THURSDAY 7th NOVEMBER 2013 8pm GMT / 3pm - TopicsExpress

   THURSDAY 7th NOVEMBER 2013 8pm GMT / 3pm EST / 12pm CST TONIGHT on THE CRY FREEDOM SHOW with LISA…… On the show this evening I will be featured a young English guy called BEN WESTWOOD… Ben was on the show early last summer talking to us about what he had uncovered on how the powers that be control and use the world of gambling to programme and control us! Since then Ben has continued being active and writing and playing his own alternative music but recently he has come across hard times and is currently homeless….. I like my show to be as much as possible about REAL PEOPLE and what people who “get it” have to go through and endure to get the message they feel compelled to out. Ben, who has been homeless to a large extent since the age of 16 through no direct fault of his own, just circumstances, touched my heart this week and I felt he was in need of a little support and hope, as we all are at times and this IS our strength… what we can do for each other x I will be playing an audio of Ben telling us what he has been going through of late and how he feels he may be the victim of mind control and other sinister forces…. I will also be playing some of his brilliant music….. It’s all about us guys which is why you need to listen to Ben’s frank, honest and moving story because what affects one of us, affects us! Also tonight we have Part 2 of a reading from the amazing book, MOON TIME by Johanna Paungger and Thomas Pope – The Art of Harmony with Nature and Lunar Cycles, tonight “Forgotten in the Whirlpool of Modern Times – In the course of a few centuries knowledge about the influences indicated by the position of the moon almost fell into oblivion – so much so, that many people today react with astonishment and suspicion when they hear of it……..” focussing tonight on the important knowledge that has been lost or in fact taken deliberately as many believe from us and about us not realising just how strong we are! …and another ANIMATE EARTH spot, words of wisdom from our GEORG, META’s MUSICAL MEANINGS and much more…. Hope you can join me, see you later, much love, Lisa xxxx Join us in the CHATROOM at CRITICAL MASS RADIO needs your help! ********************************** To be a Critical Mass Radio Supporter you have two options. Go to WWW.CRITICALMASSRADIO.CO.UK SITE and you will see TOP LEFT a SUBSCRIBE button and on the TOP RIGHT, a DONATE button. What we need is 200 LISTENERS at least subscribing to us to enable the station to continue doing this essential work. This is optional but bear in mind what you get at Critical Mass Radio, you receive 24/7 broadcasting, LIVE shows all week, FREE podcasts and access to many groups and invaluable information. BE PART OF THE CHANGE AND PLEASE HELP US TO HELP YOU BY BECOMING A CRITICAL MASS RADIO SUPPORTER….. because NOW IT’S OUR TURN! Thank You x
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:20:02 +0000

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