control: power to direct or determine For the last five years - TopicsExpress


control: power to direct or determine For the last five years and particularly the last few months, I have voluntarily engaged in the activity of taking a good, long, naked look at my thinking about CONTROL. What have I noticed? Well, to cut to the chase...I have spent way too much energy TRYING to control others and not enough of my energy controlling myself? You can only imagine how ineffective and exhausting that approach has been...not to mention how annoying this has been for others. Now, if you had come up and asked me, Can you control other people? Can you make them do what you want them to do and think? I would have quickly said, No way! Yet, in actual life, I continued to exert lots of effort in TRYING to get people to comply with my preferences. How did (do) I do this? Through my words, attitudes and moods...thats how! And might I add...all to NO avail. Why? BECAUSE THE ONLY PERSON I (YOU) CAN CONTROL IS ME (YOU)! Now the good news is (and it is very good news indeed)... I can take control of my life no matter what others are or are not doing or thinking. In other words, I am free to choose AND choosing is the best and most effective way I have for controlling my life from getting off course AND increases the probability that the next action I take will most likely will be the best possible step toward turning my vision for life into reality. With this naked confession, I leave you with this thought: We almost always have choices, and the better the choice, the more we will be in control of our lives. William Glasser I am reminded of two thoughts from the God-book: *parenthetical comments are mine The fruit of the spirit includes SELF-CONTROL (versus OTHERS-CONTROL). I set before you, life (choosing to control myself) and death (TRYING to control others)...CHOOSE LIFE!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 14:48:10 +0000

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