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bsd - The Temple Institute To me Today at 3:10 AM The first of the months (Exodus 12:2) Shevat 3, 5775/January 23, 2015 There have been a handful of theories put forth in modern times designed to explain away the miraculous nature of the ten plagues that G-d visited upon Egypt. Seven of the ten plagues are described in last weeks Torah reading of Vaera, and the remaining three plagues, (locusts, darkness and death of the firstborn), all take place in this weeks parashat Bo. The various theories each present their own unique twists and turns, but the essence of each theory is that the ten plagues were nothing more than a string of natural disasters that could happen anywhere and at any time. Indeed, a quick look around today and we see earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis occurring at breathtaking frequency. But what made the ten natural disasters of the Exodus story unique, according to our theorists, was their exquisite timing. Every disaster just happened to happen when Moshe, as commanded by G-d , told Pharaoh that it would happen. Even the singling out by G-d of the children of Israel for protection against the devastating plagues, they explain, was just a natural consequence of topography. In short, a staggering amount of natural disasters which occurred with staggering incidental connection to the exhortations of Moshe and Aharon, led to the illusion that G-d was behind the entire campaign. It can all be explained in natural terms. It is almost as if G-d anticipated this far-fetched but persistent doubt as to His role in the exodus of Israel from Egypt, that, in one amazing, far reaching commandment, He divested Himself, as it were, of responsibility for time: This month shall be to you the head of the months; to you it shall be the first of the months of the year. (Exodus 12:2) The very first commandment received by Israel was to be timekeepers to G-ds creation. In practical terms this means that Israel would be responsible for identifying the new moon each month, but this simple obligation carried with it cosmic implications. In any case, as for those who claim that the ten plagues were nothing more than a series of propitiously timed natural events, how then do they explain the final blow, the death of the firstborn Egyptians, when responsibility for keeping time was already in the hands of the children of Israel? And should one claim that, in spite of the commandment of the new moon, G-d was still fully in charge of dispensing time, then how does one explain that, upon leaving Egypt, They [Israel] baked the dough that they had taken out of Egypt as unleavened cakes, for it had not leavened, for they were driven out of Egypt, and they could not tarry, and also, they had not made provisions for themselves. (ibid 12:39) How human to not allow oneself enough time to complete ones preparations, even for so great an event as leaving the slavery of Egypt! Without a doubt, something has changed. For no sooner has G-d granted Israel responsibility for time than other commandments followed: the preparation of the Pesach offerings, the specific instructions as to who will eat them, at what time, and how they are to be consumed, and many more, all of which can only be fulfilled by a people in control of their own time. The performance of any commandment involves an allocation of time. And with the performance of every commandment Israel declares its freedom from slavery and its mastery of time. Controlling time is a prerequisite for the freedom contained in the gift of Torah received at Sinai. On the first day of the month of Nisan, two full weeks before their bodily exodus from Egypt, Israel gained its freedom when G-d told Israel, This month shall be to you the head of the months; to you it shall be the first of the months of the year. (ibid) But it doesnt end there. Once we have the power to sanctify time by our actions, we need to establish a new dimension of sanctification, that of space. Even G-d had to create time, (in the beginning), before He could create the heavens and the earth. Once G-d gave Israel the ability to sanctify time, leaving Egypt and entering the land of Israel, which He swore to your forefathers to give you, became an existential necessity. The sanctification of time both requires and precipitates the sanctification of space. The exile of the people of Israel from the land of Israel for two thousand years greatly and devastatingly diminished Israels power to sanctify time through the performance of G-ds commandments. More than one third of the 613 commandments contained in Torah are concerned exclusively with the Holy Temple and the land of Israel. They simply cannot be performed when Israel is in exile. But even the remaining commandments which can be fulfilled by Jews anywhere, whether in Paris or Amsterdam, Buenos Aires or New York, are missing the special sanctity of the land of Israel. It is no coincidence that the commandment of the new moon is immediately followed by the commandment of the Pesach offering, the one commandment most associated with the Holy Temple. It would take Israel forty years in the desert to reach the land of Israel and centuries more before the Holy Temple was built in Jerusalem, but G-d had already drawn a direct line between the two first commandments of the new moon (the sanctity of time) and the Pesach offering (the sanctity of place) to be performed in the Holy Temple. Today, back in the land of Israel, the people of Israel have reclaimed so much of our G-d granted independence and freedom. With the reclaiming of the Temple Mount and the rebuilding of the Holy Temple, we shall complete the process and the promise made to us by G-d while still in the land of Egypt. May G-d grant us the strength to do so soon! Temple TalkTune in to this weeks Temple Talk, As Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven welcome the new month of Shevat, calling out to G-d , bucket me up! Revisiting the 10 plagues in light of todays high drama on the stage of humanity, we ask, are you getting this? Was it Bob Dylan who sang, Buckets of Rain, Buckets of Torah? Maybe not. But thats exactly what the new month of Shevat is all about... during this month, the rains of winter ascend in the veins of the trees and bring renewal, climaxing on the holiday of Tu BShvat... and at the same time, the sweet and healing waters of Torah rain upon down us, as Moshe began to review the entire Torah before the Children of Israel beginning on the first day of the month of Shevat. In this weeks edition of Temple Talk, Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman share beautiful insights on the singularity of the month of Shevat, and its potential for personal growth. At the same time, as we read about the last three of the Ten Plagues in this weeks Torah portion of Bo, our hosts transpose the situation in ancient Egyptian onto our contemporary milieu, and ask aloud: Are we getting the message? BoTime: Where does it come from? Where does it begin? Who determines time and what gift does time contain? This month shall be to you the head of the months; to you it shall be the first of the months of the year. Exodus 12:2 marks the beginning of time, as G-d gives the power of time to the children of Israel, and with it, the gift of freedom. Click here to view Rabbi Richmans teaching on parashat Bo, (Exodus 10:1-13:16). Chodesh TovChodesh Tov! The New Month of Shevat! This beautiful photo of the brand new moon was taken by Yehezkel Bloomstein from the Samarian town of Yitzhar, overlooking the coastal plain. During the time of the Holy Temple, the spotting of the new moon was crucial for determining the beginning of the new month, and the new month was crucial for the determination of the proper days for observing whatever holidays fell within that month. Click here to see and learn more! Ring Around the ColumnRing Around the Column: Arnon Segal, Israeli journalist, Temple Mount investigator and frequent ascender of the Temple Mount, posted this photo earlier in the week. Jewish worshipers who ascend the Temple Mount are familiar with the collection of broken columns and pillar crowns from the Holy Temple and later periods which are displayed in the southwest corner of the Temple Mount. Arnon and three friends decided to check the veracity of a statement made by Josephus in his work, The Wars of the Jews, in which he described the columns of the Holy Temple to be so wide that it takes three men with outstretched arms to reach completely around the circumference. Click here for the answer! Jews and SunshineJews and Sunshine on the Temple Mount: Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute had the privilege today of guiding nine Jewish American college graduates on the Temple Mount. The nine graduates are taking part in a one year program teaching English to Israeli students. Their morning on the Temple Mount was blessed with a break in the winter weather with clear skies and a bright sun overhead. Click here to see photo. PropagandaYou Must Read this Exposé! A Real-Life Lesson in the Reality of the Temple Mount: Propaganda, Distortion and Lies: On Sunday, January 18th, we posted the above story on the Temple Institutes Facebook Page, under the title, Jews and Sunshine on the Temple Mount. Indeed, it was a happy and heartwarming news brief. Click here to see how the innocent visit was used by the Muslim media for horrific propaganda and one horrified Jewish American college graduates outraged reaction. Muslim Mob BurnMuslim Mob Burn French Flag, Wave Hamas Flag On Temple Mount: The government of Israel permitted 200 Gazans to pray on the Temple Mount Friday. The Gazans promptly turned the Friday prayer into a political protest against the French magazine Charlie Hebdo, which published a cartoon of Mohammed, raising the ire of Muslims everywhere. The demonstration featured the burning of the French flag and the waving of Hamas flags. The Israeli authorities did not intervene, despite the fact that the Hamas flag is illegal in the state of Israel and despite the fact that the purpose of the Gazans presence was for prayer, not protest. Click here to see photos and learn more. Muslim RageMuslim Rage on the Temple Mount: A half dozen video clips found on both Muslim and Jewish Facebook pages, filmed on January 16th and 19th, provide a quick glimpse into a Temple Mount constant: Muslim rage. On Friday, January 16th, the Muslims were incensed over the post-massacre Charlie Hebdo cover depicting Mohammed. On Monday, January 19th, the Muslim rage was directed, as usual, at Jewish worshipers on the Temple Mount. Click here to view a short video. Women StudyingWomen Studying the Temple Mount: The organization of Women for the Holy Temple this week kicked off their third course of study focusing on the Temple Mount and the Holy Temple. More than twenty women attended. Women for the Holy Temple instruct and encourage women to ascend the Temple Mount in purity, and are involved in the groundbreaking study and reenactment of different aspects of the sacred Temple service. Click here to see photo and learn more. Mazal TovMazal Tov to a Bride on Her Wedding Day!: Following an ancient tradition, a young bride ascended the Temple Mount today as part of her spiritual preparation on her wedding day. Click here to see photo. TeaneckFrom Teaneck To The Temple Mount: On Tuesday morning, a delegation from Congregation Rinat Yisrael synagogue from Teaneck, NJ visited the Temple Mount and were guided by Rabbi Chaim Richman. Many members of this synagogue are active and vocal advocates of ascending the Temple Mount in accordance with Jewish law, and they never miss an opportunity to make this pilgrimage when they are in Israel. The Temple Institute applauds and appreciates the spiritual identification and dedication of these proud Jews. Click here to see photo. Help To Build Help To Build The Holy Temple In Our Time: Donate Generously To Help The Sacred Work Of The Temple Institute! Every contribution helps to rebuild the Holy Temple in our Time! Ascending the Temple Mount Interested in Ascending the Temple Mount? Contact us via our website, email us at infotempleinstitute@gmail or via our facebook page. Rabbi Richman guides Jews and non-Jews on the Temple Mount every week. For more information on ascending the Temple Mount in purity, please click here. Blessings from the holy city of Jerusalem, Yitzchak Reuven The Temple Institute Help us build the future. Click here. THE TEMPLE INSTITUTE PO Box 31876 Jerusalem, Israel 97500 Fan us on Facebook: tinyurl/nxv784 Follow us on Twitter: twitter/TempleInstitute Find us on youTube: youtube/user/henryporter2 Video teachings available on Universal Torah If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, or need to change your email address, please use the unsubscribe link below. 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Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 01:02:03 +0000

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