can not believe I need to write this post. Last evening, I became - TopicsExpress


can not believe I need to write this post. Last evening, I became aware of an ad created by supporters of Dintino, Gallo and Troxell for the GT Board of Education in Novembers election. Please see the attached link. While I have openly supported my former running mates Sean Hengst and Richard Bobbe, along with Mary Ann Johnson, for the open seats, I have tried to stay away from blatant electioneering as I would hope to believe that although we might disagree on some issues, all the candidates hearts are in the right place and that, no matter who is elected, we will work together through mutual respect of the voters choices and in support of the ultimate goal, the best interests of the children. However, I must state that I do have serious concerns about those who would fund such an ad or anyone who would support something so disgraceful...and I truly hope it was done without the candidates knowledge. I feel obligated to respond to such a petty and unwarranted attack as a resident of Gloucester Township, a parent with children in the schools, and an attorney myself. The truth is that Richard Bobbe is a criminal defense attorney, and a good one at that. He is also formerly a prosecutor who was involved in the successful prosecutions of many criminals. Did you know that John Adams and Abraham Lincoln were both criminal defense attorneys and that Barack Obama taught classes on the Constitution which includes the Sixth Amendment and the right for the accused to be represented by counsel and in front of an impartial jury? Clearly those who created this ad are not impartial and have forgotten that a criminal defense attorney represents persons ACCUSED of a crime and not convicted, unlike the former member of our Board supported by some of these very same people and who was unceremoniously removed from his position earlier this year after failing a criminal background check. Richard is a good man, a wonderful husband to a great woman and an amazing father to 2 incredible boys we are lucky to have in our schools. He first ran for the BOE last year for many of the same reasons I did, but primarily because he was concerned that some current Board members may have been beholden to outside interests and organizations rather than just focusing on what is best for the kids. That is all. He believed his legal expertise and experiences as a business owner could be beneficial in many district matters and help him to make sure money is spent efficiently and appropriately. That he has represented persons found guilty of crimes, and also those found innocent, should have no bearing on whether or not he will make a good Board member. Such an implication is politics at its worst. In fact, his expertise as a trial attorney ensures that he will know how to make his voice heard on the Board and that he can effectively cut through issues to what matters most. Going beyond Rich, that this ad attempts to also link Sean Hengst and Mary Ann Johnson to rapists and child molesters too is truly disgusting and exactly why so many have become so cynical about the political process. Sean Hengst is a life-long resident of our town, a product of our schools, and truly one of the best people I know. I consider myself blessed to have reconnected with him more than 20 years after we graduated high school together. He is married to an amazing woman and has 3 beautiful and unique in-the-best-possible-way little boys who attend our schools. He has been an elementary school teacher for nearly 20 years and although he has an advanced degree and is qualified to become an administrator, he has chosen to stay in the classroom because it is his passion...and oh, how lucky his students are to have him! He is also an expert on curriculum and has extensive knowledge of the new and controversial Common Core we are implementing in NJ. Honestly, can you imagine a better candidate than a teacher with so much experience and also his own children in our schools?! Regarding Mary Ann Johnson, she is a grandmother with some of her grandchildren currently attending our schools. She also recently retired after working in our schools for decades and developed a detailed and valuable knowledge of Special Services through her experiences. She has spent most of her life in service to the children of our district. I really can not imagine a more qualified or passionate group of candidates to represent our community on the GT Board of Education (to learn more, please visit their page at https://facebook/HJBGTBOE). Even so, I do realize that our Mayor has very publicly endorsed Dintino, Gallo and Troxell and has been quoted as saying they are the most qualified candidates, and he is surely entitled to his opinion and I respect his right to hold it. Though I must say that I am dismayed that neither he nor they have seemingly ever explained just what makes them so much more qualified. As a voter, I would like to know. They may all be nice people, but how are they more qualified to serve on the Board than Hengst, Johnson and Bobbe and in the best interests of the children? Where are their names even mentioned in the attack ad as better alternatives? Where is an ad telling us how their qualifications make them a great choice? Furthermore, one of the ethics requirements for School Board members in NJ is as follows: I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends. Hmmm...there is a reason no political party affiliations are placed next to the names of candidates for School Board on the election ballots. The position is supposed to not be political. Does an ad like the one Ive linked to seem apolitical? Did you know that it was paid for by a POLITICAL Action Committee? Or, that the countless mailers costing thousands of dollars sent out on behalf of Dintino, Gallo and Troxell were also paid for by a POLITICAL Action Committee? Also, that they have received large donations from vendors wishing to do business with our district? Please ask yourself why so much money is being spent to elect specific candidates to unpaid volunteer seats on a Board of Education that are ethically required to be free of partisan politics and the influence of outside interests. I have my own worries about it but will leave it to you to make your own conclusions. As a parent with 3 children in our schools, I am very worried about what it might mean to have such effort, money and now dirty games being exercised for an election for positions that should not be political. If political organizations are successful in getting their candidates elected after creating negative ads like the one here, will any good people even want to run for a volunteer position like that of School Board Member in the future if they think they will be unfairly attacked as Rich, Sean and Mary Ann have been?! I absolutely respect the right of each of you to vote for whomever you wish, I just felt after seeing the disgraceful mudslinging attack ad that I had to voice my opinion for those who might wish to know it. Please ask yourself who you believe will best represent your voice on our Board and vote accordingly. Also, feel free to tell others about or to share my post with anyone who you think might find it interesting or enlightening. And, whomever you decide to support, please make sure to vote on November 4th. While turnout is always high for big elections like those for the President or Governor, this years has no such candidates but is no less important. Personally, I believe the candidates for local offices like School Board have a much greater impact on our everyday lives than the bigger offices and in a sure-to-be low turnout election like this Novembers, your single vote has the potential to make even more of a difference. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and consider what Ive written. If I have offended or upset any of you, I am sorry and will understand if you no longer follow my page...but I will still always welcome your opinions and input so as to better represent you on our Board. I hope all is well with each of you! *As always, the above statement is my own as an individual and not on behalf of the Gloucester Township Board of Education.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 15:55:29 +0000

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