daystar-publications Do you REMEMBER God ever “SAVING YOU?” - TopicsExpress


daystar-publications Do you REMEMBER God ever “SAVING YOU?” Every child of God REMEMBERS THIS MOMENT!!! Why can’t YOU? Peter “REMEMBERED” when he recalled “…the Holy Ghost [FALLING] on” all of them “…at the BEGINNING” (Acts 11:15). The “NEW BIRTH” is a “BEGINNING” which a true CHILD OF GOD will never, ever forget! WHY? Because our REQUEST to the Lord from our heart IS THIS: “…Lord, that I might RECEIVE MY SIGHT” (Mark 10:51), and, “…the COMMANDMENT of the Lord [which is the Word of God] ENLIGHTENS [OUR] EYES” (Psalm 19:8)! It is a TIME, a MOMENT, when our EYES are OPENED for the FIRST TIME, and we are TURNED by the POWER of the Word of God (Heb. 4:12) “…from DARKNESS to LIGHT, and from the POWER OF SATAN unto GOD” (Acts 26:18). A TRUE child of God does not FORGET such an experience! Let’s examine others who have been “…DELIVERED…from the power of darkness, and…TRANSLATED…into the kingdom of HIS [God’s] dear Son” (Col. 1:13). On the day of Pentecost, when the souls that HEARD were “…PRICKED [a sharp feeling of uneasiness brought on by a sense of guilt] in their HEART, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, WHAT SHALL WE DO?” (Acts 2:37), they NEVER FORGOT being COMPELLED TO ASK that question! On that day, they “…GLADLY RECEIVED [GODS] WORD…and the SAME DAY there were ADDED UNTO THEM [who had been in the upper room] about THREE THOUSAND SOULS” (Acts 2:41), and they NEVER FORGOT this event! It was a DAY when THEY ALL “…continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship…and ALL THAT BELIEVED were together, and had ALL THINGS COMMON; and sold their POSSESSIONS AND GOODS [read Matt. 19:21; Mark 10:21], and PARTED THEM to all men, as every man HAD NEED” (Acts 2:42, 44-45)! Now, just HOW could you EVER FORGET such an event, after YOU had been “CONVINCED,” by HEARING the Word of God, that “YOU ALONE” were a SINNER, and you REPENTED in “…GODLY SORROW” (2 Cor. 7:10) to God BECAUSE OF your sins? How could YOU EVER FORGET YOUR DAY of “TRANSFORMATION,” when YOU BECAME “…a NEW CREATURE, [when] OLD THINGS are passed away, and [when] ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW” (2 Cor. 5:17)??? Most people reading the words of this message are saddled with a “COUNTERFEIT SALVATION,” a salvation DERIVED [to get or receive] from their emotions, brought on by the preaching of “SOB” sermons that preaches ...SMOOTH THINGS (Isaiah 30:10) and prophesying DECEITS, or a “MUSICAL” performance that HIT the right cord, OR, some false notion of FLATTERY that convinces that you are “GOOD!” But I’m WARNING YOU: unless the POWER of the Word of God CAUSES YOU FROM WITHIN to be “…POOR and of a CONTRITE spirit, and TREMBLETH at the Word of God” (Isaiah 66:2), you will DIE IN YOUR SINS! Here are a few others who NEVER FORGOT their “new birth.” When the Jewish priests, and the captain of the Temple, and the Sadducees, “…came upon [Peter and John – Acts 3:1], being GRIEVED that they taught the people, and [that they] preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead” (Acts 4:1-2), “…MANY OF [THOSE PEOPLE] which HEARD THE WORD believed; and the number of the men was about FIVE THOUSAND” (Acts 4:4). WOW! The Ethiopian eunuch who was “…of GREAT authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, and who had the charge of ALL her treasure” (Acts 8:27), was reading in Isaiah 53, and admitted that he DID NOT UNDERSTAND the scripture, but later, after Philip “…opened his mouth and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus” (Acts 8:35), he CONFESSED and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ IS the Son of God…and went on his way REJOICING” (Acts 8:36-39). You don’t FORGET such a moment in your life! The apostle Paul NEVER FORGOT his conversion either, which is found in Acts 9:1-18, because he REPEATED THIS SAME ACCOUNT TWICE, once in Acts 22:1-16, and AGAIN in Acts 26:9-18. Neither did the gentile Cornelius, nor “…his KINSMEN and NEAR FRIENDS” (Acts 10:1-33) that he invited to his home, FORGET, after “…Peter OPENED HIS MOUTH” (Acts 10:34), and preached Jesus, and “…the Holy Ghost FELL ON ALL THEM which HEARD the Word” (Acts 10:44). If you CLAIM to be a Christian, but you CANNOT REMEMBER a moment in time when your EYES WERE OPENED and ENLIGHTENED, when you suddenly saw “…GREAT LIGHT; and that… LIGHT IS SPRUNG UP” (Matt. 4:16), you will DIE IN YOUR SINS (John 8:24)! “…Except ye be CONVERTED [to twist around; to turn quite around; to reverse], and become AS LITTLE CHILDREN [humble], YE SHALL NOT ENTER INTO the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:3). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day Star Publications (DSP) is NOT AT ALL AFFILIATED WITH the evangelical religious television network called “Daystar.” The purpose of DSP is to URGE EVERY SOUL TO REPENT, just as Noah preached in his day, being himself “…a PREACHER of righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5). DSP is warning others, urgently using the words that the apostle Peter used on the day of Pentecost, saying, “…SAVE YOURSELVES from this UNTOWARD [warped; winding] GENERATION [an age]” (Acts 2:40). Only YOU CAN! Day Star Publications
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 21:37:45 +0000

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