confidentially speaking amongst us all comma while i was dancing - TopicsExpress


confidentially speaking amongst us all comma while i was dancing more than surviving not even struggling caus semi colon with everything and what question mark i do not deny and or to confirm and why question mark not if it quotation mark is irrelevent and so it apostrophe been years ago period in good time as long as it takes to complete the task or insecurity breaching itself in another person or people and their quote feelings end quote or stop slash and or end story of in the center or what question mark and come back to that and leave it wher question mark becaus it will not be there long and i only stared doing that when?question mark i recalled it were my own place and i paid i was living in and or would if i was making the money i was making before chic saw me not see her wher question mark the camera apostrophe caught us and a random guy walking with and or not and i have also mentioned it to who question mark was supposed to care and isn apostrophe t held back down or man handled whipping off his outfit to make himself more comfortable to act like an animal for anyone going question mark and with that the police have literally badgered and or hazed trying to pick me up swagger question mark driving by flirting end quote literally how sad and while i am walking alone or with my pet in the same summer oh quotation yes period as well as everything and with it i never mentioned and caus semi colon the only things i apostrophe have ever heard said and or spoken myself as well if not more greatly and when question mark to accentuate slash and or punctuate for my own well being and mind me souly as well as my concerns and foremost my immediate loved ones comma family or not comma loving companionship and we have our own handle on how we exist to be ourselves not micro and or hypen ill hyphen manage apostrophe d by some girl taking off her shoes trying to fight me and what question mark it is about and never had the might to mention til she was drunk and pulling my hair crying to managment and why question mark i should question mark not mention it there caus semi colon or i apostrophe and threatens my lifestyle employment and got a dance from her when question mark i was working at the sleaze club for tips for just dancing privately caus semi colon and only ever said nice things about my own business and how question mark that applies to all our loves at the end of every and or any next moment period nd coming over a go nome beside mike being dunk like my daughter on her b hyphen day and struggling to tell me caus semi colon the systems having it apostrophe s way end quotation double u hyphen slash and something about speaking hebrew i can have not in a minute and need to look at my book put away til i have a place and why question mark all the complication because i literally have hater apostrophe s for no apparent reason and owe what question mark i do and double u out my earnings to keep my income and the security of my life as well as what question mark i mind and whatever conspiracy or definitly pre meditated to say the least and seperated like idiots period with it enforced against me and if we never say more about it stop apostrophe s and it really does work to make me look bad and or feel terrible and who question mark add apostrophe fuel exclamation and double u slash is the intention malice and all that menacing is criminal and or abusive and pawning it off to suit and so forths is influence way of having us as a whole suhm of peole and if we were united we could have more of an aggrressive handle without causing ill fate or damages also intentionally and or spite as bad and while i still woman would like to express myself freely just this once to the rogue void and have my own spelling as if to follow in the footsteps of creating to produce something from what question mark ever and why question mark we are while i apostrophe am quotation alive end quotation no parenthesis what question mark exclamation the foul because i got there did not speak and was not ill and fine period am no ones enemy or trying to fear or fight with who question mark or any who question mark that is in fact the hyphen deal comprende ok and a local county faiR attract apostrophe people suddenly from everywher question mark from and the story board would go like and why question mark my child should be confused about the thing apostrophe things other people say about anything he or she already know apostrophe up until any moment and or how fast i go as though their own mind is not attached to their stamina for minding every or anyone else and to get attention forgot themselves and to point the finger in fashion of being just that fine tuning to suit it and i am not interested know already what question mark i like and how to live amongst all of hyphen the hyphen people parenthesis and my palms at any temperature end quotation together wiggling my fingers in motion together end parenthesis double u slash and influence to be and or drag me through their apostrophe s problem apostrophe s all hyphen the time and is not good for our skin and why question mark by now i apostrophe do not listen to the negativity being forced fed to me in any place and or my privacy and or specific member apostrophe s alleging establishment to force me in with it slash and or them when question mark i did not ask for their attention and or require it to be paid and am an equal partner really becaus i know what question mark is supposed to happen behind being waved in which direction and did not and how to pull out of the elbow grab and hold and turn like president bush double u did with a rusiian i think to speculate an ambassador or something is not the important part of saying this pulling ot of the hand shake in full leadership and that apostrophe is not how i role ultimately informal and how to drift on purpose double u slash intent and if we could bass jump atlanta would be fun and he said he apostrophe wants to retire exclamation and then stared at a picture of a vase comma and earn i asked and stared it and someone holding a folded flag in the dark and there apostrophe is a glare died and that apostrophe is not having a good hyphen time and what question mark he said he wanted when question mark i came & he ordered six ten dollar shot apostrophe s and it tasted like coffee and rumple and did not feeel like very much proof to me and then five hour apostrophe s after that and energy drink and was wide awake same as the next guy dying to be dead or dead already and someone in text trying to make him feel bad manipulatively speaking about something they could apostrophe have stopped if he had let that person get have to win question mark i do not know or want to it apostrophe s not fun or getting along to eventually either and with that a drag period and it apostrophe s is not easy being influenced in with swimming with it when question mark that apostrophe s is what question mark it is and cold be becoming of once someone sweet to have a good time and not unhappy with him and looking directly aiming to pleasing steady and be exhibited before all my time is wasted poor and without skin care products and a mani pedi salon and spa trip and massage then bass jumping and mine would apostrophe given me quotation mark and a maybe just to quotation mark make me happy or to be pacified is not satisfying or with it that and have soothed me quotation double duh end quote and i can sooth myself only always have had to not raise and or to throw anymore for anyone without being paid for everything spoken already and or for my scene efforts to mention and being ignored til it killed alot of people end quote caus semi colon ver hyphen above or slash and or dash in the middle batim caus semi colon my history can not be changed same as all of our apostrophe s is forensic apostrophe s and what question mark turn apostrophe s me on statistically doing all the talking and thats got to be confessed and what question mark people have said or mentioned was seen and or quotation mark they end quotation saw comma when question mark or right before they died and or how funny caus semi colon they are alive to and telling with no hyphen place to be or going anytime recently or soon so important i could apostrophe not and or not mention for how sad and or while so silly ultimately right and reason and three hyphen hour apostrophe stop get wher question mark ever there is and knowing all that is actual factual and set upon or done unto ourselves period right period i know period and as well as no place to go or be even more time on my side and or anyone apostrophe s to get wher question mark i will eventually to do what is necessary and or not and all what question mark is done unto set in on or denied by comparison as equivalent to who question mark or whom question mark confirmed or comparable to being the same as by who apostrophe s question mark apostrophe s opinion on any matter actually becaus semi colon my relatives i already know preceive everyone and by extension who question mark ever else i apostrophe s and or when question mark i decided to begin and then swab right open house party and or the broncos and the d dot or period j period or dot at the gold club super hyphen bowl party said it is by law the girl has to side with the seattle seahawk hyphen s to win and am prepared already becaus semi colon it apostroophe s what question mark would have to be done or programmed proper up to spec apostrophe s and with it par apostrophe quite possibly exclamation yeah duh quotation mark and steal glances with the people in my eyes first sight that are nice fun or too look and and be close to isn not complicated and to be naturally and smile wiithout being sad and or cruel right to be wher question mark i stride and impress to thrive and go unnoticed and force fed wrong all tactic apostrophe s and wher question mark there are not only krnll error apostrophe s any idiot cold fix if they knew what question mark to look for and not what question mark to do to bring harm instead of meddling to mind themselves and be well in exhibiting period hah quotation mark apostrophe s today began already and why questions anyway and is the same as sucking pop dash corn krnll apostrophe s from between the places my teeth break or the filling apostrophe s from when question mark i was three once maybe question mark and did not hit anyone or bite or steal from to snatch and or mind and what question mark i was told and always like nap apostrophe becaus semi colon it meant a day was close to the end again period ok c apostrophe on and that does not happen here or in said this vortex circling me for the last fifteen year apostrophe or non dash hyphen slash or stop from the first time i ever mentioned what question and everything and with it what question mark happened and was not asked for bureaucracy right and it work apostrophe s also while it is rigged and not up to spec apostrophe s or par and that matter apostrophe s in specific apostrophe s event apostrophe s sounds like it is skipping maybe almost completed and this can go on for alot longer and will not because my children know me pretty well before if they apostrophe d not fear being in sync again on que apostrophe d quotation me right exclamation here comma dot dot dot or period period period is not because it continues while it actually is or to begin again from here to or nor there and what question mark is relevent when speaking about a speciific incident period yes period dot apostrophe s are a go between like an up high or down right hyphen and or a dash goes sideway apostrophe s right ok stop laugh out no quotation do not keep going caus semi colon it makes me or i do laugh and smile period are different and not the same and can both reeek of the same imposter apostrophe s scent apostrophe from heaven and not be any good either way and or a good thing right and to recognize the necessary seperation and the space apostrophe s between and how who question mark could tell anyone ever not listened before egg apostrophe s aCtly and when question mark a person can be helped or like a hyphen zombie gone with distemper so terribly being shot by a firing squad was the only mean apostrophe s necessary and brutally mauled by animals and chased hunted comma faught with comma run down comma over and by people is not always punishable or what question mark being done in iraq slash or iran pakistan jahlahlahbahb the middle east and not from a country club neighborhood in a southern community now again or never seized went lowely and or detention is not rising still slash supposed to go on ultra violence comma effects us all united in this our america terrorism domestic or foreign entries slash or snuff films was another loved ones angel and except in this case event which make it most rare and or with it especially hannius comma hanious comma hannius comma no listing hilarious comma really and neither in indivisable and we pledge our kids enforced the freedom to learn it how will they and ask me no matter how trivial timing is everything becaus semi colon i am real still and have my own speed becaus semi colon of who question mark i am and not becaus semi colon of how i think what question mark of other people and to strike out loud visable sight or program before me blasting and on the dirt road be jumped for standing there or showing concern for my child the foul the attack or the person just standing should not be complicated to sumise and it never happen apostrophe s right and or is against me for existing to rehtard enforce my compliance or starve to strike and force ill will comma feelings is immaturity reeking recently behind me and affect apostrophe s my family by way of influence having been on me period quotation mark duh end quote period and is how it would be addrressed becaus semi colon if it is serious a person has to be able to receive those messages and or concern apostrophe s pre requisite and i prioritise slash choose my battles and or what question marks is forced upon me to be set upon messying the day for everyone assembling period and why question mark are we question mark could be settled without drama or flashing light apostrophe s alright period and or causing show for it out front by having security to protect everyone and who question and not worry a billionaire about how to spend his own money period mark is complaining slash and whining slash question mark is trying to and while not going unnoticed and neither is the blocking other apostrophe s from eating their own meal also allowed on earth now period and my own genre apostrophe s for mine and me so we will be happily and more comfortable not to worry over the little thing apostrophe s appreciate joy comma lafter and the celebrity endorsment check from the cut up high caus semi colon was recieved in bank hyphen deposit like it was earned well right while deliberately possessing to rank and or out come rank from my xhibit really all distress and signal apostrophe s and high sign apostrophe s a hyphen scrimage no solution slash composure comma and snicken a snight is the same as my whole life hyphen what apostrophe s new comma haha as if or though we apostrophe are not dancing gurl apostrophe s girl apostrophe s in the world and or i am not who question mark and be who question mark who question mark what question mark i say i am hahaha and just be that and be alright and not instigate to insight with caus semi colon quotations it apostrophe s has been done long time now hah for not picking it up the first time period right ever period and then being mad at me for doing the same thing or how could i show caus semi colon or tell and it is alot worse than i am letting on and only the vocabulary since hence and or with being sent to welfare mental health to derange my money well spent to discover a self not being affected double u contrition about my mother apostrophe s pawn apostrophe s quotation duh included being force fed influence double u the systems basis for rue like the awesome sauce for something murky being the nastiness as a great thing and to dive in and dance happily with a smile on our faces anyway with it playing instead of the conspiring while being made mockery of the most fun part apostrophe s so far comma ill dash effectiveness and plentyful and with holding the self well paid for and kept for someone more hyphen special than ever or it would still be that hyphen way smile period and be ok parenthesis not be afraid end parenthesis a magnet for the right questions and knowledgeable about the greatest progress forming direction like it is nothing that someone can just do what question mark i ever said to anyone individually and or as a whole suhm slash or group and not or oonly one et it and how it is all applying itself to an ultimate message ah hyphen and standing as a matter of fact ly as i can without laughing &or crying causs semi colon i mean to display exhibit a dot or period as a super hero hyphen and be the x gurlfriend and dark spider gurl and my latex outfit would come across allover and from out of me to shield me with protection is covering another figuaraively speaking like mystique apostrophe s does and or did right and be gently in saying or kind smile on my face small ah and sing out like an angel out right how sick i was or had to be and or not there at allhow far the mind apostrophe reel apostrophe s is in finite who apostrophe s hyphen apostrophe s presence and always be right for who question mark or who question mark and or wher question mark indeed definitly slash semi colon really seriously really
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:03:51 +0000

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