dear Sister Roma & drag queens: facebook says people need to - TopicsExpress


dear Sister Roma & drag queens: facebook says people need to use their real names for safety reasons, right? to keep everyone safe. thats their reasoning. listen, dont even engage them in that argument. whenever a govt or corporate entity says theyre doing something for safety reasons, theyre lying. this is something everyone should know. Its a basic trope of propaganda. want to push thru a nonsensical, violent or antidemocratic policy? Just tell the people its to keep them safe, and they will normally bend right over for it. examples: LIE: FDA banned artisinal cheese to keep us safe from the potential hazards of homemade cheese. TRUTH: the growing market for artisinal cheese was cutting into the market of Kraft and other Big Food companies, so they banned it. LIE: florida has laws saying that for the safety of residents, all structures meant to be inhabited have to be hooked up to the corporate electric & water supply. TRUTH: more and more people are choosing off-grid lifestyles. Since this lifestyle represents an existential threat to the system as we know it theyre trying to ban it. Theyre trying to make it illegal not to be dependent on the corporate tit. LIE:weve have military operations in over 100 countries in the world to keep us safe from terrorists. TRUTH: weve invaded over 100 countries in the world because we need their resources in order to keep our industrial empire going, and we call the people who resist our aggressions terrorists. LIE: we need to monitor all of your electronic communications in order to keep you safe. TRUTH: were spying on everyone in the world in order to steal trade secrets, strategize against both our enemies and allies, and quash dissent. LIE: reporters werent allowed at the occupy eviction for their own safety. TRUTH: the occupy eviction was an overt, stalinesque abuse of state power.. we dont want you to see it. LIE: facebook says real names to be used for the safety of all. TRUTH: real names are supposed to be used so that facebook can have as thorough a record of everyone as possible for the corporate security state. and on and on. so next time Obama, the police, anyone in govt, or FACEBOOK says its for your own safety or to keep you safe, please see thru it and dont even bother engaging with them as if its a serious argument. the more you know! ・.:*・°.:*・°☆ #mynameis #mynameisroma
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 02:28:27 +0000

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