bumdâtik, بومداتیک ----------- Bum, → eco- + - TopicsExpress


bumdâtik, بومداتیک ----------- Bum, → eco- + -dâtik, → -nomy. Bum-, بوم- ------ from bum region, land, a mansion or place where one dwells in saftey; nature, disposition; Mid.Pers. bûm land, earth, country; O.Pers. būmi- place of being/living, land, region; Av. būmī- earth, from bav- to be, become, take place; cf. Skt. bhūmi- land, region; PIE *bheu- to be, come into being, become (cf. Gk. phu- become, phuein to bring forth, make grow; L. fui I was (perf. tense of esse), futurus that is to be, future; Ger. present first and second person sing. bin, bist; E. to be; O.Ir. biu I am; Lith. buti to be; Rus. byt to be). Dâtik, -داتیک -------- from Mid.Pers. dâtik, dâdig related to law, legal, from dât, dâd law, justice, from O.Pes./Av. dāta- law, from dā- to put, make, create; cf. Skt. dhā- to put, to place; Gk. tithemi to put down, to place; L. fecit made; E. do, deed; PIE *dhe- to put, to place; -ik, → ics; -šenâsi, → -logy; -nâmusi, from nâmus loan from Gk. -nomos, as above. -Šenâsi, -شناسی --------- from šenâs, present stem of šenâsidan, šenâxtan to know, discern, distinguish, be acquainted with; Mid.Pers. šnâxtan, šnâs- to know, recognize, dânistan to know; O.Pers./Av. xšnā- to know, learn, come to know, recognize; cf. Skt. jñā- to recognize, know, jānāti he knows; Gk. gignoskein to know, think, judge; L. gnoscere, noscere to come to know (Fr. connaître; Sp. conocer); P.Gmc. *knoeanan; O.E. cnawan; E. know; Rus. znat to know; PIE base *gno- to know.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 09:30:34 +0000

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