by letstalkaboutlife365 One of the most dreadful things on - TopicsExpress


by letstalkaboutlife365 One of the most dreadful things on my regular to do list is clean up. I don’t know why, it just seems like I could be spending my time doing a whole lot of other stuff. Stuff that in my opinion is a lot more fun. Then of course, when I do get up and start cleaning I am happy that I did because I am able to organize a little more, free up space, get rid of stuff we don’t use, and just straighten up. Just like your physical home requires cleaning, so does your spiritual home. It may be time for you to go on a cleaning spree within yourself. Time to really do a self-evaluation and get rid of any bondage or strongholds that have been lingering over your life. Throw away all trash and the junk that is cluttering your life. Divest yourself of anything that is preventing you from operating in your full potential. If you want to be delivered from bondage, strongholds, traps, or any other ploys of the enemy you have to say so. Do not listen to satan and the negative things he has planted in your spirit. Counteract his lies by opening up your mouth and saying, “I will not be oppressed, repressed, depressed and I will not be discouraged.” Whatever he is trying to hold you hostage with, you make a declaration of the exact opposite. Tell the devil he is a liar. When you are cleaning, the first thing you have to do is identify whatever it is you need to throw away. If you don’t recognize the junk, whether it’s in front of you or hidden behind the couch, it will stay put right where it is. Therefore, once you acknowledge what the enemy is doing and put him on front street, he has no choice but to back off because now you have called him out. Once you put him in his place, this is where true purification and cleansing begins. If you have other old baggage such as unforgiveness and bitterness, you have to let that go also. Any form of sin can weigh you down, but bitterness and unforgiveness are two strongholds that are similar to old boxes in the basement you just can’t seem to throw away. You have become so familiar with it sometimes you don’t even realize how it is hindering your life. I am talking to myself on this one, because I can honestly say I have overcome a lot during my spiritual journey but this is one area that seems to be a bit more difficult than others to overcome. That being said, the beautiful thing about having a relationship with God and hearing from Him is that He never intended for us to make any of these changes on our own. We cannot clean ourselves, even if we tried. God will do the cleansing for us, if and only if we make our request known to Him. When we draw close to God, study the word of God, spend time in prayer, fast and do all we can to be near Him our bodies and hearts will go through a spiritual makeover. As the relationship develops there are positive consequences that come along with it. Your mind begins to change, the way you talk begins to change, the way you think begins to change. So, as you clean up your spirit man, be excited for the change that is bound to come with it. Aint nobody gone be mad but the devil. Now it’s time to clean up, clean up, everybody do your share! #iDeclare #cleanupcleanupeverybodydoyourshare Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you know the cleansing process. I come humbly before your throne to say I want to be clean God. I want to be purified. I know that I cannot do anything without you, so please God cleanse me. Make me whole God. Take out anything in my life that is not like you. I decree and declare that I want more of you God. I want to walk like you, talk like you, think like you Father. If there is any baggage that I am not even aware of, please reveal it to me so I can get rid of it. No longer will I allow the enemy to hold me down in bondage. No longer will I allow the enemy to put negative thoughts in my head or cause me to do or say things that are not pleasing in your sight God. Make me over Lord Jesus. I want to be just like YOU. I want to be the child that You created me to be. I will be the child that You created me to be. In Jesus Name, Amen. Scripture Reference: Psalms 51:10 KJV “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Luke 6:45 NLT “A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.”
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 06:31:15 +0000

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