davidjenkins2012 GameCentral readers name the sequels they’re - TopicsExpress


davidjenkins2012 GameCentral readers name the sequels they’re hoping to see announced for next year, from Fallout 4 to Beyond Good & Evil 2. This weekend’s Inbox asks what existing franchise you want to see continue in 2015. Many people complain about too many sequels but which ones are you already hoping for? Especially format exclusives for the Wii U, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Although hardly any games got mentioned more than a few times each (not even Shenmue and Half-Life) there was one very clear winner: Fallout 4. Which is handy as it genuinely does stand a good chance of being revealed in the next 12 months. Other favourites included Red Dead Redemption 2, a new Metroid, and the Gears Of War reboot. Time for hype Since we’ve been on the subject lately for me the most desired sequel has to be Red Dead Redemption 2. I assume it’s a dead cert but who knows with Rockstar when it’s actually coming. I have to agree with the logic that says that releasing it in April/May is almost impossible now, if we haven’t heard of it already. Although I wouldn’t rule it out 100% until the VGAs (or whatever they’re called now) in December. I think the more realistic hope though is that it comes out September/November like GTA V, which would leave time for the hype (not that Rockstar seem to do much). Even if it’s not next year though I’m willing to wait. Considering how good the original game looked I’m not sure my body is ready for a next gen sequel (no, I checked – it is).Big Mike Doomed again I hope Doom 4 will be released next year. The original Doom is still my favourite first person shooter; I just loved the old school no nonsense, and those big open levels to strafe around in. I still have a blast on it from time to time on my PlayStation 2 and pray that Doom 4 does indeed hark back to those good old days. Uncharted 4 is the exclusive I’m greatly anticipating, but my main criticism of the existing series is that the puzzles are a push over, and generally the games are too easy. I hope the difficulty is cranked up a touch, and not just by decreasing the amount of health you have or damage you can take.Laardge11 Hopes and expectations I would dearly love to see Elder Scrolls VI but as I know this isn’t going to happen I’ll settle for anything about Fallout 4 (ideally a 2015 release but that seems pretty unlikely, too). And as GC mentioned, a new Retro Studios developed Metroid for the Wii U would be magnificent! Whilst on the subject of Wii U, it’s Legend Of Zelda outing would be very nice for the end of the year but this, I fear, may very well be a bit optimistic also. Super Mario Galaxy 3? Or maybe Darksiders 3! At any rate, I’ll be happy with The Witcher 3 and Division if they turn out to be as good as they look!Phil Spearpoint GC: Nintendo still has the Wii U Zelda down for 2015, not that that’s any guarantee. E-mail your comments to: [email protected] Not enough said Yakuza and Shenmue III. ‘Nuff said!SolidPete82 (PSN ID/NN ID) No more Wars The sequel I would most like would be a sequel to the Dreamcast’s greatest game. No not Shenmue, I am talking about Skies Of Arcadia! Skies Of Arcadia had a very good balance of exploration, likeable characters and story. This is a very difficult balance to achieve and only recent Japanese role-playing game to do so is Xenoblade Chronicles, which is already receiving a sequel. Failing Skies Of Arcadia 2 a PS Vita compatible release of Valkyria Chronicles 3 in Europe would be welcome. Also Vita compatible versions of the remaining games in the Legend Of Heroes: Trials In The Sky series would be great too. As for the big games of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 era which have not yet received PlayStation 4/Xbox One games I have no interest in more God/Gears Of War and hope The Last Of Us was a one-off game. More new concepts please Naughty Dog.PazJohnMitch One of these is not like the others Bring back Freedom Fighters, Second Sight, Psi: The Mindgate Conspiracy, and the new Fallout please!cfeeney Nuke me I’d like to see Fallout 4 on next-gen consoles next year, looking both apocalyptic and pretty. I don’t want the game to be set in the Capital Wasteland again, even the biggest fans of Fallout 3 have to admit we’ve spent an age in that alternative version of America. I want Fallout 4 to be set in London. Imagine how cool it would be to wander through a spookily deserted Westfield Shopping Centre (I don’t know if famous buildings have to be licensed to appear in games). You could have ghoul Beefeaters roaming the Tower of London. Players could creep apprehensively through monster infested tube tunnels (although this might feel too similar to the Metro 2033 games). There’s loads of landmarks Fallout’s developers could use to eerie effect. I visit the nation’s capital a lot and – in terms of open world role-playing – I’d love to see it nuked. There’s a brilliant book by James Herbert called Domain. In that final part of the Rats trilogy London comes under thermonuclear attack. Death and desolation abounds. There’s radiation sickness, terrifying encounters with post-apocalyptic people and beasts. Basically a lot of horror, struggle and despair. The perfect read to set you up for Christmas really. If anyone’s read Domain, I want Fallout 4 to be just like that.msv858 (Twitter) True sequels Fallout 4 with a world made just for the current gen would be great. Maybe even fit a bit of co-op play into the game as well. A true sequel to either Super Mario World or Super Mario Galaxy 3 from Nintendo would be nice too.VaderGB (gamertag)/Vaderuk (PSN ID) Guaranteed sales I have never played a Metroid game but I would really love Nintendo to announce a new one purely so that I can experience that type of game for the first time. I have enjoyed many Metroidvania style games (sorry if you don’t like the term) such as Shadow Complex and Guacamelee but would really like to experience a Metroid game on my first Nintendo home console, the WiiU. I am also really hoping for a sequel to Bully. Don’t get me wrong I would love another Red Dead but I feel this is a cert anyway given the sales of Redemption, whereas Bully may require a bit of Inbox Magic. As I’m sure Rockstar know it wouldn’t sell as many as Red Dead.Kurt Lewin Fantasy announcements I think the implication in the phrasing of ‘what existing franchises you want to see continue in 2015’ is that Hot Topic contributors focus on what could still be considered viable existing franchises that had an instalment released at some point during the last gen. Call me pedantic but as that wasn’t explicitly said I’m going to kick off with game franchises that realistically will never see a new entry in the series but definitely do ‘exist’: Streets Of Rage, Shenmue, Power Stone, Crazy Taxi, and Skies of Arcadia (yes, I loved me some Sega during their heyday although I know Power Stone was a Capcom game). Right, with that out of the way I’d squeal like a teenage girl at a 1D gig should following sequels be announced for next gen platforms: Splinter Cell, Marvel Vs. Capcom, Portal, Half-Life, and Red Dead Redemption. Others I’d like to see with the qualification that they’d have to return to the giddy heights of earlier series entries would be Dead Space and Ninja Gaiden. However due to the phrase ‘failed to meet sales expectations’ being bandied about some of those fantasy announcements are more likely to materialise than others. I think most people would agree that none of the games in my list have been mercilessly over milked over the course of the last gen which is important. Familiarity may not always breed outright contempt but it will make people say ‘meh’.Meestah Bull Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here Deus Ex revolution Right, how can I make this unique without stating obvious ones. I’ve got one, well probably not that unique, but a huge new Deus Ex game. The last one, Human Revolution, was one of the only long recent games I played again in the limited time I have for gaming with which I achieved the non-kill status – which was blooming tough – but also easier; as my character had loads of ways to take out the enemy non-lethally and just spam the typhoon explosive system rinse and repeat scenario on the awful bosses, as they are just too annoying to fight normally. So after enjoying it even more the second time, I need more and this time set in bigger worldly environments of varying sci-fi neon-soaked locations. This is up there with my all time greats and matches one of the dream worlds I love reading about in books or watching in futuristic film settings. Skyrim sorts out the fantasy and Fallout supports the post-apocalyptic with Mass Effect doing the far far space exploration side of things. So yes, I need these system sellers as these are my favourite games to get stuck into. Oh and before I go – a good Final Fantasy game please or is that asking too much.Alucard E-mail your comments to: [email protected] The small printNew Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Letters are used on merit and may be edited for length. You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word 4Player viewer features at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot. If you need quick access to the GameCentral channel page please use ift.tt/1h0PtMS and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter. Metro » Gaming | Metro UK
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 01:06:51 +0000

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