comment by wiseacre. sums things up rather accurately - TopicsExpress


comment by wiseacre. sums things up rather accurately .........Journalistic integrity is supposed to encompass the principles of truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, and fairness - ideals which have been sorely lacking from the corporate mainstream media over the past few years. Over the past week on the 3 News website, we have been treated to a score of lurid stories and irresponsible speculation about Kim Dotcom. But thousands of people marching the streets of New Zealand in protest over the TPP received exactly one article. One. So much for a critical fourth estate, working in the public interest, speaking truth to power. Information is the currency of democracy; without an informed public, there is no democracy. With a corporate mainstream media more concerned with profits and page views, ratings and spin, New Zealand has a terribly misinformed public, and desperately needs true public service broadcasting. There is a reason why John Key prefers to have lightweight chats with his mates on RadioLive, and appear on the covers of womens magazines, rather than front up to tough questioning by serious media. There is a reason the political-right prefers slogans designed by image and marketing consultants over substantive debate and discussion. The political right and their corporate media cronies have dumbed-down political discourse in this country, encouraging cynicism and apathy within the voting electorate. This culminated in the 2011 election, which featured the lowest voter turnout in over 120 years. For the political right, the less people who vote, the better. National has developed a media network incorporating the Whale Oil and Kiwiblog websites, along with journalists and commentators such as Matthew Hooton, Patrick Gower, John Armstrong, Fran OSullivan, Sean Plunket, Jane Clifton, Bill Ralston, Mike Hosking, Paul Henry, Duncan Garner, Rodney Hide, Michelle Boag..., etc, etc. National use this media machine they have created to elevate inconsequential sideshows whilst depriving the opposition of the chance to promote their policies. It is called the *Strategy of Distraction*. Divert public attention from important issues by flooding the media with distractions and insignificant information. Another tactic they have employed has been to turn our elections into *presidential* campaigns, focusing the attention of the electorate onto the leadership of the two *main* parties rather than the policies they represent. National promote this approach because their policies cant withstand real scrutiny, and it means that they can focus attention on their celebrity-styled PM, while they concentrate on discrediting the Labour leader. Elections are not *popularity contests*, and shouldnt be treated as such. The corporate media is obsessed with polls, churning out article after article on polls, while policy announcement from the opposition disappears with barely a mention, absent any analysis. And they misrepresent the polls, making claims such as the above - good news for National and bad news for Labour - when in reality, within the margin of error, the two *sides* are practically neck and neck. National is short of a majority, and is likely to be short of electoral partners post-election. The latest polling report on 3 News is full of assumptions that favour the right, to present the idea that the election is a foregone conclusion, discouraging people from engaging in their electoral system. The false presumption is made that ACT, United Future, and the Maori Party will retain their seats. With Tariana Turia and Pita Sharples standing down, the Maori Party are very likely to lose seats to the left. 3 News also assumes that the Conservatives will be gifted an electorate seat, and bring another along with them. That presumes that voters will do what they are told by Head Office, and vote for Colin Craig. Additionally, no consideration is given to the possibility that if National gift Colin Craig an electorate seat, some conservative National voters might instead give their party vote to the Conservatives, and that a whole lot of center-voters might panic and switch their vote to Labour, New Zealand First, or even the Greens. Gifting the Conservative Party an electoral seat lifeline might actually cost National more than they gain. As was revealed on Radio Nationals Mediawatch, 30 March 2014, an analysis of the polls over the years shows that National is consistently overrepresented, and Labor is consistently underrepresented. The only things the polls have been telling us for a long time now is that the 2014 election will be much closer than the corporate media would have us believe.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 12:18:07 +0000

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