by Steven Mark Coble Copyright March 7, 2016 Reference both - TopicsExpress


by Steven Mark Coble Copyright March 7, 2016 Reference both quotes completely and let me read them context. This will end peacefully with Crimea back home with the Ruskies by vote and Eastern Ukraine Divided at the River back home with the Ruskys by vote. Western Ukraine with the Europeans by vote. Russia ends up with control of the straight and Black Sea access assured. And none of this would have happened if we hadnt been over there with the Bushes CIA trying to foment a war on Russias VERY BORDER. jUST TO MAKE SURE IT HAPPENED THAT WAY IN TIME FOR THE 2016 ELECTION. I follow politics closer than you would ever imagine. This is all to get ready for yalls next Presidential candidate JEB BUSH. This was predicted in 1946 when Prescott Bush was brought before Congress and the TRUMAN COMISSION under the Trading with the Enemies Act. He was stripped of all his Banks and Steel holdings for bankrolling Hitlers Army and supplying all its steel for tanks, planes and transportation. Prescott and a group of Texas Oil Millionaires then solicited in a California Newspaper for aYoung, MALLEABLE Individual with Political Aspirations. The ad was answered (a matter of public record) and six years later the kid became Vice-President after Prescott Bush arranged it at the Republican National Convention in 1952 AGAINST Eisenhowers will, and bankrolled NIXONs campaign, with the promise after the markers became due, that Nixon take Prescotts little boy and make him President. Promises were made, JFKs election turned the tables. CIA agent George Herbert Walker Bush, whose job it was to Assassinate Political Leaders and over-throw their Governments for a living and answered to no one but Richard Nixon, arranged for the Assassination of JFK and the overthrow of the United States government in a Coup Detat in Dallas in Nov, 1963. Johnson was under threat of Assassination himself at that point and was charged with covering up the Assassination by appointing nothing but Nixon cronies to the Warren Comission, most notably Gerald Ford who himself became President by Nixons hand. Ford in turn against the will of the entire Nation PARDONED RICHARD NIXON for ANY and ALL PAST CRIMES. Carter came in, was politically Assassinated in the press, Reagan, another Protoge of Nixon became the nominee and at The Republican National Convention in 1980 arranged to put GHW Bush on the ticket w/Reagan AGAINST REAGANS WISHES and we had the first CIA agent in the White House in the Nations history. Georg HW Bush rose to the White House without ever having been legitimately elected to a single office in his life and in fact had tried and lost on inumerable attempts. He was was appointed to every single government office hes ever held by Richard Nixon, except for his appointment to CIA Director by Nixons Warren Comission apointee, Gerald Ford. Since then the Republicans were only able to hold power by what is known as a Political Assassination visavie the press. There are some 10,00 journalists in the press on the CIA payroll. Fact. Thus, Clintons underwear, and Obamas birth certificate. Now we have Jeb. Jeb was arrested during Thanksgiving week in Houston in 1980 along with John Connaly Jr. and Dudley Faremthold for Cocaine posession. This was disclosed by the Houston Chronicle team in 1992 during Jebs first attempt to become Floridas Governor. The tem stood behind the story. Jeb pulled out of the race, leaving W positioned for the run in 2000 instead of Jeb. The Houston Chronicle was bought. The editor Dan Cobb died leaving JEB in position for the 2016 election. This is known as ASSASSINATION POLITICS and has been my political handle since 1989. This information was given to the Democrats in the run-up to the 1992 Election and the First Democrat was elected to two consecutive terms for the first time since 1942.....50 YEARS. Now Obama and soon Hillary. Because the story of the Bush Crime Family is now a matter of repressed PUBLIC RECORD. And you heard it right here by a little guy who Hails from the tiny rural Texas town of Mansfield and Graduate of Mansfield High School......American History Teacher Judith Luttrell and Political Science Teacher - Rob Robison. Now how you like them apples? https://facebook/groups/AssassinationPolitics
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 08:17:51 +0000

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