daystar-publications CHRISTIAN, does God have a “sense of - TopicsExpress


daystar-publications CHRISTIAN, does God have a “sense of humor?” Before you answer this, CONSIDER what the word “Christian” means! “Christian” is found in the Word of God only THREE TIMES!!! And it means, “a Christian, that is, FOLLOWER of Christ!” The following are the verses: “…And the disciples were CALLED CHRISTIANS FIRST in Antioch” (Acts 11:26). “Then Agrippa said unto [the apostle] Paul, Almost thou PERSUADEST ME [to convince] to be a CHRISTIAN” (Acts 26:28). “Yet if any man SUFFER as a CHRISTIAN, let him NOT BE ASHAMED [disfigurement; feeling disgrace; to feel shame for oneself]; but let him GLORIFY GOD on this behalf” (1 Peter 4:16). It is important that you understand just WHO is being addressed in the question above! It is “CHRISTIANS,” who are FOLLOWERS [to be in the SAME WAY with] of Christ! And the question is, “Does God Himself express a sense of humor to MAN? What IS humor? HUMOR is a person’s disposition or temperament; mood; state of mind; the quality that makes something seem “funny,” amusing, or ludicrous. Now, the ANSWER to ANY QUESTION that man can ask, is found in the Word of God, and NOT among men! Did the Son of God have the multitudes he spoke to, doubling in laughter over something he said, just like many preachers and ministers you see today? GOD When the kings of the earth, and the rulers, SET THEMSELVES “…against the LORD [God], and against His ANOINTED [the Son of God],” it is written that “He that sitteth in the heavens shall LAUGH: the Lord shall have them in derision” (Psalm 2:4). This is NOT a “laugh” of mockery or pleasure, because God has “…NO PLEASURE in the DEATH of the wicked” (Ezekiel 33:11). "NEVER" would God, who is HOLY, “make fun” at the misery of wicked men. But this “laugh” is God DISCREDITING the efforts of wicked men and women against Him. “The Lord shall LAUGH AT HIM: for He SEETH that his day is COMING” (Psalm 37:13); “I also will LAUGH at your calamity; I will MOCK when your fear cometh…for that they…DID NOT CHOOSE the fear of the Lord” (Proverbs 1:26-29). WHAT GOD REQUIRES OF THE CHRISTIAN King David wrote, “…I will TAKE HEED [to hedge about as with thorns, that is, guard, protect] to MY WAYS, that I SIN NOT with my TONGUE: I will KEEP MY MOUTH with a BRIDLE [a muzzle] while the wicked is before me” (Psalm 39:1). Is this what YOU DO? Or do you break out in laughter after every off color remark is made? God calls us to a HIGHER STANDARD, because we are sons and daughters of God. We belong to Him, not the world. We are THE LIGHT that is used to GUIDE THOSE who are still in darkness…AS WE USED TO BE [never forget this]! God wants the Christian to be SOBER-MINDED, because we are His representatives here on earth, to help, through our humble obedience, deliver HUMANITY using the Word of God, from the snares of God’s enemy, the Devil. When Jesus delivered the man possessed with many demons, he was found “…sitting, and clothed, and IN HIS RIGHT MIND” (Mark 5:15). When the son who wasted his substance sat down and considered his own situation, the Word of God reads that “…he CAME TO HIMSELF” (Luke 15:17). Satan attacks the MIND OF MAN! He has “…BLINDED THE MINDS of them which BELIEVE NOT” (2 Cor. 4:4). Jesus asked the “blinded” Pharisees in an attempt to OPEN their eyes: “…what THINK YE of Christ” (Matt. 22:42)? If Satan can CONTROL what man “THINKS” IS TRUE, Satan has him! So God REQUIRES the child of God to remain SOBER-MINDED! “Be ye therefore FOLLOWERS OF GOD [an imitator], as DEAR [beloved] CHILDREN [a child, as produced]; “And walk in LOVE [benevolence], as Christ also hath LOVED US [benevolence], and hath GIVEN HIMSELF for us an OFFERING and a SACRIFICE to God for a sweetsmelling savour. “But fornication, and ALL uncleanness, or covetousness, LET IT NOT BE ONCE NAMED AMONG YOU, as becometh SAINTS [sacred; blameless; not when you die, as the Catholic church teaches, but NOW…]; Neither filthiness, nor FOOLISH TALKING [silly talk; buffoonery], nor JESTING [a quick, witty reply; witticism; characterized by coarse or vulgar joking or mocking], which ARE NOT CONVENIENT [to be proper]: but RATHER [in a greater degree] GIVING OF THANKS [gratitude; grateful language to God]” (Ephes. 5:1-4). CHRISTIANS are commanded to “…let your CONVERSATION [your behavior] be as it becometh the gospel of Christ” (Philip. 1:27), “for OUR CONVERSATION [our citizenship] is in heaven; from whence also we LOOK FOR the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philip. 3:20). “Therefore LET US NOT SLEEP, as do OTHERS [that is, professing Christians…]; but let us WATCH [to keep awake] and be SOBER [to abstain from wine, that is, be DISCREET, meaning, careful about what one says or does]” (1 Thes. 5:6). Please visit our website, daystar-publications, and view one of our latest newsletters, “SATAN does not want…REPENTANCE…ever!”
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 16:29:39 +0000

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