crimefilenews/2013/10/military-tactics-and-rules-of.html ...The - TopicsExpress


crimefilenews/2013/10/military-tactics-and-rules-of.html ...The militarization of police agencies is reminiscent of the darkest times of Germany 1933-1945. They created the Brown Shirts (SA) and later the SS to do things most honorable military men would be ashamed to be involved with. At a rapid pace our police have been ignoring our Bill of Rights and advancing on Americans with military tactics and rules of engagement. That is frightening for sure. The response by Boston authorities to raid homes and remove families at gunpoint while they were looking for the marathon bombing suspects was incredibly un-American and wrong. That was absolute TYRANNY!...more...
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:14:42 +0000

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