daystar-publications “…WEEPING and GNASHING of teeth…” - TopicsExpress


daystar-publications “…WEEPING and GNASHING of teeth…” because there is NONE OTHER NAME [that is, Jesus]…whereby we MUST BE SAVED!!! The Word of God declares that God has HIGHLY EXALTED His Son, “…and GIVEN HIM A NAME which is above EVERY name: that at the name of JESUS every knee should BOW, of things IN heaven, and things IN earth, and things UNDER the earth; and that EVERY TONGUE should confess that JESUS CHRIST is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philip. 2:9-11). There are people today, both JEWS and GENTILES, which refuse to acknowledge the name of Jesus! They DENY by omitting that this name is Jesus for their various reasons among themselves! But even the apostle John wrote: ...these are WRITTEN, that ye might BELIEVE that JESUS is the Christ, the Son of God (John 20:31). Jesus Christ IS “…the STONE which was set at nought of YOU [Jewish] BUILDERS, which is become the HEAD of the corner. “Neither is there SALVATION IN ANY OTHER: for there is NONE OTHER NAME [except Jesus] under heaven GIVEN among men, whereby WE MUST [M-U-S-T] be saved” (Acts 4:11-12). Certain Jews today [not all] call Jesus the Messiah, Rabbi, even Emmanuel! Anything except the name God GAVE him, recorded in “…the record that God gave of His Son” (1 John 5:10) when God instructed Joseph to “…CALL HIS NAME JESUS: for he shall SAVE HIS PEOPLE [the Jews] from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). And, likewise some Gentile professing Christians, who by the thousands, have started calling Jesus “Yeshua.” I know the “argument” for using “Yeshua,” but the Holy Spirit does not AGREE with this, because “…as MANY as are LED by the Spirit of God, THEY are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14)! So we SHOULD BE walking by FAITH, not by man’s wisdom, understanding, or reasoning! BOTH OF THESE GROUPS believe in their doctrines for the SAME REASON: “their RABBI, or their Rev. “SCHOLAR” declared that someone had “tampered with the scriptures,” and they “TURNED FROM faith in God,” and put their faith in MAN’S KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM! But God “…shall JUDGE THE SECRETS of men by “JESUS” Christ” (Romans 2:16). The time is ALMOST at hand! Jesus said, “…if ye BELIEVE NOT that I [JESUS] am HE [the Messiah, Immanuel, the Christ], ye shall DIE IN YOUR SINS” (John 8:24). So, the ONLY WAY to be SAVED from these delusions of believing in contaminated manuscripts is this… “…IF THOU shalt CONFESS with thy mouth the LORD JESUS [not the Lord “Messiah,” not the Lord “Immanuel,” not the Lord Yeshua,” or any other NAME…], and shalt BELIEVE in thine HEART [not the muscle in your chest, but the MIND, where your thoughts and feelings are] that God hath RAISED HIM from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED. “For with the HEART man believeth unto RIGHTEOUSNESS; and with the MOUTH confession is made unto SALVATION” (Romans 10:9-10). Please visit our website, daystar-publications, and view one of our latest newsletters, “Are you a ‘Counterfeit’ CHRISTIAN?”
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:09:59 +0000

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