4). You have to pass through somethings to reach a place of victory. David doesnt say though I dwell in the valley........ He say I pass through, so dont dwell there but pass, thats not your destination but a landmark. Let the past be the pass, dont give them your precious time and energy but rather utilise your time and energy on reaching your destination which is victory. Lastly, he says, I reach for THINGS AHEAD, focus on your future, fucus on getting from where you are right now to where you suppose to be, focus on being where God wants you to be, victory is all about being in a place where God wants you to be. So what are you doing right now to be where God wants you to be. Something will not come out of nothing, so if you do nothing, dont expect something to come up. Paul says, I REACH.....e on, it takes an extra effort to reach for things ahead. It takes extra planning. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. The difference between failing and winning is planning. Your victory is on top of the mountain, for you to reach it you should climb to the mountain top. It takes planning to reach the top. Planning will break a mammoth task into simple steps to follow, planning will create steps for you to walk upon to the mountain top. You cant swallow the whole elephant but you can eat the whole elephant, it takes planning to eat the whole elephant. Planning will cut the whole elephant into small pieces that you can handle well and chew them hence enjoying nice, tender and juicy elephant steaks. God gave you this life so that you enjoy every moment of it. So follow through the plan to victory as Apostle Paul outlines it. FORGET THE PAST, REACH FOR THE FUTURE THROUGH YOUR PLANNING. God bless you
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 09:25:27 +0000

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