ckage WELCOME PACKAGE- Artists Among Us Talent MANAGEMENT I - TopicsExpress


ckage WELCOME PACKAGE- Artists Among Us Talent MANAGEMENT I request as a manager….. I will be trying some talent out, as you are trying me out. I want to submit you on paying projects. I will let you know if you have pictures qualified to get submitted, to make the management roster stay looking impressive. Some things I expect when working with me- Most actors/models have a picture and resume attached, no matter the experience. Models may have a portfolio only. But most need to leave the production company with something, that they can discuss when you leave. And I expect several auditions for you. Therefore, multiple copies of your pictures and resume are necessary and standard in this business. If you need help creating or fixing your resume, please inquire assistance. It is required for submissions. Once your pics and resumes are ready, Its my turn to do the work, impress you with auditions and bookings. Your job is to communicate when you arent available to audition. This is called a BOOK OUT, youd say BOOK ME OUT fri, Im busy, or going out of town for 4 days. This way, when you dont hear from me, Im submitting you, and it says to only submit to the project if talents available for audition date and shoot date. I look terrible, if I submit you, get you an audition, then you cant make it or the shoot date, they wont want to work with me after that. So communication is impressive to casting and production. As your talent manager, I expect: PUNCTUALITY- to an audition. I recommend being early to avoid stress on yourself.R.M COMMUNICATION- If you are running late or find out at the last minute that you can not attend your audition, you must notify your agent. We must look like we communicate and have a great relationship. I would rather say you are held up at a callback, and try to reschedule. PHOTOS- To every audition, you MUST BRING AT LEAST 1 PHOTO. Leave any other personal belongings at the door, inside your audition, if not your car. Try and get new photos every 3 to 6 months, even if it’s a digital photo, it’s what’s “in” right now. Place Artists Among Us Talent Mangement. (AAUTM) Talent Management & my phone number on sign in sheets and booking time cards. You may also place AAUTM name and contact number and website on your resume, without a logo for now. You are not to be contacted for bookings, they must be referred to your manager for protection. I assure your correct rate of pay, and make sure you are not taken advantage of. Then I pay you, less my commission, and it’s easier in reporting taxes. A W-2 and or I-9 form must be filled out when bookings occur, by law. Regarding the project you’re auditioning for, if you do get contacted directly, give them your managers number and it will be taken care of. We know what details and rates you are to get, as minimums. Make sure if you are Non Union and you want Union projects, we must have a hard copy photo of you on file with your resume. This is especially for Taft-Harley instances. As well as a social security number, only if you cannot get contacted in time. Casting and productions need answers to progress, very promptly. An I-9 or W-2 will be need of booked. WEBSITE- Our main page is AAUTM I will create you a page of resume or demo reels. ADDING PHOTOS- I need you to create, add and maintain your resume and special skills. Think Business, Modelly and or Character shots, and don’t be afraid to show your teeth for commercial shots, if you have great smiles. SKILLS- Broaden your skills and training. The most requested roles call for great Improvisation training and strong resumes. The more specific things I can submit you on, the more auditions you can get. What are you great at? Be specific on your resumes, and put what skill level. (Gymnast/Guitar Player/Pro Swimmer etc…) SIDES- will be provided for audition scripts
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 03:30:30 +0000

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