by Dr Pascal F Durrenberger Should we really consider that what - TopicsExpress


by Dr Pascal F Durrenberger Should we really consider that what truly lies behind the plans of a 3rd runaway for Heathrow Airport, is nothing but, a fiendish governmental plan to better control the weather? So we would, if we would be a Chemtrail Conspiracy Theorist. As the article entitled “Why I Write About (and Debunk) the Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory” by Dennis Mersereau, states; there is a growing group of people that genuinely believe that chemtrails rather than contrails are generated to control the weather but mostly that the government knows about it and tries to keep it silent from public opinion. Although Dennis’ article went on mostly to mount arguments to debunk the misconceptions surrounding contrails, he only briefly commented on the reasons behind such belief on which the focus should really be on. So why would people have such a belief? We know that the controversies raised by the local communities to oppose the London Heathrow expansion plans were of a different nature which was well covered by the newspapers here in London. Even though a fair compensation scheme would be put in place, the 3rd runaway is hungry, hungry for space. So hungry that it will eat up 750 homes. Noise pollution and air traffic over the city will also increase. No compensation talks there. We are tough in London, we suck it up! But should we? And not to mention the increased influx of traveller in this city on an already saturated public transport system; is this sustainable? Where I live, in Lambeth, South London, near Vauxhall Bridge, we can hear the aircrafts when on a Westerly operation arrival pattern to Heathrow. It is six o’clock in the morning and they are coming in like a faint heartbeat from an hibernating animal slowing waking up. I try not to hear them but I do. They are part of the rhythm of my life whether I want it or not. When I hear the planes I wake up since I usually wake up around that time. My internal clock monitors the rhythm of the planes. The flight schedule changes and I get up in the middle of the night not even wondering why it is still dark but already getting ready to face an exceedingly dull wet dark day. Night flight activity is increasing. Where is the compensation form for that? I do look at contrails too and feel sadness, concerns and unease. We do live in a contradictory society, on one hand; our world has never been so easily accessible from home and, on the other, we are encouraged to travel more than ever before. But for what reasons, other than to sustain a global market perhaps? Is it really necessary for so many escapes in the sun in a year, when all we have to do is, when the sun is showing his face locally, have the freedom to expose ourselves to direct sunlight for 15-20 minutes for a vitamin D top up rather than lying on the beach for hours with a thick layer of toxic chemicals as total sun-block, actually more harmful than the sun? 75% of the sunscreens contained toxic chemicals that can increase your risk of cancer and other health issues (draxe/75-of-sunscreens-are-toxic-what-to-do-instead). Contradictions! There is actually a community on Facebook nearly as large as 41K under the title page “Chemtrail Awareness”. Spend some time and read some of the entries; if you have a few minutes to spare and not flying! Rosalind Peterson talk’s given at the United Nations in 2007 is incredibly insightful on the matters of contrails, crop dusting and small weather modifying experiments, but not, and I repeat, not on chemtrails released by commercial and non-commercial flights (https://youtube/watch?v=LVD9IUO9Ftk). She sustained that contrails are man-made clouds that trap warmth and humidity and are responsible for global dimming and for the reduction of photosynthesis. According to NASA (October 2005), persistent jet contrails form man-made clouds that are “…trapping warmth in the atmosphere, exacerbating global warming, contribute to long-term in Earth’s climate…” and affect natural resources. However, contrails are not chemtrails. Contrails are man-made clouds that grow behind the planes and stay for some time but do not remain without effect. Contrail Awareness and not Chemtrail Awareness. Here in London far too often, instead of a sunrise, all we see in the sky are man-made clouds quickly blocking out the rising sun. Have a look at the picture I took on my way to work from my bicycle one morning. How much of our dull weather is really caused by jet fuel emissions or our modern living lifestyle? Are jet fuel emissions a serious concern for climate change and global health? We need some sense about this and some science rather than just a belief. There is no such thing as chemtrails from commercial flights but Rosalind Peterson is right to raise awareness on contrails, the increasing air traffic, our modern methods of agriculture, increases of crop dusting, and those experimental weather modifying experiments, as all this activity does not remain unnoticed by our climate which is changing and not necessarily for the best. More and more chemicals from crop dusting are showing up in our drinking water. The World health Organisation (WHO) published alarming figures that in 2012, 7 million deaths worldwide were linked to air pollution. We may perhaps say this doesn’t affect us here in London. It is happening over there in China or Africa… hum… Let’s see. Little scenario here. What is your name? Mr Air Pollution. Sorry we can’t issue you with a new passport to travel due to backlog, come back in 3 months. Right! And here we are not questioning at all that a swarm of butterflies taking off in Australia can contribute to the creation of Hurricanes over the Caribbean Sea! Yes, air pollution will respect our artificial national boundaries and stay put. Not! There are no other views than global when it comes to tackle climate change in this 21st century. We cannot go back on globalisation but only forward and there is only one way forward which is - Together. Like a local systemic inflammation had widespread effect on an organism similarly local pollution will affect our planet. Dennis mentioned briefly the anti-MMR vaccine campaign to illustrate the lack of education in the general population which may be lurking behind the chemtrail phenomena. The fear of a link between the MMR vaccine to autism was justified then as it was based on science BUT it was based on BAD science. This was clearly highlighted by Professor Stephen Bustin in a video on the good code of practice with a certain investigational technique used in science which this paper had used to demonstrate the link (https://youtube/watch?v=-gNnnMlelW4). Since this research paper has been classified as non-replicable with many errors, has been removed and the scientist responsible for generating a conclusive interpretation from incomplete data was seriously sanctioned. The Wellcome trust has since sponsored a new study showing that there is NO link between the MMR vaccine and autism. John F. Kennedy said that “an error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it!”. Andrew Wakefield is a mistake we corrected. It is everyone’s responsibility to monitor the soundness and validation of information in the public domain but more so people putting the information in circulation knowing that not all have the right level to interpret the information rightfully so. We have seen the outcome of that, death ensued. Fear is an extreme good driver to take on a course of action which may not always be a rational one. Critical thinking is more than ever crucial but more so I believe that our information on climate change and global health, more than ever, is in need of attention and accuracy. thevane.gawker/why-i-write-about-and-debunk-the-chemtrail-conspiracy-1581896346?
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 15:23:00 +0000

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