daystar-publications God told Abraham, “…I will BLESS THEM - TopicsExpress


daystar-publications God told Abraham, “…I will BLESS THEM that bless thee, and CURSE HIM [execrate, which means, “to call down evil upon”] that curseth thee…” (Genesis 12:3). Is the PARTNERSHIP between America and Israel crumbling? It will HAVE TO, if the Word of God is to come to pass: “…I will gather ALL NATIONS AGAINST Jerusalem to BATTLE…” (Zech. 14:2). We can all agree that America has been BLESSED, despite the evil atrocities it has committed in its history, primarily because America’s founding fathers HONORED God and made Him their foundation, and also, America befriended the nation Israel, the descendants of Abraham. But, as you know, America has now ABANDONED God within its own culture, and is IN THE PROCESS of distancing itself from the tiny nation Israel in favor of Israel’s enemies. America is losing its title as a Great and Powerful Nation! EGYPT, at one time, was the envy of the world! No nation could compare to her wealth, military power, agriculture or science. Even in architecture, Egypt had no rivals. But Egypt made a fatal mistake when she turned against God’s people and made them slaves, brutalizing them, until God heard their CRY, and raised up Moses, and with 10 plagues, and the drowning of the Egyptian military in the Red Sea, God delivered His people, and left Egypt as a backward nation, full of memories, and relying on the aid of others. And still, Egypt is Israel’s enemy! When mighty ROME ruled the world, the Jews were mistreated under her iron fist. But, where is the Roman Empire today? Throughout history, many empires sent forth their armies to capture Jerusalem, such as Babylon, Greece, Persia, and others. Today their glory is in ruins! The Jews suffered under each one and each empire eventually CRUMBLED! In 1933, Roman Catholic GERMANY, serving the Vatican, launched a 20th century INQUISITION, murdering 6 million Jews. Instead, God destroyed Hitler, and Berlin, capital of Germany, was split in two after WWII. Today, she is still rising up from her ashes. Israel’s most deadliest enemy is the VATICAN, headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. To this date, Rome has never recognized Israel as a nation. Other nations that are under God’s curse include these African nations: Niger, Kenya, Chad, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Upper Volta, Senegal and Mali. All these nations have TWO THINGS in common: ONE: They ALL broke off diplomatic relationships with Israel. TWO: They ALL suffered in the terrible famine and drought caused by the expanding Sahara desert. God blessed ENGLAND because of Queen Victoria who was a God-fearing ruler, who read her bible for guidance. Great Britain grew in power…until 1918, when England double-crossed the Jews! At the beginning of WWI, the English boasted that the sun NEVER SET on the British empire. Now, that empire is GONE. London governs only a few isolated islands and small colonies. What happened? During WWl, the British naval guns were running short of gun powder. Sir Winston Churchill, Lord of the Admiralty, contacted a brilliant Jewish chemist named Chaim Weizmann for help. He produced 30,000 tons of synthetic acetone so the British could manufacture cordite gun powder! When asked what he wanted for his services, he replied, “I want a national home for my people.” The Balfour Declaration, issued in November 1917, was Britain’s promise to the Jews of a homeland in the land formerly known as Israel, which had been renamed Palestine. But, to favor the Arabs, British politicians DIVIDED the land, giving the BEST LAND to the Arabs. Jewish immigration was CUT to a trickle and eventually stopped. As Hitler’s blood bath started in 1938, Jews BEGGED the British for permission to enter the land of Israel, renamed Palestine. But their cries fell on deaf ears. They were TURNED BACK to Europe, and ended up in Nazi ovens. NOTE: The United States ALSO TURNED BACK a FULL SHIP carrying Jews before they entered the war. They were trying to escape Hitler, and so far, no one knows what happened to them since! When Israel finally became a nation on May 14, 1948, Great Britain OPPOSED the Jewish State, BACKED the Arabs, DISARMED the Jews, and staffed the Transjordan Arab Legion with British officers! Now, the sun DOES SET on the British empire! Today, RUSSIA is again on the world stage with the mess in the Ukraine. But Russia has a more powerful role to play, for she is mentioned in the scriptures, “…the land of Magog” (Ezekiel 38:1-2), the ancient name for Russia. Russia has long been the enemy of Israel, and it will be proven when she, and all other nations, attack Israel in WWIII, the final battle when Israel’s KING JESUS will save them! Whose side will YOU be on? The prophet Zechariah wrote, “…In those days it shall come to pass, that TEN MEN shall TAKE HOLD out of all languages of the nations, even shall TAKE HOLD OF THE SKIRT of him THAT IS A JEW, saying, We will GO WITH YOU: for we have HEARD that God is WITH YOU” (Zech. 8:23). There is only ONE PLACE they could have HEARD THIS, it is in the Word of the Living God! Please visit our website, daystar-publications, and view one of our latest newsletters, “Are You A Counterfeit Christian?
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 21:32:56 +0000

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