Tonight, one of the most compact innovative and - TopicsExpress

   Tonight, one of the most compact innovative and reliable observatories hosted at Lick Observatory shall be primed in anticipation of increased meteor activity. The Cameras for All-sky Meteor Surveillance (CAMS) observatory is coordinated by Peter Jenniskens based at the NASA SETI institute. The Lick SETI CAMS observatory is one of three such observatories in California, allowing a triangulation method to reconstruct the orbits of meteors and their parent bodies. Jenniskens led a group of researchers predicting increased Camelopardalid meteor activity tonight between 23:00 and 01:00 PDT resulting from the debris stream of Comet 2009P/LINEAR. However, the orbits, ejection mechanisms and gravitational perturbations acting on the debris streams ensure that predictions are notoriously difficult to make --- so while it may be a rewarding spectacle, we could also see no activity at all! No events are planned at the observatory for public viewing of this event. The public are advised not to visit the observatory outside of visitor hours unless for a pre-arranged event. Progress reports for tonights activity can be followed on-line at: spaceweather.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 20:08:57 +0000

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