daystar-publications Jesus said this in THREE of the gospels: - TopicsExpress


daystar-publications Jesus said this in THREE of the gospels: “…the POWERS of the HEAVENS [the sky above and beyond] shall be SHAKEN [to waver; to agitate; to rock; to topple]” (Matt. 24:29; Mark 13:25; Luke 21:26). The earth’s upper atmosphere is STILL LITTERED with radioactive particles from the more than 500 ABOVE-GROUND nuclear tests that took place DECADES AGO, according to a new Swiss study. Most of the plutonium and cesium isotopes from those blasts have since been RINSED OUT of the lower levels of the atmosphere by FALLING IN RAIN OR SNOW, or by being brought down by GRAVITY. The stratosphere was also thought to be relatively FALLOUT-FREE before the Swiss team found its contamination to be about 1,000 to 1,500 levels higher than in the troposphere, the layer just above the surface. Jose Corcho of the Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection told AFP that the contamination PROBABLY poses no danger to humans, and is “comparable to the levels measured at ground level air at the end of the sixties and in the seventies.” “Most of the radioactive particles are removed in the first few years after the explosion, but a fraction remains in the stratosphere for a few decades or even hundreds or thousands of years,” said Corcho. The study, published in the journal “Nature Communications,” used AEROSOL SAMPLES taken by Swiss military aircraft over the past several decades. A previous study, conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute, concluded that NUCLEAR FALLOUT from atmospheric testing might have LED to approximately 11,000 deaths, mainly from thyroid cancer. In this nuclear blast photo is an 11-megaton nuclear blast in 1954, detonated on a barge anchored near Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Regardless of this report, “…the day of the Lord will [STILL] COME as a thief in the night; in the which the HEAVENS [the sky above, and outer space…] shall PASS AWAY with a GREAT NOISE, and the ELEMENTS SHALL MELT with fervent heat, and the EARTH also and the WORKS that are therein shall be BURNED UP” (2 Peter 3:10). There is only ONE POSITIVE OUTCOME from this INEVITABLE BLAST, “Therefore be ye also READY: for in such an hour as YE THINK NOT the Son of man COMETH” (Matt. 24:44). Please visit our website, daystar-publications, and view one of our latest newsletters, “Are you a ‘Counterfeit’ CHRISTIAN?”
Posted on: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 22:24:39 +0000

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