dear mom- wellll. ever since I moved out, we dont talk a lot. at - TopicsExpress


dear mom- wellll. ever since I moved out, we dont talk a lot. at all. you havent texted in like a month and a half and youve only called me a few times.. me and you have been through a lot of shit, & Ill always love you because youre my mom. but when it comes to liking you? I dont. youve pushed me down in a way no one could and I know you told me not to post this shit but I gotta. this weekend was supposed to be our weekend together.. but you ignored me.. I guess itd just be nice to have a supportive mother and not someone who is just constantly disappointed in me and doubts me. dear dad- Thank you for always keeping my chin up & pushing me to do better in life. youve done things in the past Ill probably never forgive you for, and yes there are times when we argue and have our differences, but I love you. I miss spending time with you too.. things arent the way they used to be but im not even gonna get into that because Ill just get heated. dear crush- my crush is my boyfriiiennndd and bb you are amazing. Youre my backbone & my whole world. youve been there for me more than anyone ever has for the last year and im lucky we got to spend it together. weve been down a lot of rough roads, & just like I told my dad.. youve done some things Ill probably never forgive you for, but thats okay. we get through thick & thin. I love you more than anything, & everyday I fall in love with you all over again. we make some of the best memories of my life and I couldnt ask for a better boyfriend♡ girl best friend- you dont exist -.- females< guy best friend- well were not supposed to talk anymore.. but youre an amazing person. you have a huge ass heart & youre strong asf for putting up with all the bullshit you go through. just like my crush^
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 03:38:00 +0000

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