coercion & unconstitutional theft by extortion effort and it is - TopicsExpress


coercion & unconstitutional theft by extortion effort and it is clear Me To Stuart Simmsdonorato@schertlerlawARH@hunterandjohnson Today at 8:17 AM the lawyer was leeched on to me ... contrary to due process ... the forensic psych is lying if you compare and contrast the tape with her ... report ... and the judge refused all defense evidence .... while accepting the fabrication ... clear fabrication effort ... in conspiracy against rights ... in imparting and conveying false information ... in perjury and in sabotage of due process ... and it is purposeful ... and in federal court ... for all to see! ... and when it is time to determine if i can hire my own lawyer ... i will be introducing the scroll of silence ... as property ... and the copyright receipt from the copyright office ... showing a report is due ... one and two ... already thru dole every week i get more than the 900 per month ... and three ... i will require a lawyer who can one introduce relevant impeachment evidence ... or say he saw it ... read it ... and give me a reason in writing why it is not ... impeachment evidence ... and if he cant seem to go with my objectives and tactics ... by law he has to go with my objectives ... so let him put his tactics in writing ... that show ... he is aiding in my defense by meeting my objectives ... and put in in writing for my review and ... key word ... and approval ... and my objectives are clear ... jury trial and impeachment evidence ... entered into court for a finding of each fact and conclusion of law ... in terms of relevance so the impeachment evidence ... is shown ... key word ... shown ... to the jury ... with the evidence beforehand ... authenticated ... cause ... that is the least hard thing to do ... in law ... and the hardest thing for people to do ... if ... they are ... embroiled in crime ... according to law! so simms ... since mom asked you to be of use ... not i mom ... and let us be clear i am not ... hiring you ... i am just ... sending you this information so you can tell the judge that the motion to supress ... you wrote ... and it is your signature that is on it ... that is all you need to do and or say ... and if the judge wants to know about my good cousins fax ... then help the judge authenticate that since you know ... the bad cousin lynn and the good one is his brother ... rusty ... you can also get lynn to acknowledge he signed a proof of principle also ... for darpa sent intellectual property ... oh yes he did ... saying ... physics were SOUND ! 1 lawyer leeched on contrary to due process standards ... and my rights ergo 2 forensic psychologist clearly is lying when comparing tape with her report 3 judge refused evidence ... and is not allowed to make a finding ... when a kangaroo court for sure and with a coercion ... effort ... patterned exactly ... exactly like before ... but before ... i didnt have rusty fax ... or simms motion or a lot ... more documents ... available for discovery when the court decideds not to be kangaroo court ... and simms statement ... for the record ... that it is his signature and his motion ... puts the icing on the cake ... in terms of ... forcing the judge to recant or the ... judicial investigation into her ... her breachs of law ... should be instituted ... inclusive of with the lawyer hunter and the forensic shrink who is not .... in-deed none of them have any right to honorific ... if the ethics ... are in depraved of heart ... theft by extortion under color of law ... coercion ... thru ... effort to eliminate my defense ... rights ... further background in the attached and below and tapes available on request inclusive of tapes of transcripts and laws and shrink interviews ... pre-trial preparation and judges orders to provide legal aid not to decide what you will and wont do(3) Me or how you will or wont advise me or the court ... just do the work hunter ... clearly ... you can do some of the work to show you can actually aid in the defense with defense work shown ... or refus Oct 14 Me or how you will or wont advise me or the court ... just do the work hunter ... clearly ... you can do some of the work to show you can actually aid in the defense with defense work shown ... or refus Oct 14 Adam HUNTER To Me Oct 14 The case number 2013 CMD 15483. I will be prepared to address the matter that is at hand on Thursday. Hide message history On Oct 14, 2013, at 1:31 PM, Chris Sebastian wrote: or how you will or wont advise me or the court ... just do the work hunter ... clearly ... you can do some of the work to show you can actually aid in the defense with defense work shown ... or refusal one or the other ... cause your ... statements are not persuasive that you can aid in my defense in any capacity other than in treachery so show different ... and do so now ... pre-trial means pre-trial ... and pre-trial prep means pre-trial prep ... so prep as i request per the judges order ... with the following ... Adam Hunter, Esq. To Me Oct 8 at 10:25 PM Mr. Sebastian: You absolutely have the right to hire your own legal counsel. Neither the judge, the government, nor myself can deny you that right to have the legal counsel of your choosing. Furthermore, the issue of competency is separate and apart from the issue of whether you are capable from representing yourself at trial. Although one may impact the other decision, it does not mean you are automatically given the ability to do so. I will continue to assert to the court your desire to represent yourself and I will also let the court know if you would like to retain private counsel. For your assistance, here is the court case that discusses your legal rights to represent yourself at trial Also, understand that not all issues that your are raising will be addressed at the next court hearing. The next hearing is to go over the results of the competency review and then the judge will decide how your case will proceed in terms of you representing yourself and whether there is a need for further status hearing. I want to make sure that you are clear on what will be handled at each proceedings so that you know what to address with the Judge because some matters are to be addressed during trial and others during pre-trial motions. --------------- counselor hunter: per the judges order of your providing legal assistance i may wish to have/use ... formally now i ask you to provide the 1. case number _____________________________________________ i believe this one is right please verify for docket/motion needs defense needs. 2 a counter argument as if you were the prosecutor to an estoppel motion ... using cites ... and dealing with the impeachment and estoppel duty failure/evidenced in the documents i sent you for such ... due diligence ... use ... 3 if a counter argument is not productive ... in reasonable written form ... i.e. if it is not possible to counter ... then you can provide an estoppel motion with the evidence supplied ... for judge pre-trial status report ... tho i wish to see it first to see if it is ... you know ... approved ... 4. a motion for predjudicial joinder entered since ... predjudicial and no probable cause for joinder to witness ... 5 ... a motion for investigation into my net worth since a pre-trial requisit to see if ... i am wealthy enough despite attacks on me and my property apparent ... thru evidence given ... you ... wealthy enough to hire a lawyer cause i dont want someone ... leeched on to me ... when due process requires ... knowiing who tried to leech ... anyone on to me ... and why when my net worth ... is so ... apparent ... in terms of ... duty of gov to provide such net worth begining with ... copy right ... finalization ... of of course the scroll of silence ... and what ... the judges formal estimation of such is worth ... or ... you know those who tried to leech ... someone on to me ... who they are and what they think ... such property in my possession is worth on a fungible ... market ... begining with irs quick appraisal ... and copyright report ... and if there is a problem then due process says to a jury ... the tax laws ... and the judge could remand it there right off ... for finding of my ... due process rights in this misdemeanor trial ... to hire my own lawyer ... so a motion for net worth evaluation that is not ... brushed off or ... forgotten ... is due ... too ... per judges orders i remind ... also since she commented on no review of my net worth ... embroiled in ... theft by extortion current ... aka known by other names in the legal ... jar-gone ... like continuing criminal enterprise +++ ... so we have that ... and if you have another ... defense ... put it in writing so i can evaluate the pre-trial parts and anything else you may wish to impart ... cause ... if you want to aid in my defense ... show me what you can ... do ... in writing please. 6 the name of the prosecutor and 7 email for discovery which she is also gathering ... so that you or i can send it to her ... please confirm all or any ... work that you will perform ... by return email saying yes i will for one or and or two or and or 3 ... you get the picture ... and please provide for me by the end of the day because i need to enter information into the clerk of the court ... as informationals ... and i have lots of information that you can help with or not but i need to know ... my final tasking in these matters for you is that you take note of several things ... one ... i have a right to my objectives and tactics ... in my defense ... and so since you have tried to leech on to me ... i am reminding you both of that and of the judges orders to provide legal aid. two ... tho i am invoking my right to present an estoppel pre-trial motion, because of gov on-going criminal attacks upon my person preventing me from ... getting a fair trial ... just look at the scroll of silence and the stolen properties evidenced ... and the fact that ... nobody can seem to account for such ... facts ... or the value of such ... properties ... tangible properties ... and the relation that such unadjudicated property poses in the circumstances surrounding this trial ... in terms of net worth and ability to hire a lawyer ... had the government honored my rights then ... i would not be stuck with your leeching efforts now ... clearly ... this is the case ... currently and since in causal relationships ... i am at a disadvantage because the gov has failed in its duty ... failed in addition with malice and forethought ... even to the degree ... that you just appeared without anyone doing the due diligence work to even discover if ... i had any net worth ... again tainting the process ... clearly so ... and with such in mind i further want to explicitly set forth that tho sometimes an estoppel pre-trial motion is or could be considered an affirmative defense ... i am not ... affirming anything in terms of guilt to the misdemeanor charge ... since i am saying not guilty ... and claiming ... my right to plead innocent ... to have the state prove ... its case ... to a jury ... and to my right to enter estoppel evidence into court for estoppel motion in pre-trial motion and my right to present suchsame evidence to a jury in impeachment format if estoppel motion is not granted ... ie is denied ... by the judge ... upon review of the evidence presented ... and finally not only am i pleading innocent to the misdemeanor charge and demanding my right to jury trial ... but i also wish to have a finding made of each fact ... each fact entered into court needs ... its judicial notice ... that indeed it is a fact ... and a finding of each conclusion of law ... pertaining to each fact presented that has causal bearing on the allegations and the relevant circumstances surrounding such ... Rule 201. Judicial Notice of Adjudicative Facts | Federal Rules of ... (a) Scope. This rule governs judicial notice of an adjudicative fact only, not a legislative fact. (b) Kinds of Facts That May Be Judicially Noticed. The court may ... Judicial Notice - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary/Judicial+Notice Judicial Notice. A doctrine of evidence applied by a court that allows the court to recognize and accept the existence of a particular fact commonly known by ... Federal Rules of Evidence/Judicial Notice - Wikibooks, open books ... Judicial notice is a very simple way to introduce a fact as evidence, but it is not ... The best-known example of judicial notice comes from the 1858 trial of Duff ... if you have any questions dealing with the above ... specific questions in writing, for detailed and specific due diligence efforts ... are also welcome. Naturally i would assume that those also are presented in reasoned fashion ... and in due process ... format ... begining with any questions you may have for pre-trial motions etc. one last thought which you should bear in mind is that i will be asking under the brady rule for specific information to be provided by the prosecutor. This information she clearly can obtain and provide with due diligence since from other branches of the federal government ... inclusive of the secret service and the military. Be advised i will be asking about her furtherance of discovery in tandem with the discovery that i intend on providing her ... with your help ... in the next three days since court is on the fourth day of this week i.e. Thurs. again ... a seasonable replay is ... expected ... today for the basic ... acknowledgment of tasking ... and your willingness to comply with the judges orders. i hope this mesg finds you well ... and ready to ... work! and one last note counselor hunter ... you have not presented yourself to me well and have been indeed an unwelcome sight ... ergo ... the leeching view has been appropriate ... should you wish to remove such stigma ... you will provide me with the requested legal aid ... in best fashion ... imaginable ... with the best effort of your life ... and should i see such performance ... instead of delinquency ... i will apologize for the leech thing ... cause you morphed ... into something decent ... should you not be able to provide me with the needed materials for my legal defense ... i will hold you accountable for your deficiencies ... to the fullest extent of the law ... personally accountable ... i hope we are clear ... i dont tolerate leeches that wish to subvert my rights to an honest self defense ... which is another reason i demand that you do all your performance services ... for me ... in wrtiting ... begining with yes mr sebastian i will or will not do ... the taskings delineated above ... and clearly if you have any questions ... you can put them in writing ... and finally if you wish to hear ... since you so cavalierly asked the other day what an estoppel defense whas ... lawyer ... i can provide you with ... a verbal description also ... the taped one i gave to the ... forensic psychologist ... and since you didnt wish to provide her with information i requested you provide her ... maybe you can remind her that she is on tape ... every meeting on tape ... as i told the judge i would ... Reply, Reply All or Forward | More ------------- YOUR PROBLEM ... AND DONT PLAY GAMES ... CAUSE Me To Stuart Simmsdonorato@schertlerlawARH@hunterandjohnson Today at 8:46 AM im not playing ... oh yeah did i mention in the previous the judge said in court she had not done her informational read due diligence wise ... cause no time she said ... and yet she waived ... not i no ... she waived my right to an evidenciary hearing ... but not ... me ... waiving ... my right to ... defense evidence presentation ... and she goes with clear fabrication to sabotage my rights ... you bet she did ... it! clearly .... the judge needs to rescind her order ... criminal order ... in coercion and slander and extortion ... order ... yup she needs to rescind ... once she calls you ... or you her ... and sin ss duty c all ss ... verify your signature .... ps i am video taping what i am sendig you 3 AttachmentsView allDownload all Reply, Reply All or Forward | More
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 14:37:32 +0000

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