by Mohamed Al-Fatah A lot of people have the question why the - TopicsExpress


by Mohamed Al-Fatah A lot of people have the question why the dramatic happenings in Libya don’t find mention in the Western media and so the public is not informed about the situation in this country which is so deeply moved by a violent war. I want to talk about what’s really going on in Libya and what are the reasons why the Western media doesn’t report. In the beginning of the year 2011 the media advertised to the public that NATO/ France/England/USA should intervene in Libya to save the people from Qaddafi because he (Qaddafi) will massacre them. This never happened by Qaddafi that was proven several times during 2011 till today, in 2014 putting the nail on the coffin with Abdul Jalil, head of the NTC (National Transitional Council), in an interview in the channel Al Arabia. He was saying that the alleged order of massacre ascribed to Qaddafi was a lie, and that the people who were killed were mercenaries at the orders of CIA/MI6/Mossad/and the French secret service. When NATO intervened everybody saw that they were not helping the civilians rather they were killing civilians and helping the radicals to come to power. Many of times BBC and other channels would show Iraq clippings or other clippings which had nothing to do with Libya but said it was Libya showing people they were happy to get rid of Qaddafi. BBC never apologised, they just said there was a mix up of the sort. But people understood that everything NATO and the West did was for the oil, water, gold etc. Plus they had to get rid of Qaddafi, as he was for many reasons a big Libya problem to AFRICOM, and a bigger problem to Israel for Palestine because Gaddafi was helping with all possible in Gaza and other places that Palestinians were living. Libya, Syria and Iran are the last countries standing on the side of Palestine. Further Libya did not belong to the Western banking (Rothschild). Didn’t it make you wonder that when the bombing started in March 2011 they opened a new Western central bank in Benghazi? The US Agency for Permission to pursue its mission of money movement in the world. They said that from the end of the year 2011 till now 34 Libyans became billionaires – this means no less than 1000 million US-Dollar went to the accounts of Libyans known by name, among them Hakim Belhaj, Khaled al-Sharif (in his account $ 1.2 billion) and Rahim Keeb ($ 1.7 billion). All the mentioned names are in the illegal GNC (General National Committee) in Tripoli and all of them belong to Muslimbrotherhood/Al-Qaeda/Ansar Sharia/LIFG/DAASH and other extremist groups. All of them say that the elected and international recognized government in Tobruk is not legal. And the Western say Gaddafi stole from the Libyan people! One thing that has never been mentioned by the Western media is: The day NATO started bombing Libya it was the day that the contracts of oil expired with the West. They were waiting for these contracts of oil to expire to start bombing. Also one of the many reasons for bombing Libya was that France wanted this illegal war because Italy was getting more oil than France and that did not sit well with the French. France and Qatar wanted to take a bigger piece of oil than the Italians. USA wanted to stop paying damages to Qaddafi for the Lockerbie case. As the USA was caught red handed in paying witnesses 4 million dollars each to say that it was Libya who did this terror act. Although Qaddafi paid damages to the Lockerbie families so that the embargo from the west would stop, Libyan government had enough proof to send the USA in a big scandal. So the USA accepted to pay back through oil payments the amount that the Libyan government gave to the families. A very good reason for the USA; was to get rid of Qaddafi, as he had a lot of aces under his sleeve. Checking the time-line of the bombings in the first few days you see that the NATO bombed the building of the secret service in Tripoli were all documents were kept – or so NATO thought. Plus Qaddafi was about to launch the Golden Dinar for any purchase of oil, this way Libya would be getting out from the petrol dollar. If the Golden Dinar was launched that would have caused a financial disaster to the USA and Rothschild’s banking system. (Saddam did the same thing, not with a Golden Dinar but accepting all currencies except the petrol dollar for the purchase of oil, which cost him his life. (Had both leaders succeeded to do so that would mean the end of the US-$ and of course the crumble of the empire which is controlled by Israel have no doubt about that.) The media tried its best not to show Libya and what is going on in Libya by having other incidents, for example the tsunami in Japan, the Yemen rising, Saudis invasion in Bahrain to protect the kingdom of Bahrain, Afghan did something, the Dominique Strauss-Kahn scandal. And the biggest of all was that Obama had announced a week before 1st of May 2011 that something good will happen. Obama administration believed that they would catch Qaddafi but they also had a second plan if that did not succeed. 1st of May Qaddafi was not caught so they came with plan B which was Bin Laden who was raised from the dead and killed again. So this took away the news about Libya. When they showed that Tripoli was taken the Internet bloggers proved that the scenes that were shown was in Qatar and not in Tripoli. Again Abdul Jalil confirmed this on a later date. When they killed Qaddafi and showed the pictures and videos of the killing, which was photoshopped but made its point by making all Libyans, believe that he died. Today some say he is alive, some say he is dead. But if you go back to hear the speeches of Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron they all said that “the government of Libya said that Qaddafi is dead”. They did not say, “We have proof of his death”. Clinton came to Libya two days before the murder of Qaddafi. Unforgotten her famous comment “We came, we saw, he died!” and laughed at her own comment. As soon as she left, by a magic wand they found Qaddafi in Sirte and killed him…. well in Hollywood this could be true but in real life not so. Take in account that Qaddafi has been in power over 42 years that means with all the assassination attempts from 1976 till 2011 he became an expert in avoiding the traps. No intelligent and cunning man like Qaddafi would stay in Sirte and wait for his death sentence.. Would you? No… If you know that everybody expects you to go to hide in your village you must be a moron. Maybe NATO and the West believed that, that is what he would do, be a moron like the rest of the population in the entire world. The Western media thinks of all of us people as morons and feed us what ever they like through their news media. After the so-called death of Qaddafi everything started escalating to chaos. The West brought private army – military armed groups – in Libya to protect the oilfields. These 22.000-armed men were divided between Brega – which is one of the biggest oilfields – and other important oilfields. They kicked out all Libyan citizens and the NTC from Brega. And that was the end for Libya. What I mean is then it was not a fair play for all those countries that declaired war with Libya as they controlled Libya’s wealth and between them they are fighting who will get the larger part. Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, England, Israel, France, Canada and the USA tried to grab everything possible creating the 250 militias, financing them and training them again. Qatar controlled the military airport Metiga. (Before the 69-revolution the Metiga-airport was the Willas-airbase of the United States, one of the biggest bases in North Africa.) They displaced a whole village just because they were black Libyans. I am talking about Tawergha. Day by day more gruesome things were happening in Libya. Israel wanted its deal to build a military base between the Green Mountain and Benghazi for their assistance to the rebels and to Abdul Jalil (head of the NTC) plus to get repaid compensation for the Jews for lands and houses taken by the government of the Jamhiriya although they left on their own accord around 1971. The government of Qaddafi had already started paying compensation to the Jewish families from 2004. French and Americans controlled the oilfields and kicked out Libyans from near cities. No Libyan or any of the NTC were allowed in the premises, France built an army base near the border of Algeria and the English well the English were always whoring with intelligence, military training and trying to get the deals for rebuilding the infrastructure of Libya. USA put in charge Abulhakim Belhaj as a governor in Tripoli. He is the well-known terrorist leader of LIFG (Libyan Islmaic Fighting Group) and he was the assistant of Bin Laden. The Green Resistance started getting back on its own two feet after a year of destruction by the West. Many civilians entered the Green Resistance to try to take back Libya from the Takfirs (Muslims who are declared by other Muslims as unbelievers) and the West. That is something that the West did not calculate and they started loosing piece by piece from Libya. So the next best thing the West could do, is finance and train more Takfirs and bring in the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and others believing that this way they would intimidate the Tribes and the Green Resistance which made it worse for the Libyan civilians (as they will always be the collateral damage) but more stubborn to get rid of the colonisers and the Takfirs. Western news outlets did not want to show that the West with its mercenary was loosing and this was Obama’s greatest achievement. Libya goes in his resume that he got rid of a dictator to put a dictatoric/democracy, plus it brought a lot of money to the USA which was stolen from Libya either by freezing Libyan assets which belonged to the Libyan people. The war Obama did in Libya was paid by Libyan assets, which they were never returned to Libya by orders of Obama. BBC radio contacted me about two months ago to give them my side of the story. It was the time that Gaza was being hit very badly. I told the reporter that I would speak at her radio show as long as she promised she wouldn’t pull the same trick she did in 2011 (she brought three people who were anti Qaddafi and only me who was pro Qaddafi) while she had given her word there would be equal numbers with pro and anti Qaddafi people. She never got back to me…. The Western media does not want to publicise Libya’s winnings because that would be bad for business and other weaker countries might follow suit. In these three years the Western powers could not succeed to intimidate us, break us, break the Tribe structure, which in this case is holding us all together. The Westerners intervened at a time when Libya was blooming and the Libyans saw that. The Libyans are not a stupid race; we have been here for over 8000 years. My ancestors have seen a lot, which is in our DNA. Libyan civilians had something to compare with the Italian colonization, then with the English and later on with the Americans. Under the Italians we suffered worse than the Afro-Americans in the USA but we survived it and we also made Italy in 2000 and after to pay damages to the Libyan people and to the family of Omar Muktar who was hanged by the Italians. The last three years “rebels”/extremists killed so many people compared to the Jamahiriya who hanged some Libyans for High Treason. If you compare statistics from the time of the Jamahiriya there were 95% of the people were rich or comfortable with the now were everybody is poor, only the militias are handling the Libyan assets and they are using it for their benefit not for the Libyans, the Libyan population understood this is wrong. So now most of the Libyans have entered the Green Resistance and the Great Tribes. For the West it will be their first big failure in imposing their puppet government and not succeeding to get what they want. They do not want to announce that with this illegal war they did in 2011 more than two million families are in exile, while with the previous government there were only 200 thousand people in exile which if I break it down to you, are: Kings family, friends and acquaintances, members of the terrorist group LIFG and some people who just didn’t like the government, the last group were able to come and go in Libya with no problem from the previous government. The West does not want to announce in their media they failed and to top it that in the last three years we have lost over 1 million civilians from both sides. Also they do not want to mention that the militias are foreigners and not Libyans… it’s not good for their image. Lastly which I dont know if you know that Angela Merkel was bullied to enter and cooperate with NATO. The Merkel-government had refused a second time to cooperate with NATO – which had run out the depleted uranium bombs – after first she had declined to intervene in Libya. At that time for big German companies like Rieckermann in Hamburg (export of machinery and industrial equipment), some phone companies, the Bosch-company, the Siemens company, Libya was a gold goose. Besides the Merkel-government knew from their own satellites and also the Russian satellites that it wasn’t true that Gaddafi massacred Libyan citizens or that planes bombed cities. So Germany didn’t show any interest in overthrowing Gaddafi and destabilize Libya. There was only one way to make her realise that she is under orders… That was about the time of Stalemate of Nato, it was somewhere around May 2011. One day Merkel went to an election rally by a helicopter from Berlin to Oldenburg. Minutes after droping Merkel off in Oldenburg, the helicopter got into difficulty, both rotors of the helicopter broke down simultaneously. A few days later she travelled to the USA to meet Obama and after that she gave in to NATO’s demands by supplying them with bombs etc.. For all the above reasons I believe the Western media does not want to make things public because then the West will loose what ever credibility they have. They already have lost but with announcing all the things that are happening in Libya the last three years they will have to close down. I believe that Libya will be the first country that has defied the Western agenda that is something no one expected. Original in German: by Angelika Gutsche
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 15:43:25 +0000

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