...continued from previous article... REVEALING THE HIDDEN TRUTH - TopicsExpress


...continued from previous article... REVEALING THE HIDDEN TRUTH OF WHITES. THE REALITY YOU HAVE YET TO REALIZE. [By Amon Hotep] Legend has it that the wall was 666 miles in circumference and that is really how the white devils, as the Muslims in the civilization south of the Caucasus Mountains referred to the barbaric white people, came to associate “666” with the devil. They managed to break past that wall and attack the black civilizations to the south and the rest is history. The religion of Islam teaches much of this per Elijah Muhammad. Based on many facts and historical evidence as brought forward in Paul Lawrence Guthrie’s book “The Making of the Whiteman”, Islam is actually closer to historical fact than most people would like to think, and this is what troubles Caucasians. This is the real reason behind this WAR ON ISLAM! Another Illuminati front organization is the Centers for Disease Control or as some like to describe them, the Centers for Deception and Corruption. Not only are they responsible for the development and proliferation of HIV and AIDS but also SARS, this new Bird Flu Pandemic on the horizon, and another strange disease becoming an epidemic in California, Texas and Florida called Morgellons Disease. Have you noticed an epidemic in Diabetes going around the world lately? yep, you guessed it. Deliberate proliferation by the FDA (another Illuminati front organization) trying to make money for the pharmaceutical industry at the expense of innocent people’s health world wide. One catalyst for doing this is the sweetener Aspartame placed in many diet products from sodas to chewing gum. Be careful, Depleted Uranium has a connection with the global diabetes epidemic as well. This is all pretty much spelled out in something called the secret covenant, they, the Illuminati live by, you can read it at this link: bibliotecapleyades.ne t/sociopolitica /esp_sociopol_illuminati_21.htm It goes into explicit detail of just what the powers that be have been up to for a very long time and continue to get over doing. Are you familiar with Chemtrails? Those strange crisscross patterns that are produced from the exhaust of Airplanes are serving the Illuminati agenda as well. They are secretly coating your lungs with a man made cocktail that is making you more receptive to the Bird Flu virus once it is finally released en mass to the global population. The cocktail reaches you when it rains as a result of their Chemtrail spraying. You ask why are white people (The Illuminati) doing all of this? Remember from the past essays, that white people being genetic defects cannot reproduce like normal people, while their birthrate plummets, people of color’s birthrates sky rocket. They have to kill off people of color while at the same time rectify their poor population efforts by cloning themselves which is disguised as stem cell research. They want to reduce the present world population of 6 billion people to about 100 to 500 million. This includes killing off many white people as well. They give themselves secret vaccinations or genetically engineered mutations to make themselves immune to their poisons at the same time giving the rest of the population vaccinations that will make them more receptive to whatever genocidal virus they decide to release to kill off the masses. The truth is all over the Internet. That is why there is a movement taking place right now to censor the Internet and the truth that is widely exposed. You can bet your bottom dollar that the real reason we are at war in Iraq is because of the discovery of an ancient Sumerian artifact that once becomes widespread will cause a shift in consciousness. It will confirm white people are only black people’s genetic defects and freaks of nature and that white people aren’t the supreme race that they lie about. Remember Iraq is the site of ancient Mesopotamia, there is a lot that the Jewish media isn’t telling you! All of this is merely the tip of the iceberg of what secret clandestine operations the United States government and other world governments controlled by the Illuminati have going on. It is all going on right under your nose and you didn’t even realize it. You can read more about the Illuminate with the following link: bibliotecapleyades.ne t/sociopolitica /esp_sociopol_illuminati_21.htm Don’t forget about the RFID chips that are becoming popular with helping to find pets these days. The Illuminati’s ultimate goal is to chip every man woman and child on planet Earth for control purposes. Now that you have been clued in, you can take it upon yourself to not only discover that black skin is the genetic parent and figure out what white people don’t want you to understand, but finally determine the reality you have yet to realize.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 08:44:21 +0000

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