continuity......the story of Jonah is another good exemple of what - TopicsExpress


continuity......the story of Jonah is another good exemple of what fear can do to a person.Jonah feels that the person of ninenah may repent of their evil ways and forgiveness and mercy of God,instead of the punishment of God that he will preach to them.with this thought in his mind,Jonah feared that this can make the people of Nineveh to misconstrue him to b a fake prophet.he therefore decided to disobey God by not going to deliver Gods msg to the people of Nineveh.rather,he decided to run from the presence of God to tarshish Jonah 1.1-3) in runing away from the presence of God,jonah spent money wastefully by paying his fare.....he also sufferd in the belly of a fish for three days and three nights,it was in d belly of the fish that Jonah cried out to God for mercy Jonah 2.7. And God asked the fish to vomit him on a dry land.therefore,God spoke to him the secound time to go to nineveh and he went on another three days jouney Jonah 3.1.4. ....on the other hand, God knowing the danger that fear can cause in our lives told Joshua that he should be courageous and strong and not b afraid becos fear creates discouragement and reduces our strenght.hence,he said in joshua 1.9...have not I commanded thee?be strong and of a good not afraid,neither be thou dismayed.for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest....fear,which usualy result from uncertainty in our minds or lack of confidence and faith in the word of God ,is a great enemy of encourage us not to fear there are many recordings of fear not in the bible.Fear made Peter to deny his master Jesus christ when he was asked if he knew jesus christ in Matt the days of Moses when the spies were sent to find out what the promised land was like num 13.17-33.) many of them came back with reports that were born out of fear in the hrts,which would have discouraged the isrealites frm entery d land.....many people today have not started business,not for lack of money to start but becos of fear that they may not succed if they go into business.......many others have refused to marry becos they feel that if they marry,thy may not av children or be able to take care of their wives and children becos of the financial difficulties in their countries.our doubts are traitors,and make us lose the good we often might win,by fearing to attempt.dont be afraid of failure,fear of failure will only weaken your strength and inner drive.launch out boldly and with a mind to make a succes out of what you set out to is not our lack of ability that keeps us from succeeding but our fear to dare the unknown.we can either live entrapped by fears of the unknown or step into the newness of unfamiliar relationships,jobs,etc.we all have the ability to pull ourselves out of our situations by removeing fear and start to do something with the little we have,for God to bless.......TO BE COntinued!!!!!.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:46:39 +0000

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