daystar-publications “…and yet I AM NOT ALONE…” and - TopicsExpress


daystar-publications “…and yet I AM NOT ALONE…” and neither are we! As Jesus sat at supper with his disciples after the departure of Judas Iscariot who went to betray him, he said “Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is NOW COME, that ye shall be SCATTERED, every man to his own, and shall LEAVE ME ALONE: and yet…I AM NOT ALONE, because the Father is WITH ME” (John 16:32), and, the Father is with EVERY CHILD OF GOD! Later, the disciples WERE INDEED SCATTERED that night and they left Jesus alone, even unto Calvary with the exception of one disciple, John, whom Jesus entrusted the care of his mother to after his decease (John 19:27). But, later, after the arrival of the Holy Ghost into the world, the disciples in the upper room were united by ONE SPIRIT, and boldly, without fear, declared Jesus Christ to the world! What about YOU, professing Christian, and/or church member? To FOLLOW Jesus Christ in this present world means to also be “ALONE,” and to “…SUFFER PERSECUTION” (2 Tim. 3:12)! Why? Because Jesus said that “...ME [THE WORLD] HATETH, because I TESTIFY OF IT, that the WORKS THEREOF are evil” (John 7:7). Do you ALSO “TESTIFY” as Jesus did? This is what “GENUINE” followers of Christ SHOULD BE DOING in the world, but MOST WILL NOT CONFESS JESUS, but instead, have a “LUKEWARM” approach concerning Jesus, because they LOVE “…the PRAISE of MEN [male and female] MORE THAN the praise of God” (John 12:43). Jesus DID NOT COME into the world to “…GIVE PEACE [that is, to unite the world with a message of LOVE, JOY, and PRAISE]…but rather DIVISION” (Luke 12:51), because the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ will CAUSE men and women, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, sons and daughters, relatives and friends, to “…SEPARATE YOU FROM THEIR COMPANY, and shall REPROACH YOU [to defame; to rail at; to taunt; to chide], and CAST OUT YOUR NAME [to eject] as EVIL” (Luke 6:22). Jesus said to his disciples, “…as my Father hath SENT ME, even so SEND I YOU” (John 20:21 & 17:18) “…as LAMBS among wolves” (Luke 10:3) to “…BEAR MUCH FRUIT” (John 15:8). We are “SENT” to preach the gospel, and the PRICE we pay for “following” Christ is being “ALONE in the world, and SHUNNED” by the world! Jesus said, “…YE shall be HATED OF ALL MEN for my NAME’S sake” (Matt. 10:22; Mark 13:13; Luke 21:17), NOT in the “name” of some “religion,” or some “man.” Are YOU “hated” or loved by the world? Jesus said, “If the world HATE YOU, ye KNOW that it hated me BEFORE it hated you” (John 15:18). As a young man at age 16, I would pray every day that God would watch over my future wife, wherever she would be, and I prayed this prayer until I finally met her at age 21. After we promised God to raise our children for Him, God blessed my wife to be “…a FRUITFUL vine” of NINE “…olive plants round about OUR table” (Psalm 128:3)! In today’s world, the vast majority of people “FROWN HEAVILY” on having ANY children, declaring that they CANNOT “afford” them! But, as our children grew, they began to cast their eyes on the life styles of their RELATIVES, instead of their parents, and practiced drinking, gambling, cursing, smoking, etc., and ABANDONED THE WAY” they were taught, bringing to light this TRUTH: that “…a man’s FOES shall be they of his OWN HOUSEHOLD” (Matt. 10:36)! Yet, God gave ALL GODLY PARENTS THIS PROMISE by faith: “…when [THEY ARE] OLD [the age of maturity], [THEY] WILL NOT DEPART from it” (Proverbs 22:6), because they will finally REALIZE that “…the DESIRE OF THE WICKED shall perish” (Psalm 112:10), and reject that way. By the BILLIONS, men and women today FOLLOW what is “popular, appealing, attractive, sensual, devilish, and are “LED ASTRAY” by the “comfort-gospel” of “BLIND LEADERS!” Jesus said, “WOE UNTO YOU, when ALL MEN shall speak WELL OF YOU! For so did THEIR fathers to the FALSE PROPHETS” (Luke 6:26)! And, to this day, the “GOATS” continue to praise them and their ministries! But we, who are born of the Spirit of God, KNOW…that “…MANY ARE CALLED, but FEW are chosen” (Matt. 22:14), “because STRAIT is the gate, and NARROW is the way, which LEADETH unto life, and FEW THERE BE that find it” (Matt. 7:14). We are known as “…THE CALLED according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28), for “…the Lord KNOWETH THEM that are HIS. And, let every one that NAMETH THE NAME OF CHRIST depart from iniquity” (2 Tim. 2:19). Day Star Publications (DSP) is NOT AT ALL AFFILIATED WITH the evangelical religious television network called “Daystar.” The purpose of DSP is to URGE EVERY SOUL TO REPENT, just as Noah preached in his day, being himself “…a PREACHER of righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5). DSP is warning others, urgently using the words that the apostle Peter used on the day of Pentecost, saying, “…SAVE YOURSELVES from this UNTOWARD [warped; winding] GENERATION [an age]” (Acts 2:40). Only YOU CAN! Day Star Publications
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 18:14:36 +0000

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