by - Tabitha Mudaliar (SBYND Group Editor and Press - TopicsExpress


by - Tabitha Mudaliar (SBYND Group Editor and Press Officer) When are people going to realise that it is in Westminsters financial interests to maintain an undemocratic union? It benefits THEM to be in a union, it does not benefit Scotland, and that is being proven time and again. They want the wealth, power, and position Scotland gives them without giving anything back in return. Surely people are starting to realise this now? Surely not everyone believes the biased nonsense in the media? Surely? Its not difficult to understand. Better Together (Westminster/UKIP/Britain First/BNP/Orange Order/Labour/Tory/LibDem/Vote No Borders et al) continue to present a case where Scotland is too wee, too poor, and too stupid, while on the other hand is consistently saying Scotland is wonderful, is fine as it is, and has the best of both worlds. NO it does not. Some quotes from an article in todays Independent. ( ) ...the spectre of independence could continue to haunt the pro-unionists ...the risks are colossal and there is no guarantee whatsoever that there would be anything to gain from it. And thats a quote from Alistair Darling himself! “An awful lot can still happen. Something that no one has even thought of could arrive,” Mr Darling tells The Independent. He sounds worried doesnt he? Do these sound like a statements made by a government who have our best interests at heart? Can you see the self-serving messages here? Poor souls, they will be haunted by independence, and yet they determine it is our risk to take, meanwhile they are worried something crops up to spoil their plans? Oh really. Come on! Its time to open our eyes and look at what is really happening here. The unionists are actually making the argument FOR Independence and yet some still dont see what is before their eyes. Scotland does not need to cow-tow to the sorry old notions of We canny do it. What about the money? Oh I dont know if we can, maybe we shouldnt. Please, tell me, what is democratic about another country controlling your Money, Industry, Natural Resources, Education, Health Service, Tax System... WHY would anyone vote to give all this power to another country? Do I sound a tad upset? Of course I am. People have died protecting less!! And all we need to do is vote AYE.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 15:43:26 +0000

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