can good Governance ever be achieved through suppressing - TopicsExpress


can good Governance ever be achieved through suppressing minorities rights???........ Prime Minister’s desire to celebrate 25th December in the memory of Former PM Vajpayee is quite clear to all, whom he and his party feel as the role model for laying the foundation stone for Good Governance in India. Let’s not get into the debate on this too but there are some general characteristics attached with Good Governance. Are they achieved? Do we have a transparent, inclusive, participatory and equitable society today? Certainly not, which means there is miles to go to celebrate Good Governance in India. Announcing 25th December has less to do with Good Governance and more to do with negating the legacy of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the messenger of peace and symbol of harmony. Celebration of Good Governance day through the denial of minorities’ rights may underestimate the very concept of it. Resorting to the petty political and ideological calculations should never happen at the cost of ignoring Jesus, the great among the greatest social reformers. Today the society needs leaders who could boldly articulate, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s (Mark 12:17, American King James Version) One may have differences with the Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism for debating Semitic and non-Semitic religions. In spite of all these differences no one can deny Jesus Christ’s attempt and contribution for the liberation of masses from the corrupt preachers and authorities in the name of religion. Indeed, he was a great reformer like Prophet Mohammad, who too tried to free the masses from the exploitation of contemporary oppressive elites and established a society based on equality, justice, brotherhood and electrified a movement to eradicate superstition and blind faith. In Indian subcontinent Mahatma Buddha tried to unleash a movement to liberate the society from the erstwhile exploitation and hence gave birth to one of the great religion of world which enriched ancient India and produced ruler like Samrat Ashoka. Today, India needs to learn some lessons from the life and teachings of Jesus before celebrating Good Governance Day. The spirit of Secularism as it was inculcated by Dr. B R Ambedkar is under threat owing to attack on the freedom of Religion. The forced conversion and suppression of minority rights are not only the biggest challenges to the legacy of Jesus but also against the vision and true meaning of Good Governance. Our PM should rather be concerned about ensuring peaceful and fair social environment in order to secure human rights as guaranteed by our constitution. Otherwise good governance will always remain a distant and unfulfilled dream. Campus Front of India, JNU, New Delhi
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 09:57:17 +0000

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