continuance >> >Exceptions: final consonant after a short, - TopicsExpress


continuance >> >Exceptions: final consonant after a short, stressed vowel or l as final consonant after a vowel is doubled Example : admit – admitted travel – travelled >> Exceptions :final y after a consonant becomes i Example :hurry – hurried The past participle can also be used to shorten or combine passive clauses that have the same subject. Example: The boy was given an apple. He stopped crying. – Given an apple, the boy stopped crying. #Perfect Participle The perfect participle can be used to shorten or combine clauses that have the same subject if … *… one action (the one where the perfect participle is used) is completed before the next action starts. Example: She bought a bike and cycled home. – Having bought a bike, she cycled home. *… one action has been going on for a period of time when another action starts. >> Example: He had been living there for such a long time that he didnt want to move to another town. – Having lived there for such a long time, he didnt want to move to another town. The perfect participle can be used for active and passive voice. *active voice: having + past participle (Having cooked, he set the table.) *passive voice: having been + past participle (Having been cooked, the food looked delicious.) #Use of Participle Clauses If a clause is shortened using a participle construction, the clause is called participle clause. >> Example: Watching TV, she forgot everything around her. In English, participle clauses are mainly used in writing in order to put a lot of information into one sentence. When shortening or combining clauses with a participle construction, keep the following rules in mind: *Both clauses should have the same subject. *The less important part becomes the participle clause. Important information should always be in the main clause. *Make sure, you use the correct participle form (see above). *The conjunctions as, because, since and relative pronouns who, which are left out. *The conjunctions before, when are used in the participle clause. *The conjunctions after, while can be used or left out. #Participle Clauses with different Subjects Sometimes participle clauses can be used even if the clauses to be combined do not have the same subject. This is the case for example if the main clause contains one of the following verbs + object: feel, find, hear, listen to, notice, see, smell, watch >>Example: I heard him playing the guitar. Here, the participle clause must directly follow the object it is relating to. (Note: Some of the verbs mentioned here can also be used with the infinitive. For further information see Infinitive or Ing-Form) A participle construction is also possible, if both subjects are mentioned (often the word with is put before the subject in the participle clause). This is very formal, however, and not often used. >> Example: Mrs Jones went to New York. Mr Smith took up her position. → (With) Mrs Jones going to New York, Mr Smith took up her position. Incorrect Participle Clauses Apart from the exceptions mentioned above, participle clause and main clause should have the same subject. Otherwise the sentences might sound rather strange. >> Example: I was driving on the motorway, when the baby started to cry. → Falscher Partizipialsatz: Driving on the motorway, the baby started to cry.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 13:14:28 +0000

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