by F.W. at shariaunveiled.wordpress I want to respond to your - TopicsExpress


by F.W. at shariaunveiled.wordpress I want to respond to your post as best I can, but first I want you to know that I say this to you as a western woman, living in a democratic free country (Scotland), who also lived in America for 20 years. I believe in God 100% but am not yet a baptized christian (although am heading back that way). So no radical Muslim hating Bible thumper here. HOWEVER that said, I will tell you that upon returning to Scotland after 20 years in the States I was absolutely shocked and stunned by the changes that mass immigration from Muslim countries ( mostly Pakistan and to a lesser degree Middle Eastern countries) has done to my beautiful historic Scotland, and many other parts of beautiful European countries suffering under the same weight of mass immigration. Firstly our laws have been subverted to cater to Islam and deny OUR national laws. RAPES have increased exponentially, in particular vicious gang rapes of young vulnerable under age children and mothers of young children. Violence and segregated ‘us versus them’ communities have sprung up everywhere. There is mass unemployment whilst the immigrants to the 2nd and 3rd generations are breeding us out of our country whilst simultaneously bleeding our welfare dry. There are mosques everywhere, whilst Islamic leaders complain that church bells ( in a christian country) are offensive to them while they say their 5 times daily prayers. We have Muslims taking over entire areas to pray on the street – as a show of force- although they say it’s cos they have no room -utter nonsense. We have the ‘call to prayer’ being blasted out of minarets ( in a christian country), and women walking around our cities in the full Niqab (face veil)- 3 of these cities, which are in a major metropolitan like London – are now Muslim Majority and the whites have fled them. We have Muslim gangs patrolling the areas harassing the natives telling them ‘this is a Muslim area you cannot wear that’ etc. Sickeningly protesters have and continue to take to our streets carrying signs saying EVIL things like ‘kuffar burn in hell’, ‘Islam will dominate’, ;behead those who insult the prophet’ and most sickening of all ‘Wait til the REAL HOLOCAUST BEGINS;, Doing THIS, are MOTHERS standing besides TODDLERS holding these signs. AGAIN this is in a western christian democratic country, that these protestor’s mothers and fathers FLED TO in order to ESCAPE their ISLAMIC countries and give these last 2 generations the chance to be raised and educated and live in peace and freedom in a democracy!!!. YET when they got here, they refused to integrate, broke the laws, and when their numbers grew, they subverted the laws and raised those NEW generations to be marinated in the same sick, twisted Jew hating, christian hating, bigotry that they themselves FLED FROM. The reason they fled their own natural countries was that eventually for those like minded islamists over there, killing Jews and Christians wasn’t enough and Muslims turned on other Muslims because they either weren’t Muslim enough, or weren’t from the right sect, like ahamdiya, alawite, shia etc!!! SO believe me when I saythat to see the change I have witnessed is sickening is putting it mildly. To TOP ALL OF THIS OFF 4 of Scotland’s Muslim immgrant DOCTORS ( just 20 mins from my home) BLEW UP our airport, this was after, said musllim immigrants blew up the buses in England and now have just recently BEHEADED a young off duty soldier in broad daylight in the center of the city. NONE OF THESE ATTACKS WERE COMMITTED BY IGNORANT UNEDUCATED BACKWARD PEOPLE. THEY WERE ALL INTELLIGENT MEN, AND THE ONLY THING THEY HAD IN COMMON WAS THAT THEY WERE MUSLIMS WHO FOLLOWED THE evil ISLAMIC QURAN TEACHINGS. DO NOT FOOL YOURSELF. THE INNOCENT, DECENT, LAW ABIDING MUSLIMS THEMSELVES ARE NOT THE PROBLEM BUT THE SICK RELIGION OF ISLAM and it’s ISLAMIST FOLLOWERS ARE!!!! NOW TO YOUR POINTS:: *OBAMA has made many references to being Muslim, and he has made many many Muslim friendly laws that do not help the US in it’s fight against terrorism. *The punishment of rape is death but only if the women has FOUR WITNESSES bearing in mind a WOMENS testimony is only worth HALF THAT OF A MANS. Ergo she can never prove rape!! THIS IS SICK Leaving ISLAM absolutely is punishable by death whether you are quiet about it or not. Although some sects do allow a 3 day period of repentance before a fatwa is issued. This is SICK ISLAM was spread by the SWORD and death and torture, do not fool yourself. Christianity was not. There was NOT ONE war for the first 200 years of Christianity. The violence ONLY came when a roman emporer embraced Christianity and he SUBVERTED all that it taught by being violent. As for your belief that ISLAM has a record and Christianity does not IS UTTER NONSENSE. CHRISTIANITY AND PARTICULARLY THE BIBLE is one the most AUTHENITCATED HISTORICALLY VALIDATED EVENTS IN HISTORY. SO MUCH SO ,THAT IF YOU ARE GOING TO DENY THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE BIBLE, YOU HAVE TO DENY EVERY HISTORICAL DOCUMENT AND HISTORIAN ACCOUNT FORM TACITUS TO JOSEPHUS TO HOMERS ILIAD AND THE QURAN. ISLAM HAD NO HISTORICAL AUTHENTICITY EVEN CLOSE TO CHIRSTIANITY. The Quran has been proven as MAN MADE time and again. FURTHERMORE Christianity knows that the early church fathers and apostles WROTE THE BIBLE. This is INDISPUTABLE. Your assertion that Islam has a scientific record to prove it, is FALSE again that is something else that has been stolen from Christianity. THE BIBLE has been picked apart for over a hundred years with scholars from every religion In particular the ones who specifically want to prove it wrong, namely Judaism and Islam and ALL have verified it accuracy and authenticity. NO SCHOLAR FROM ANY RELIGION HAS EVER DENIED IT. THE QURAN HOWEVER has NEVER been PUT TO THE TEST LIKE THIS AS ISLAM DOES NOT allow us to do that with it’s EARLIEST MANUSCRIPTS, ALL OTHER RELIGIOUS scholars are BANNED from doing that. Now why is that? DON’T be FOOLED and led astray by deceptive corrupt leaders who lie. As for your Golden Age, maybe so, However, that was in THE 14TH CENTURY. ISLAM HAS CONTRIBUTED EXACTLY NOTHING TO THE MODERN WORLD SINCE THEN. ABSILUTELY NOTHING. YET FURTHERMORE HAS SPREAD HATRED, BIGOTRY, DEATH, DESTRUCTION AND VIOLENCE IN EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY THAT IT GETS A FOOTHOLD IN. NOW WHY IS THAT? DO YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO ASK YOURSELF THAT AND FACE THE TRUTH? AND FINALLY TO QUOTE YOUR OWN WORDS RIGHT BACK AT YOU. I HOPE YOU CHANGE YOUR WAYS AND REPENT. !!!!!! YOUR IGNORANCE OF THE FACTS AND THE PRESENT DAY REALITIES OF ISLAM IS MIND NUMBING. LET ME SUGGEST A FEW AWESOME PEOPLE AND WEB SITES THAT WILL MASSIVELY HELP YOU UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH. THESE ARE FORMER MUSLIMS WHO KNOW THE ISLAMIC MINDSET AND INDOCTRINATION AND DECEPTION OF ISLAM WHO CAN HELP YOU IF YOU’LL JUST BE OPEN MINDED AND BRAVE ENOUGH TO GOOGLE THEM. 1. WALID SHOEBAT (FORMER PALESTINIAN TERRORIST NOW CHRISTIAN) 2. NABEEL QURESHI AND HIS DEBATE PARTNER DAVID WOOD (EXCELLENT AND INFORMATIVE CHIRSTIAN /MUSLIM DEBATERS) 3. GODS UNCHANGING WORD website, AWESOME INVALUABLE WEBSITE THAT BREAKS DOWN THE TRUTH INTO BITE SIZED PIECES FOR BOTH MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS TO LEARN FROM (WITH FORMER, UNEMBITTERED MUSLIMS NARRATING IT.).. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND EDUCATE YOURSELF TO THE TRUTH OF THE SICKNESS OF ISLAM… YOU’RE OWN HEART AND SOUL DEPENDS ON IT….
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 20:35:11 +0000

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