(community antenna television (catv)) AND (time shifted OR - TopicsExpress


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(took the market by storm) AND (sluggish performance OR feel) AND (cloud OR rudimentary) AND (jailbreak OR farming) AND (disrupts services OR generations) AND (favorite things OR family) AND (best guess OR requires) AND (agency OR hot coffee) AND (sustainability OR pixel aiming) AND (analog OR tabletop) anonymous AND (gift to the community OR digital signage) AND (server farm OR crawl) AND (burn ~ in OR experience stations) AND (cloud OR wing walls) AND (wayfinding OR botched) AND (carbon footprint meter OR cloaked in secrecy) AND (the fifth screen OR house of worship offer) AND (connectedness OR greener organic) ARCHITECTURAL SHOWCASE: CITATION OF MERIT. (2012). Healthcare Design, 12(9), 78-82,84-104,106-112,114-124,126-142,144-154,156-160,162-164,166-196,198-206,208- 210,212-216,218-220,222-224,226-233. Retrieved from search.proquest/docview/1130371382?accountid=12085 anonymous AND (gift to the community OR digital signage) AND (server farm OR crawl) AND (burn ~ in OR experience stations) AND (cloud OR wing walls) AND (wayfinding OR botched) AND (carbon footprint meter OR cloaked in secrecy) AND (the fifth screen OR house of worship offer) AND (connectedness OR greener organic) (light sleep) AND (press OR transmission) AND (correlate OR courting experience) AND (technologically particularistic OR interest, convience, necessity) AND (wide and deep OR community antenna television (catv)) AND (the next big thing OR time shifted) AND (intergration OR digital divide) AND (interference OR must carry consent) AND (transmitted OR information service) AND (frequency OR dual must carry) Shipley, P. Z. (2012). Life patterns of family caregivers of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. (Order No. 3534763, The Pennsylvania State University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 444-n/a. 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(took the market by storm) AND (sluggish performance OR look and feel) AND (cloud OR analog) AND (jailbreak OR feel) AND (disrupts services OR rudimentary) AND (digital natives OR farming) AND (digital divides OR generations) AND (electronic numerical integrator and computer OR family) AND (transfer resistor OR requires) AND (digital versatile OR hot coffee) (The Infinite Dial) AND (interactive television (itv) OR multi ~ platform) AND (app OR wind up and solar radio) AND (inventors OR underground) AND ( virtual coviewing OR betamax) AND (limited OR enabling factors) AND (radio OR limiting factors) AND (traces OR motivating factors) AND (follow the video OR inhibiting factors) AND (backward and forward) Kleiman, J. B. (2000). The appropriate technology movement in american political culture. (Order No. 9985800, The University of Rochester). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 641-641 p. Retrieved from search.proquest/docview/304622879?accountid=12085. (304622879). Becker, K. (2008). 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(federal communications commission (fcc)) AND (commercial mobile radio service OR facebook) AND (ship to shore messaging OR distant worlds) AND (copyright office OR five nines) AND (adwords OR customer premises equipment) AND (software OR middleman) AND (communication technology OR audience) AND (technology ecosystem OR tipping point) AND (betamax OR hdtv signals) AND (advanced research projects agency (arpa) OR mobile revolution) betamax AND (reverse compatibility OR i believe) AND (necessity OR living picture) AND (tuners OR tiled) AND (monitor OR fantasy) AND (intent to induce OR native) AND (lossless OR use ) AND (scrobbling OR green) AND similar AND peers Fairchild, D. G. (2000). Convergence of traditional telephony, enhanced telecommunications, private data networking, and the internet into hypercommunications: Implications of the new economy of the network for florida agribusinesses. (Order No. 9997801, University of Florida). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 888- 888 p. 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Retrieved from search.proquest/docview/201150198?accountid=12085 selectavision AND (catch up programming OR post shutter release) AND (set OR jump to screen) AND (migitation measures OR photograph) Smith, S. W. (2004). Innovation and globalization in four high-technology industries in the united states: One size does not fit all. (Order No. 3131989, Harvard University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 213-213 p. Retrieved from search.proquest/docview/305192448?accountid=12085. (305192448). Dawson, M. (2007). Home video and the TV problem: Cultural critics and technological change. Technology and Culture, 48(3), 524-549. Retrieved from search.proquest/docview/198466123?accountid=12085 selectavision AND (catch up programming OR post shutter release) AND (set OR jump to screen) AND (migitation measures OR photograph) Smith, S. W. (2004). Innovation and globalization in four high-technology industries in the united states: One size does not fit all. 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Retrieved from search.proquest/docview/196365189?accountid=12085 betamax AND (enabling factors) AND (limiting factors) AND (motivating factors) AND (inhibiting factors) (community antenna television (catv)) AND (time shifted OR courting experience) AND (dual must carry OR smooth streaming) AND (smooth streaming OR invisible infrastructure) AND (watching the marketplace OR white space) AND (p2p OR ancillary) thumbing AND (feature OR a death spiral) AND (stack OR extra programming) AND (text based OR communicator) AND (talking telegraph OR factory hard reset) AND (cramming OR the brick) AND (point and click OR qwerty) AND (inefficient OR going green) AND (audio transceiver OR doing) (free wheeling mechanical effects) AND (flat OR virtual stained glass) AND (the real life story OR digital visual effects intermediate) AND (light tight OR bits and bytes) AND (parallel editing OR talkies) AND (dreadful OR 3d assaulted audiences) (took the market by storm) AND (sluggish performance OR feel) AND (cloud OR rudimentary) AND (jailbreak OR farming) AND (disrupts services OR generations) AND (favorite things OR family) AND (best guess OR requires) AND (agency OR hot coffee) AND (sustainability OR pixel aiming) AND (analog OR tabletop) anonymous AND (gift to the community OR digital signage) AND (server farm OR crawl) AND (burn ~ in OR experience stations) AND (cloud OR wing walls) AND (wayfinding OR botched) AND (carbon footprint meter OR cloaked in secrecy) AND (the fifth screen OR house of worship offer) AND (connectedness OR greener organic) (light sleep) AND (press OR transmission) AND (correlate OR courting experience) AND (technologically particularistic OR interest, convience, necessity) AND (wide and deep OR community antenna television (catv)) AND (the next big thing OR time shifted) AND (intergration OR digital divide) AND (interference OR must carry consent) AND (transmitted OR information service) AND (frequency OR dual must carry) (mom and pop desktop operations) AND (take off OR diffusion curve) AND (integration OR reel to reel machines) AND (umbrella perspectives OR crossing the chasm) AND (content network OR voice over internet protocol (voip)) AND (fun facts OR behavioral intention) AND (big picture OR multichannel multipoint distribution services (mmds)) AND (3d OR tipping point) AND (critical mass OR hdtv signals) AND (revolutions per minute (rpm) OR mobile revolution) (took the market by storm) AND (sluggish performance OR look and feel) AND (cloud OR analog) AND (jailbreak OR feel) AND (disrupts services OR rudimentary) AND (digital natives OR farming) AND (digital divides OR generations) AND (electronic numerical integrator and computer OR family) AND (transfer resistor OR requires) AND (digital versatile OR hot coffee) (The Infinite Dial) AND (interactive television (itv) OR multi ~ platform) AND (app OR wind up and solar radio) AND (inventors OR underground) AND ( virtual coviewing OR betamax) AND (limited OR enabling factors) AND (radio OR limiting factors) AND (traces OR motivating factors) AND (follow the video OR inhibiting factors) AND (backward and forward) (federal communications commission (fcc)) AND (commercial mobile radio service OR facebook) AND (ship to shore messaging OR distant worlds) AND (copyright office OR five nines) AND (adwords OR customer premises equipment) AND (software OR middleman) AND (communication technology OR audience) AND (technology ecosystem OR tipping point) AND (betamax OR hdtv signals) AND (advanced research projects agency (arpa) OR mobile revolution) betamax AND (reverse compatibility OR i believe) AND (necessity OR living picture) AND (tuners OR tiled) AND (monitor OR fantasy) AND (intent to induce OR native) AND (lossless OR use ) AND (scribbling OR green) AND similar AND peers discovision AND (letterbox OR props) AND (video ~ like OR zipping) selectavision AND (catch up programming OR post shutter release) AND (set OR jump to screen) AND (migitation measures OR photograph) betamax AND (enabling factors) AND (limiting factors) AND (motivating factors) AND (inhibiting factors) community antenna television (catv) death spiral bits and bytes scalability rudimentary gift to the community wide and deep diffusion curve digital divides traces technology ecosystem scribbling zipping migitation measures limiting factors community antenna television (catv) death spiral bits and bytes scalability rudimentary gift to the community wide and deep diffusion curve digital divides traces technology ecosystem
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 03:56:15 +0000

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