brānlis RESURRECTION ROLL CALL = ISA-ISAHIN ANG MULING PAGKABUHAY NG MGA brānlis youtube/watch?v=6HIGIaTCEiE Luke 24:26 Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory? Isaiah 53:8 By OPPRESSION and JUDGMENT he was TAKEN AWAY. Yet WHO of HIS GENERATION PROTESTED? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished. BASA [READ] The Urantia Book Paper 105 Deity and Reality EARTHQUAKE PROOF??? Alpha Heavily break the waters Beta extending over the plains. youtube/watch?v=V2taJExhV6g Gamma They cover the land Delta in low places where Epsilon there are obstructions, shores form and whirlpools Zeta strike the earth Eta with water. Theta The water spreads Iota on all that lives and moves. Kappa Sediments give way. James 2:26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. youtube/watch?v=Dl0On8UJPJA biblehub/james/2-26.htm ÆSIR = ALPHA {ASGARD} + OMEGA {OLYMPUS} = ATLANTIS The Urantia Book Paper 8 The Infinite Spirit youtube/watch?v=6HIGIaTCEiE (90.1) 8:0.1 BACK in eternity, when the Universal Father’s “first” infinite and absolute thought finds in the Eternal Son such a perfect and adequate word for its divine expression, there ensues the supreme desire of both the Thought-God and the Word-God for a universal and infinite agent of mutual expression and combined action. Sandalphon (Hebrew: סָנְדַלְפוֹן; Greek: Σανδαλφών) is an archangel in Jewish and Christian writings. Sandalphon figures prominently in the mystical literary traditions of Rabbinic Judaism and early Christianity, notably in the Midrash, Talmud, and Kabbalah. The name Sandalphon is of uncertain derivation. It is possibly derived from the Greek prefix sym-/syn-, meaning together, and adelphos, meaning brother; thus approximately meaning co-brother, since the modern Greek word for co-worker, synadelfos (συνάδελφος), has these roots. This probably refers to Sandalphons relationship to Metatron, though this derivation shows uncertain Semitic influences.[3] Another possibility is it coming from the Greek sandalion, meaning sandal; thus meaning one who wears sandals. (90.4) 8:0.4 In thus reciting the order of the origin of the Deities, I do so merely to enable you to think of their relationship. In reality they are all three existent from eternity; they are existential. They are without beginning or ending of days; they are co-ordinate, supreme, ultimate, absolute, and infinite. They are and always have been and ever shall be. And they are three distinctly individualized but eternally associated persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit [THE HOLY INFINITE SPIRIT = SANDALPHON]. 1. The God of Action (90.5) 8:1.1 In the eternity of the past, upon the personalization of the Infinite Spirit the divine personality cycle becomes perfect and complete. The God of Action is existent, and the vast stage of space is set for the stupendous drama of creation — the universal adventure — the divine panorama of the eternal ages. 2 Peter 2:1 New International Version But there were also false prophets [PROFITS] among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even DENYING the SOVEREIGN LORD who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves. youtube/watch?v=Dl0On8UJPJA JESUS: THE FREE HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE Psalm 82:1 Aramaic Bible in Plain English [ROLL CALL = Kawi ISA-ISA] RESURRECTION ROLL CALL = ISA-ISAHIN ANG MULING PAGKABUHAY God stands in the assembly of the Angels and among the Angels he will judge. brain·less / ˈbrānlis adjective 1. stupid; foolish. a brainless CREATURE synonyms: stupid, foolish, witless, unintelligent, ignorant, idiotic, simpleminded, slow-witted, feebleminded, halfwitted, empty-headed; informaldumb, brain-dead, moronic, cretinous, bubbleheaded, thick, dopey, dozy, birdbrained, pea-brained, dippy, wooden-headed, chowderheaded R THEY completely brainless? NET Bible A psalm of Asaph. God stands in the assembly of El; in the midst of the gods he renders judgment. [MICHAEL, RAPHAEL, GABRIEL, VRIEL, BARAQIEL, SEALTIEL, JEGUDIEL: MGA ANG-EL {Kawi ANGHEL}] God Presides in the Great Assembly Psalm 82:6 I said, You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High. 7 Nevertheless you will die like men And fall like any one of the princes. 8 Arise, O God, judge the earth! For it is You who possesses all the nations. The LORD {MATATRON YHVH = THE FATHER} Gives Dominion to the Creator-Judge-King {THE SON = CHRIST MICHAEL}. Luke 22:22 The Son of Man will go as it has been decreed. But woe to that man who betrays Him! Mark 13:2 Do you see all these great buildings? replied Jesus. Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down. Luke 19:44 They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of Gods coming to you. Seraphic Planetary Government (1250.1) 114:0.1 THE Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men through many celestial forces and agencies but chiefly through the ministry of seraphim. (1250.2) 114:0.2 At noon today the roll call of planetary angels, guardians, and others on Urantia was 501,234,619 pairs of seraphim. There were assigned to my command two hundred seraphic hosts — 597,196,800 pairs of seraphim, or 1,194,393,600 individual angels. The registry, however, shows 1,002,469,238 individuals; it follows therefore that 191,924,362 angels were absent from this world on transport, messenger, and death duty. (On Urantia there are about the same number of cherubim as seraphim, and they are similarly organized.) (1250.3) 114:0.3 Seraphim and their associated cherubim have much to do with the details of the superhuman government of a planet, especially of worlds which have been isolated by rebellion. The angels, ably assisted by the midwayers, function on Urantia as the actual supermaterial ministers who execute the mandates of the resident governor general and all his associates and subordinates. Seraphim as a class are occupied with many assignments other than those of personal and group guardianship. 2 Corinthians 4:14 New International Version because we know that the One who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to Himself. 2 Mga Taga-Corinto 4:14-16 [Kawi] 14 Dahil alam namin na ang ISA na nagbangon sa Panginoong Hesus mula sa kamatayan, ay siya ring magbabangon sa amin sa pamamagitan ni Hesus at ihaharap sa KANYA na kasama ninyo. (96. 8:6.6 In the administration of universes the Father, Son, and Spirit are perfectly and eternally interassociated. Though each is engaged in a personal ministry to all creation, all three are divinely and absolutely interlocked in a service of creation and control which forever makes them one. (97.1) 8:6.7 In the person of the Infinite Spirit the Father and the Son are mutually present, always and in unqualified perfection, for the Spirit is like the Father and like the Son, and also like the Father and the Son as they two are forever one. “Hayah Asher Hayah” = “Hayai Asar Hayai” Atin ang Huling Halakhak| GOOGLE TRANSLATION Bullying Hayai Hayai Ours is the last laugh | KAWI SO BE IT, THEY R BULLY ?, LET IT BE Ours is the last laugh | KAWI SO BE IT, THEY R HATER, LET IT BE Ours is the last laugh | MATTHEW 10;28 youtube/watch?v=rkgunX_Sa_0 (1203.2) 110:0.2 As far as I am conversant with the affairs of a universe, I regard the love and devotion of a Thought Adjuster as the most truly divine affection in all creation. The love of the Sons in their ministry to the races is superb, but the devotion of an Adjuster to the individual is touchingly sublime, divinely Fatherlike. The Paradise Father has apparently reserved this form of personal contact with his individual creatures as an exclusive Creator prerogative. And there is nothing in all the universe of universes exactly comparable to the marvelous ministry of these impersonal entities that so fascinatingly indwell the children of the evolutionary planets. (97.2) 8:6.8 [Presented on Urantia by a Divine Counselor of Uversa commissioned by the Ancients of Days to portray the nature and work of the Infinite Spirit.] youtube/watch?v=4803muDcdOQ
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 05:55:40 +0000

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