dear all, i keep reading comments on our armed forces,their role - TopicsExpress


dear all, i keep reading comments on our armed forces,their role in our politics,their abilities,their inabilities..while i am no spokes person or a rep of d armed forces here or anywhere,but i always assume this self proclaimed duty to defend them,, i do this as i hv seen d other side of d fence too,i know very well wat r d myths n realities on each issue..YES d army has proclaimed martial laws,YES d army has a role in our politics,YES d army gets involved in issues which r not in its domain.. but there r reasons to each of its doings,,i can write volumes on d facts n realities of MOST of these happenings..our army is just a segment of this nation,ppl from this very nation r parts of our uniform,same creed n same blood line same it too has d same shade of gud or bad,as that is of our nation..yes army too has corruption,but unlike d civilian system,there is a very simple rule there,if u r caught no one can spare u..THAT IS D THUMB RULE at all levels..most of u may not know,but this institution has sent home GENERALS on minor CHARACTER FAILINGS.. i humbly request our members to comment FREELY N participate in discussions on our armed forces,but at d same time,not to comment/refrain if they do hv adequate KNOWLEDGE of any issue or how d system of d army works..they gain nothing except a few minutes of sadistic pleasure but in d longer run it is a very big UNINTENTIONL blow.. no ARMY fights a war on its own,but NATIONS fight a war along wid their army at its fore front,our army is no different,it too needs our support..THEY DO NOT ASK FOR IT BUT THAT IS A PRIMARY COMPONENT TO WIN THIS do not be disillusioned by our biased media/paid anchors or a bunch of dis-hearted youngster/older men,however respectful/decent/knowledgeable n learned they may appear to u,as they may be d ones who wer at some point n time in their life REJECTED by d army to be inducted in its ranks n files..they all have a score to settle..yes genuine flaws by any bystander r legit n must be acknowledged,but its verification is a must.. pl take my word,OUR soldiers r doing d best they can,they leave no opportunity to serve our mother land..the battle invisible to MOST of u is ON for 12 yrs now,grave yds r full of our valiant sons n brothers but we do not see d reality n wat ever is shown to us is through d eyes n lips of d BIASED..sooooo sad.. i hv just a simple submission, they too have families/kith n kin/mothers n sisters,just like us,our single uncouth n biased remark pierces their hearts,,THEY R HUMANS TOO..if YOU can not be part of our national effort physically due to any inhibition ,pl do not slow d pace or break d will to fight by seemingly innocent n un-calculated passing remarks laying in beds..this tantamount to NEAR TREASON as i see it.. each n every member of our forces has his life on his palm top for us n d country,n they r proving it daily ,every day ,wid out fail by giving in dozens of lives.. pl be appreciative/positive n if u can not be grateful towards their sacrifices atleast verify ur accusation before u utter it in public or paste it on d walls of ur computer.. NO BIG DEAL but by showing a little care YOU can be helpful n become part of d larger effort..who ever started it but NOW it is OUR WAR.. .... copied from somewhere.. Bravo !!
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 07:07:16 +0000

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