consuming the flesh and body fluids (or fruits of their labor, - TopicsExpress


consuming the flesh and body fluids (or fruits of their labor, e.g. bees) is the food of the ancient mind ego-carnivore. more and more are able to See / re-cognize this. i See Golden Age as complete cessation of murder, cruelty, exploitation, experimentation of All beings. as the human consciousness shifts, all consciousness shifts, as animal being carnivores transition as well. carniverous nature is that which made the ancient choice to experience as if separate from God-Love-Divine Presence. and, yes, what we/collective humanity in the meat/dairy/skin/fur/experimentation/entertainment-exploitation (e.g. circus) are doing to animal brethren absolutely is HOLOCAUST ... and then everybody eats, drinks, partakes of these fruits of cruelty without even so much as a hint of a thought about it. WHY? ... and this is important to see and understand ... that many or most are not operating from some fiendish diabolical bloodlust, at least not at a conscious level. most are in the hard-wired preconditioned unquestioned ancient primal body-ego-mind conditioning, that has been as it is pretty much the entire duration of the manifested form world dream (as if separate from God) state. therefore, what is happening is not right, but, the carnivore beings CAN be Seen in their INNOCENCE (and ignorance), because judging and condemning other form beings is just the egos loop to stay within its illusory dream state, aka: Easing God Out. i first began Seeing it as it is in our miscreations in 1979, and can vouch that seeing thru the lens of judgement is horrifically fearful, and focuses on the error, instead of the Only True Reality -- no matter WHAT is seemingly going on in form world, We ARE One with God, and therefore not that (not what the ego state first initiates, then condemns, and/or tries to solve by resistance, projection, condemnation, etc. as we heal/Awaken more and more of ourSelf is spontaneously healing/Awakening, and to/for this, i can only say, THANK YOU GOD! for changeless, continually emanating Realm of Divine Love the above was written in a response of concurrence to this letter: Many of us are on the path of healing, of self empowerment, of awakening. For me one of the things that has come to the forefront of my own process lately has been animal rights. I hate to even label it as “animal” when they are conscious beings just as we are (or that we are all animals anyway). All being share the same experience of life. Feel love, pain, fear, loss. Have family, society, relation and communication. All animals, all beings nurture their young and grieve when a loved one is lost. I have been vegetarian for 23 years and recently I became vegan. This is because of awakening. I have woken up to the suffering of these beings that we have enslaved, mass produced and genetically modified as our food source. The number of animals raised for slaughter each year on this planet is staggering. Between 40 and 50 billion. Mostly Goat, Cattle and chicken but many other species as well. That’s around 6 million conscious beings slaughtered every hour globally. What I’ve awakened to is that this is an atrocity. A holocaust. That humanity will one day look back at this period with shame. That one day all living beings will have rights. The right to equality, to family, to society, to relationship, to happiness and to freedom. There was a time when people thought it was okay to own slaves, There was a time when women didn’t have a right to vote and there will come a time when it will be a crime to murder another living being, or to enslave another species. There is a paradigm shift taking place on this planet. A shift toward higher consciousness that we all have the good luck and privilege to be a part of, to be alive in this time but awakening to higher consciousness is awakening to love, to higher truth and to higher compassion but compassion is not selective. True compassion is for all who suffer. My teacher Sri Bhagavan says that the level of suffering created by the mass slaughter of farm animals on this planet is manifest in the suffering of our own consciousness. Expressed as violence, war, disease and hatred. That we are out of balance, taking what we want, stripping the forests, mining the resources while destroying the environment. That we are poor stewards and that the suffering we are creating is manifest as our own. When I see people eating meat now, with no real consciousness of what they are doing, with a total disconnection to the fact that what they are eating was once a living being just as they are, It’s almost to much for me to stay silent. Something needs to be said for those who cannot speak for themselves, Someone has to defend the rights of those who have been given none. To argue that we are carnivores or ominivores is pointless. The time is long past when any person had to kill to survive. With choice comes responsibility. Responsibilty to conscience, to principle and to integrity. Are we awakening to higher consciousness, to higher awareness if we can eat an “animal”, another being, without experiencing or understanding their suffering. And why? Because we choose to because we like it or because it tastes good? Many will disagree with what I say automatically because of conditioning. Because it is absolutely necessary in order to eat meat to be disassociated, disconnected or distanced from the reality of the act. It is not the fault of the person because this is very deep rooted programming in human culture. In our evolution as a species there was a time when this was necessary but that time has past. It is time to SEE the truth that it is wrong to eat meat. Russell Brand said, and I love: “Why should a life have to end so you can have a snack”. It is truth and it’s time to wake up, to awaken from the dream that it’s okay to eat other beings when we don’t have to, when we can choose not to.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 06:50:56 +0000

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