brothers sisters in the walls of our country i - TopicsExpress


brothers sisters in the walls of our country i know our lord is a forgiveing creator but and please by all means i dont doubt my christ of isreal at all but say okay julia dunn for instance only raped a child and knew it was wrong in her eyes but went back and did it again and again as a human being well you aint human and lets persay only on there death bed or knowing death was comeing anyway and all of the sudden there asking christ for forgiveness the soul is something that drives you the heart lets you feel it the mind never stops growing well unless altercatoins so if the heart dies because you no longer have one and the brain has altered to constint sickness or ways to sickness you cant control or it has lead you to praying upon others dont ask me why um telling you this no clue why jesus is my king i know that and always will dont ask me why um telling u this humans they are either weak or strong in his eyes verytrue what i wanted to say was do you ever notice i find this to be verytrue a man always speaks to a women i noticed this threw my life i not saying i dont talk to brothers and fight with them in beliefs of course i mean something else maybe because i dont find anything attractive about my brothers but other things ya i rather look at a women then howies face or andy for shore its natural i guess sucker for ladies lol now wonder john dillenger got shot to shit lol lol lol wtf sisters poor guy went down a alleyway without knowing what was comeing yikes no judge or jury death without voice not that he didnt deserve it man changed face hands alot of apperence just to try to get back to normel again but he killed so and robbed so that always catches up withya but its true children always go to a women for sum reason i had many great women around me in my life verytrue and greatmen to well most when i look at my brothers i think work fun phisical sports wise dame good freind but other then that no no like there pretty not at all sorry i dont understand the drive to that was it a split in gene or things seen that should have gone unseen or chemicals greater then or a weekness i dont know because i must warn ya sum of these men are not ugly guys so i wonder what compelles it listen the tone i noticed is different i mean being gentle one thing but speaking like a pitch like a women is veryodd once in awhile i will have a drink or a smoke bad habit smokeing sorry but dont race me for a 230 pound guy i can bookass trust me i raced a 16 yr old 100 pounds less like my brother both beat me by 3 ft in a hundred yards dash verytrue okay brothers sisters facts from the gallery the line was going out the door for howie carr i dont mind but thats not christ um seeing but yes howie the generatoins before us built a solid wall and backbone that was built to last forever love thi brother sister before other fight and die with them if you must because rights are becomeing less and less eachday and tech knowledge and other things are being taken from us usa first home of homes to other homes verytrue howie carr a little humor with that i dont think you smoke thats good and i mean tebbacco sir i was going to lite up in place in line your book be quite hit you in head with it lol my smoke i was going to put out on your forehead look know your a dot lol howie i love humor its clean have a ballsy day americans and forward march usa always
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 10:19:11 +0000

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