currently only photos that accompany me .. you get home so I do - TopicsExpress


currently only photos that accompany me .. you get home so I do not need to cry to hug your picture again SMOKING IS NOT HARMFUL TO HEALTH during the matches NO First want Boker diem2 wrote . Nowadays , going Boker first ngetwit ja .. Duh want Boker KoesPlus definitely sad look in jomblo2 today who like upset . Because they used to be really excited Klo . Do not make GALAU as just the opposite reason .. keep menggalau mumpung no one looking Im not upset , but Im just afraid of losing you ... expect this phone to receive sms on your dr tonight fitting more difficult lo , lo nyariin my new , deketin me . Im not a trash lo ! lo anyway? important ga lo anyway ? as good as what the heck makes me upset lo continue until kaya gini Going out with AC wrote nyari if that makes cool girlfriend . That courtship : dibangunin girlfriend . That LDR : dibangunin girlfriend from afar . Which singles : do not wake up . Heart you like Buss terminal . . So much ngisi . You better NEGATIVE POSITIVE thinking of you pregnant . Not that I would not accept the LOVE Q krna mu .. but do not want to be one to three between YOU AND HE ..... Sorry if someday I ve no longer by your side , because I stopped loving BKN , I tried tp stop hurting each other SKG weve let its time to edit photos in a photo image can be changed , but you feel edit2 jgn sampe to me yes I love you all like tuh armpit hair . Although shaved continues , dy ttp would grow . Even more dense .. I love to you is like a feather .. Idung ga Idung will be without feathers , so jg me without you . We love the rich month sm sun . Despite the same sky , but could not be met org ngeliatin who suffer the most with my family going out to eat malem yes singles ngekos Org Klo means bald didpn like thinking .. If it means hes smart on the back behind the front .. If he thinks hes smart ! If jammed gausa klakson2 ! Emg tuh jd horn can make smooth roads ? ! Plebeian ! That courtship : give gifts directly . That LDR : give gifts dipaketin . Which singles : dijadiin gifts ; make lion . That courtship : Want to pick you up at what time ? That LDR : Want me to it date? Which singles : Want to hang himself in? just going out with the refrigerator if the edges are very cold attitude ... Lo guns could it be a PHP guy ? LDR ve rarely met , if the voucher can only abis diem gw ill , I cry , I upset , I gutted berkali2 , make gw badmood syapa the LO ! when the hell can ngehargain my lo ? when my lo could nganggep there ? Waiting for you is like waiting LOVE kopaja majors grave , that ll never come .. Hopefully the new boyfriend you can jagain you better than me . Take care . I walked in a very heavy rain and there was no one who knows kalu da I cried in sorrow ! Crying , upset, discouraged, disappointed , angry , heartbroken , jealous that i rasain to lo Dikacangin this mlm , , make more geregetan aq , , arrrggghhh Crazy set-set mulu . Going out with people what traffic signs ? dear lo always because dda gga who coud gantiin lo lo bkan although LGI gw gw belongs right tetep care about lo , , I lo sma more dear dear i compare it to the guy rsa gw I have to make status let alone the heck let lu nyadar , tuh .. I loe dear bngt sma Yes you Mr. harry poter | tw why the heck ? | Because you have expectro petronum right clicking my heart kmu it like a photo copy machine , huh? nge bgt easy because you double your love to another org If the copier wrote understate your heart , I UDH kecilin times yes that filled the hearts of miles cuman me Although we do not have your picture in my wallet but I love pobud display in my heart Pictures can be deceiving , but I was ill with a heart . honest n sincere love miles although you prefer the obese man See PHOTOS mu ku ku dihandphone , I see clearly .. It turns out the photo was tucked words GET merried Kesaya promise for pre-wedding pictures taken , but now is not with me , but rather with others Only your pictures that accompany my days . Because thats all you leaving me Useless Im going out with you turns you cuman copy of criminals who want to kill me For the price ktika photo box only 55rb sbanyak 8x .. its the same photo love kmu You admire is like photos , can be seen but can not be touched I know you already belong to him , but if I could , if still love you ? # upset You have to be his , you do not deserve me grab it, let this be a love story . Photo not know what makes me upset ? | What weve ? | Fotoin you pre-wedding at your boyfriend Can I just took my lakuin a candid picture of you , because you never want deket guns deket same - I Clay you remember photo ID card . Small pieces Abis significant , although small make stunned heart I like my picture in your wallet for you .. brought but left untouched .. never seen .. km kn like photograph that itinerant handyman yes krna km sllu mengeli ngi my heart and the heart of the other guy ² Bieb , is this proof of affection ? His picture you created in HP wallpaper , you put it in your wallet ! Being a picture of me u / creeping mice aja photo can distribute the results to a lot of people but you did not care to share I I th want nangiz d.dpan loe ! Let loe tch tew rasaa sakittttt that I alamii ksalah who kmu lakuin more sakiiiit kmu slingkuh sorry right but still q q .... ksalhan only late time kmu sdah aq lef ... knpa beib knpa .... could you ... at least I got a picture with dgnnya , although photographed was not just me and him , tp rame2 sm other temen2 a sunny morning when bersmamu , mlm which is wonderful when you see the photo , the heart that happy when have you for I like the TV we are going well , Love dashed his channel .
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 03:03:24 +0000

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