daystar-publications Are Christians using “Scare-Tactics,” - TopicsExpress


daystar-publications Are Christians using “Scare-Tactics,” or WARNING MEN of their consequences? Critics and atheist have long accused God’s people of “frightening” sinners into repentance. There are a few who preach “HELL-FIRE” and brimstone, and that is ALL they seem to preach. But, there really IS “hell-fire” that will be experienced on the day of your death, IF you have not repented of your sins. Every Christian that KNOWS what THEY were DELIVERED FROM the day they were saved, will WANT TO WARN OTHERS ALSO! The gospel, that is the “GOOD NEWS,” will SAVE YOU if you BELIEVE IT! Otherwise, it will CONDEMN YOU at the judgment if you REJECT IT! We MUST warn mankind of the consequences of REJECTING the Word of God, and this “WARNING” is not done with a “smiley face,” but with a SERIOUSNESS that will convince anyone that the MESSAGE means business. God said, “…to THIS MAN will I look, even to HIM that is POOR [depressed in mind] and of a CONTRITE [smitten] spirit, and TREMBLETH [fearful; reverential] AT MY WORD” (Isaiah 66:2), but talking about “the love of Jesus” or reading the 23rd Psalm will NOT BRING IN the results. Jesus did not come into this world to “BECOME YOUR FRIEND,” but to BECOME YOUR SAVIOR, and to SAVE YOU from YOUR SINS! But YOU need to be CONVINCED that you are a sinner so that YOU can be DELIVERED from the POWER OF DARKNESS! Dear professing Christian, do you REMEMBER when you ever “TREMBLED” at the Word of God? I do remember when I “trembled.” It was when I heard these words for the FIRST TIME: “…and ALL LIARS, shall have THEIR PART in the lake which BURNETH WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE” (Rev. 21:8). I KNEW I was a LIAR, and I did not want to GO WHERE ALL LIARS WILL GO! The message caused me to PAUSE, and STOP, and RE-CONSIDER! Wouldnt we WARN OUR NEIGHBORS if their home were on fire? No amount of “LOVE SONGS” and CERTAINLY NOT A “SMILEY FACE” will ever convince that neighbor to SIT DOWN HIS REMOTE, and investigate your claim! The Lord commands all believers to SAVE SOME, having “…compassion, making a difference: and OTHERS SAVE with FEAR, PULLING THEM OUT OF THE FIRE” (Jude 1:22-23). John the Baptist said to the Pharisees and Sadducees when they “religiously strolled” to his baptism, “…WHO HATH WARNED YOU TO FLEE from the WRATH TO COME” (Matt. 3:7)? YOU have friends and relatives, even neighbors! Who have YOU WARNED since you professed to be SAVED? If a man BELIEVES that Jesus Christ DELIVERED HIM from horrible wrath, he WILL WARN OTHERS ALSO! On the day of Pentecost, the apostle Peter declared in a voice that PROVED HE WAS SERIOUS: “SAVE YOURSELVES from this untoward [WARPED] generation” (Acts 2:40). If you BELIEVED that the bridge in your neighborhood WAS OUT down the road, would you WARN YOUR NEIGHBORS, instead of singing, “All We Need Is Love?” Please visit our website, daystar-publications, and view one of our latest newsletters, “Are you a ‘Counterfeit’ CHRISTIAN?”
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 01:12:30 +0000

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