checking self"times come in ones life when one must inventory what - TopicsExpress


checking self"times come in ones life when one must inventory what just an unjust in thinking.the word of God says"so as a man thinkth o is he.right now i take every thought in me that exalts itself over the word of God in me,i demolish my own arguments in my mind and every pretention that sets itself up against the true knowledge of God,and i take captive my thought to make it obedient to Christ m lord an savior."i do this now that i may not cause any harm to u my beloved in Christ for im now held in account for u for u r apon my heart unto my God an yours.theres nothing more important to me right now than u my beloved in Christ"as i write this with my own hand from the depth of my heart an spirit i weep tears of joy over u an my sincere love i give freely unto u.i free myself now in the sight of GOD an offer myself michael as a willing living sacrifice on thy alter that my flesh an blood my be poured out into an aroma thats pleaseing to my GOD an father who sees an knows me better than i know he i offer myself to that you shall recieve Him in HIS GLORY right now.God know i love thee an i truely have no words to really express to you my beloved,so if you will have me here iam yours in service for the kingdom of GOD!blessing shall yours now an forevermore.SHOLOM
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 17:45:22 +0000

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