by now you know how much i love to write things down in my little - TopicsExpress


by now you know how much i love to write things down in my little pink notebook... specifically quotes and things I want to remember from master classes I listen to. I am sat here this morning reviewing my 8 PAGES of notes I took listening to Wayne Dr. Wayne W. Dyer speak yesterday at the #ICANDOIT2014 in NYC. I want to and have to share with you some key things he said that really resonated with me: First of all the best one ever... surrender and say thank you. You know how much we have been talking about Gratitude and the facebook challenge of gratitude etc.. this is a really simple reminder to SURRENDER AND SAY THANK YOU. We HAVE to. Have a knowing that you are never alone AND have a sense of gratitude. Thats it, folks. Think of what we could do and how much FEAR we would shed if we remember this? Our peace lives within us when we KNOW we are loved. So know it! You are loved! You are! And that feeling of love, PLEASE tell someone else they are loved! DIVINE INTELLIGENCE. This is a big one, and Mary Setrakian Official and I will need to do a #TeaAndSprinklers on this one. But there is DIVINE INTELLIGENCE in us, and Wayne talked about it throughout the entire 3 hours. He said Divine intelligence is in everything which means there is no place it is not. Just marinate in these few things... there is SO much more, but I just want to get this out to you today. My cabaret is completely based around this stuff and you better believe its comin your way in October when I sing at you :)
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 13:11:51 +0000

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