d Messiah Seed 4 Share Messiah, know that the only answer you hold - TopicsExpress


d Messiah Seed 4 Share Messiah, know that the only answer you hold is your own. Realize that your path is yours alone. No other person can arrive at their own unique answer by following you. Know that to share your path can be of great aid to others. Feel and express your own answer in its total glory. Remember that to others it can serve as a stepping stone on their paths to their own glory. It cannot, however, ultimately lead them to All That They Are. Share your truth without attachment to how others will receive it. Share because your heart feels joy in doing so. Share without the need for validation and you will discover the deepest validation inside of your Self. Realize that anyone who purports to have ‘The Truth’ is not standing in their own power. Some may choose to struggle for external validation in order to believe their own message. They may choose to need others to believe in their personal truth in order to truly believe it themselves. They fear being alone in their truth and, in their drama, they may believe it is imperative that others must believe their truth to avert a disaster. Respect and love these people, but do not buy into their drama, unless theirs is a reality that you want to experience. Know your truth, share it, and realize that you were born to do so. To do this you will have to put down your shame and your guilt. To do this you will have to face how much shame and guilt you have been carrying without realizing it. To do this you must come to face your Self undistorted. Feel and believe in your own evolving truth. Do not be reliant on others believing in your truth to fully live it inside of your Self. Do not rely on anyone else’s agreement to live fully in your own truth. Know that you are capable of feeling something so strongly that you would be willing to walk your path alone to be that feeling. Know that the moment that you accept being alone in your path, you will come to not be alone. Realize that in the moment when you feel the courage, within your Self, to share your path with the world, then the world will share its riches with you.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 20:59:33 +0000

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