dear suffering teenager Know its not easy, the way you drag - TopicsExpress


dear suffering teenager Know its not easy, the way you drag through your days. I know that you hate getting out of bed just to push through another day. More time spent feeling wasteful and useless i understand that feeling of self-hate. Being at the state of just wanting to give up on yourseld and all that brings you down. But i am here to tell you, you dont deserve to feel this way. You deserve to smile and laugh and be carefree and young You have beauty. No matter how many times you deny it. I can it in you. inside and out. I care about your well being and i care about the way you say your not sure how much longer you‘ll hang on. You need to know your strong. You need to know everything will turn out okay. Its not going to be this way forever. You need to know your LOVED. I love you. Even though i may not know you, you mean something to me. And im here for you whenever your doubting yourself. I know life is hard, and people lie amd decieve and hurt you, but im not people. I‘ll be here through whatever problems your having. I wont abandon you. We wont abandon you. You should always have someone to lean on. We‘ll be ur friend. You will be loved. Always
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 15:19:18 +0000

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