conservativetribune/obama-israel-war-crimes/ REPORT: Obama - TopicsExpress


conservativetribune/obama-israel-war-crimes/ REPORT: Obama Supports Charging Israel With “War Crimes” August 14, 2014 Ever since Israel decided to stop being a victim and started fighting back against Hamas terrorists bombing their country and killing their children, Barack Obama has opposed them every step of the way. When Israeli leadership announced they would be starting “Operation Protective Edge,” Obama warned them to use “restraint,” in essence telling the Jewish nation to take it easy on deadly terrorists attempting to wipe them off the map. After the decision was made to enter into Gaza on foot to destroy tunnel networks that gave Hamas entrance to Israeli communities, Obama attacked them and began placing the blame for civilian casualties on their shoulders without acknowledging Hamas’ role in these deaths at all. The president then decided to turn his back on one of our most important allies in the region by siding with the U.N. and demanding Israel give in to terrorist demands and sign a ceasefire. After all of this, it didn’t seem that President Obama could possibly back stab Israel any more, but according to WND, the ultimate betrayal is coming in the form of support from the administration to charge Israel with war crimes. Palestinians reportedly have an agreement with the Obama administration to threaten Israel with the charge of war crimes as a means of forcing them to agree to a long-term ceasefire. Both Israel and Egypt believe this to simply be a tactic rather than a serious plan to charge them in the International Criminal Court. The Palestinian Authority asked radical Islamists from Hamas and other groups to sign a document that labels them “the State of Palestine,” which allows the PA to represent them at the ICC. Riad Malki, a Palestinian foreign minister said “Israel has left us with no other option,” speaking of the plan to bring war crime charges against the Jewish nation. This is insanity. President Obama is actually in support of charging one of our greatest allies with war crimes, despite the fact that they didn’t start the conflict, but were defending themselves against terrorists. Support for this measure should be seen by the American people and the rest of the world as an endorsement of terrorism by the president, as it appears to condone these acts as legitimate agents of political expression and change. President Obama has supported terrorists financially, released whole gangs of them from prison, and is now siding with them in their fight against an ally. Obama is proving with each passing day to be a criminal who needs impeached and prosecuted, but the American people need to lead the charge and demand Congress take steps to make this happen. Enough is enough. Please share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you agree that Obama’s betrayal of Israel is a betrayal of America.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 02:50:33 +0000

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